
Read What People Are Saying About Our World-Class Mind Training!

We have received thousands of positive reviews and have compiled some for your convenience. You may click on any of the links below to read authentic student testimonials categorized by subject.

The Portal Package


ARVARI  Success Stories 1997-2023

Nothing Speaks Better for Arvari’s PORTAL Life-Changing Transformative Power than the Enthusiastic Testimonials of our Worldwide Students Spanning 25 Years. 


 Deep Theta State Remote Viewing

 Deep Delta State Remote Influencing

 Career & Wealth

 Manifesting Mind & Body Super Powers

 Manifesting Powerful Experiences

 Extra-Sensory Perception

 Love and Relationships

 Connecting to the Universal One

 Our  Training is Reported as the Most Advanced Mind Development Program Ever




COPYRIGHT © 1997-2024 Gerald O’Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.