Love & Relationships - Becoming More Attractive to the Opposite Sex

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Becoming More Attractive to the Opposite Sex

Ken Fairchild (  ) writes the following on July 29, 1998.


  • The life changes brought about by opening up to his higher consciousness (deep subconscious) through our course. Warmer natural interactions with individuals of the same and opposite sex.

Hello Gerald:
I really like the tapes.

I think a warning/disclaimer for the course is needed. Once a person listens to your tapes and has a glimpse of a higher level of consciousness, it’s difficult to imagine that person’s life not being changed forever.
I don’t think that person could view the world through the same eyes again after discovering the higher levels within.

I have bought many motivational and mind entrainment tapes in my lifetime and find yours by far superior to all the others. This course has been very uplifting.
One of the purpose in ordering the course was to get more enjoyment out of life. I am just starting, but so far, I am very excited with the results. People are interacting with me in a very friendly and positive manner, often in unexpected ways. I have even had someone, very, very hostile to me in the past, talk over the phone and wish me well. People have been going that extra step to be nice.
I seem to have become much more popular with the opposite sex. Without even trying anything consciously! Wow!

Byron Lacy (, a recent student send us this feedback on June 30, 1999 about the training course.


  • Astral projection, communicating with the vegetable kingdom and self-improvement. 

I am working on the third tape of the course and have been thrilled with the results I have obtained. Two days ago, while listening in to the tape ( I was very tired at the time and not really paying attention to what it was saying but rather letting my subconscious do all the work for me) I was very surprised to find my perception in my dining room, while my body was in the bedroom!!

The tapes have done what I had hoped they would do, which is to accelerate my self development.  I have been having a much different outlook on the world, especially where plants and animals are concerned.  I have been able to connect with plants by a sort of concentrated looking at them, with no thought in my mind, and there is a definite connection between the plants and my solar plexus.  Also my entire body seems to “slow down” to more I watch  plants, and I have become aware of  plants as living beings rather than objects. Also for some reason I can get dragonflies to land on my hands now. In fact I had this happen 22 times this last weekend.  I would hold my hand up a foot from my face, and with my mind, ask the dragonflies to land on my hand, and they would ! In fact two landed on my hand at one time. I know they are small creatures but this filled me with a sense of joy.

I have had a much better image of my self, been much more happy, and my ego seems more “healthy” than it had ever been before.

Also, people, especially strangers, are much more friendly to me, especially women. And I do not think it is because I have changed the way I am acting.

I am also having many more synchronicities in my life, and my intuition, which has been pretty good all along, is getting much better and much more consistent.

The only sad thing about this is that the people I am around seem to be “asleep” now. That’s the only way I can explain it, and they also seem to be totally at the mercy of their egos. ( I had stated earlier that my ego feels more healthy, more strong…it also feels like a separate entity of me.   I feel now more like I am a silent presence, using my ego to accomplish my tasks here on the material plain, rather than feeling like I AM my ego).   I find myself often wishing I could wake them up.

I thought Matrix was a fantastic movie and was glad you had the same opinion.

Feel free to publish this letter. I feel  your Course to be a great help and of immense value to ANYONE who would use it, and if I could help someone make up their minds and use the course in some small way, I would feel honored.

Thanks again for the guiding light.

Byron W. Lacy

You can also publish my e mail address and I would be glad to communicate with anyone about my experiences. 

Shake Malalo a recent Remote Viewing/Remote Influencing combination trainee wrote to us this testimonial on August 31, 2004

Subject:Increased interest originating from the opposite sex

 Dear Gerald, 

I am already doing the training and I am left with three tapes to finish the first round of the RV/RI course. 

I would like to increase my intelligence drastically.  Should I listen to tape 3 (the one that changes brain circuitry) several times or what should I do?

Ladies seem to like me more than before.  Why is this so?   Is this a result of the training? 

All the best Gerald. 



Patrick  a recent young trainee, writes this enthusiastic feedback on December 11, 2003.


  • Inner permanent changes of peace, goodness, bliss and joy while training with the RV/RI combo.
  • Increased IQ and download of information while attending university classes.
  • Increased intuition. Predicting sports results in advance.
  • “Reading” people’s thoughts and emotions.
  • Increased attention from the opposite sex.
  • Getting innovative business ideas.

Bravo, you will have a major impact for goodness!

I am approaching 2 months since I started using Gerald’s audio programs, Remote Influencing and Remote Viewing combined program. I strongly feel the combined program is a must. The skills learned in one program help deepen insight into the other and vice versa. By following the outlined step by step process I have really began to notice changes within myself and the way people react to me in social setting and even as far as my presence alone.

Since starting the program during the first month I noticed blurs of changes that would become brief moments of insight. These quick glimpses of insight even though were not consciously permanent assured me that something was in fact happening, something great was happening deep within that I consciously could not always be aware of. Most recently over the last 3 weeks I have become aware of permanent changes that I am always aware of. A pure feeling of goodness has become a part of me that can only be explained as myself smiling at the world and the world smiling back at me. It is a feeling of pure bliss that washes over me and makes me happy to exist as who I am because I feel now that I truly have control over who I WANT to be. If I do not have full control I strongly feel that I will attain full control by continuing the program.

The state of pure goodness has taken away stressful feelings out of my life. I truly don’t experience stress and worry about problems no longer. Yes I do have obstacles in my life being a student with financial issues but my focus has been shifted to solving the problem and no longer focusing on it. This shift in focus has been very positive and these obstacles have become much easier to overcome when I noticed how insignificant these obstacles really are. They have become so insignificant that I truly laugh at how insignificant they are and at one point in my life caused me so much stress and worry.

Through the training many different changes have taken place then I could have really imagined. Going to school as a multimedia major creativity is very important. Through the help of this program my creativity has increased by leaps and bounds. At certain times I experience what I have personally understood it to be as an information download. This is a moment in time usually experienced during a social setting and I am engaged in a conversation that I experience a burst of information about the certain issue at hand being discussed. This is usually very exciting, as all of a sudden my knowledge about a specific issue becomes intensely broadened especially with intensified perspectives and powerful observations. My participation in lectures has become very interesting with insightful comments and at times very exciting especially after correcting the professor and sharing a very insightful detail that has left the professor rather speechless at one point or another. Just recently this has led to my professor asking me to come and join him in a discussion about some of the finer points I have made in class. He was very interested in knowing how I have come to realize these perspectives and gain such deep insight. Being 21 years of age the professor was very intrigued and had to admit that some of my comments were over his head. One of his remarks that left a deep impact within me was when he explained that my level of intellect was more of an older gentlemen’s with about 40 years of life experience.

A very interesting change within me that has taken place is the very large increase in intuition. I have become very intuitive to the point where I know who is going to win a sporting match. Usually the day before I am able to predict which team in a multitude of sports will win. On one particular day I experience an information download pertaining to five different basketball games for the same day. It was rather very exciting as my friends and I watched each prediction come true.

On another note my intuitive senses have let me know what someone will say before they say it. It is very natural and happens with no concentration. I have experienced this before the program but to no degree in frequency as I experience this now. It seems to happen at least a couple of times each day, on some days it happened many times over. Most of the time it happens with people that I spend the most time with. It’s funny because sometimes I keep saying the same comment another person is making at the same time, and this usually will happen with the same person over and over. It gets interesting by the fifth time and the person kind of looks over with a bewildered look but never speaks their mind.

Taking the intuitive aspect a little further during certain times I experience a blast of thoughts from another person. This is usually during a social occasion were people are rather relaxed. This blast of information usually is a mixture of thoughts about people along with their feelings and emotions attached to the thoughts. It is rather extraordinary to feel what someone else is feeling. It has rung true over and over when someone would look at someone and I would get a blast of information for example in one situation I understood that a certain person rather disliked another. Once the person had left the area the person that I got this information from turned to a friend and expressed their dislikes. More frequently I get this insight when someone is directing thoughts towards me. This is even more frequently the case when it is a person of the opposite sex with strong emotions towards me. : -) I have very much so noticed the opposite sex taking a much stronger interest in myself, which is definitely, a positive thing!

On a grander scale I have experience insight into rather interesting ideas of business. Business ideas that do not at this point exist through my following up on them. People spend lots of time even a lifetime coming up with a one of a kind ideas. I have experienced two true one-of-a- kind ideas that I am very excited about and I look forward to materializing these two ideas in the future.

One of the aspects that has helped me enjoy my sessions with this program is the upgrade in my listening equipment. I started out with a standard portable tape player with a auto reverse feature but when I got to the part of the training course that required an extra long session the tape player would die out on power even after using a full battery. I would have to turn it off even for a second and that would always fix the problem. These few seconds of interruption really interrupted me and took me out of a deep state. After a few times of this I got myself a duel deck Sony player. This is very great as I no longer get interrupted and the dual deck produces a much better quality of audio sound.

The experiences that I have been allowed to experience and the changes within me have inspired me to write this to allow others to know what a strong impact Gerald’s course has had on me. I am very grateful to have been allowed to receive these courses. Thank you many times over Gerald for these courses that are very needed especially at this point in time.

Thanks, your friend
Patrick Bator

Joshua Lorne sent us this enthusiastic email on July 1, 2010 covering all the great benefits he received  from training with our combo RV/RI program.


  • Please visit the gamut of experiences below ( I may publish more detailed experiences he had in another feedback post)

Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

I began using your RV course in early April and experienced an Out of Body Experience on the first day after listening to RV CD 2.  It was an enormously powerful experience where I was led to what I believe to be a portal to heaven (and that I have been able to return to numerous occasions since).  Then, in early June I started to listen to your RI course.  While the RV course is excellent, it is akin to one beginning his or her undergraduate studies early on in life and is, in my estimation, a vital starting point prior to initiating oneself into RI meditation.  The RI course, however, introduces one to a whole different level of self realization.  The only way for me to describe its intensity would be to equate it to one pursuing a PhD in Dark Matter.  Whatever one may be unaware of that remains lurking in the deep subconscious mind and that prevents him or her from the spiritual evolution and intrinsic sense of happiness that is their birthright will have the light shown on that which is hidden and thereby healed.  And as you have claimed prior, Mr O’Donnell, a profound deprogramming/reprogramming occurs which is made evident by the myriad changes one begins to experience in his or her consciousness. 

After only a few months of working with your RV and RI courses, I have been able to experience the following: 

  • Intensified intuition to the extent that you immediately ‘know’ in absolute terms whether something is good or bad for you without ever resorting to self doubt/insecurity
  • Frequent synchronicities
  • Olfactory sensations
  • Improved mental cognition coupled with a seemingly higher IQ
  • Faster ability to read and comprehend even complex subject matter while being guided by the Higher Self as to what (and what not) to read as a means to ensure one’s continued progression
  • Improved oral and written communication skills
  • Less need of sleep
  • Frequent lucid dreaming
  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Watching much less TV and grasping quite deeply that most programming is programming you
  • The ability to merge with matter at the molecular level on demand
  • Becoming much more attractive to and noticed by members of the opposite sex
  • Improved relationships via gaining a true understanding of intimacy and sensuality
  • A greater understanding of and ability to convey empathy and love to all living beings
  • Seeing time as illusory
  • Experiencing the frequent sense of ‘being on the threshold’ of something, knowing good is coming to you
  • Understanding profoundly that one’s ideals and dreams can not only be manifested into reality, but quickly and with much greater ease than the ego would have ever allowed for in its prior enslaved state
  • A powerful notion that you are always being protected and guided by The One
  • Friends who you have not heard from in a long while reaching out to you for guidance/advice after expressing that they felt a ‘compulsion’ to make contact with you without knowing why
  • Not experiencing loneliness even when alone or single due to a newfound ability to grasp the interconnectedness of all beings coupled with the idea of separation as a ridiculous notion
  • A feeling of inner peace and calm, even in the most trying situations
  • A greatly enhanced sense of gratitude for finally being able to connect to The One in the newly realized process of ascension out of the Dark Matrix
  • Gaining a truly profound understanding of the Zen mantra, “The only way out is in.”
  • The ability to cleanse one’s memory banks of experiences previously deemed to be irretrievably negative and emotionally draining while replacing this understanding with a near total recall of them in a compassionate and empathetic manner as events put in place to propel one’s consciousness to a higher state
  • The replacement of near constant egoic mind chatter with silence that resonates with high intelligence
  • Grasping the notion that the egoic mind is akin to an unruly child running rampant throughout your consciousness and allowing your Higher Self to assume full control of him as a stern but compassionate parental figure
  • Invoking your inner voice of the Higher Self to provide guidance and reassurance in troubling times
  • Understanding that surrendering supposed inevitabilities or situations with no apparent resolution to The One instead of relying on your willpower to compel a desired outcome is a far more desirable and effective way to live
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Improved performance in the martial arts
  • Improved physical appearance – the inner notion that one has slowed down the aging process
  • Spontaneously generated yogic breathing, especially during times of stress and anxiety\
  • The capacity to ‘assess’ the motivations and energy of people and things without becoming overwhelmed by them
  • Talking less, listening more 

Thank you, Mr. O’Donnell, from the bottom of my heart for providing me the freedom to live the life I was born to live.   


Joshua Lorne

    COPYRIGHT © 1997-2016

Gerald O’Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law

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