Manifest Powerful Experiences -Vivid and Lucid Dreaming
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Rose Szwed, a successful recent trainee, sent us this feedback. Subject: · Powerful Results obtained through taking our RV course. Mr. O’Donnell, You have been on my mind. The tapes are awesome. Let me tell you some of the benefits that I have derived from using these wonderful tools — the tapes almost every day and the breathing the light, well, everyday.
Thank you for your wonderfully affordable program. These are some of the benefits, not all though. There’s not enough space. Thanks isn’t enough. Rose Szwed
Dear Mr. O’Donnell:
Dear Mr. O’Donnell: George
Hi Gerald, With Many Blessings!! Mike
Dear Mr. Gerald O’Donnell, Here are my results in the last six weeks: My first experience was after being asked to send love to Universal Mind and watch for a response. A feeling descended over me – Deep, Clear, Peaceful Emptiness. At first I thought this is what the Theta Level brain wave is supposed to feel like. But after it was repeated a bunch of times and not on other tapes, I realized that Universal Mind sent me the exact feeling I expected that my visual metaphor for IT would feel like. My visual metaphor being a deep, still mountain lake reflecting, contemplating the moonless night sky. Next I found myself staring at something I didn’t quite recognize. It was over the instant I realized that I was staring at my bedroom ceiling and my eyes were closed. All my dreams are more vivid, I remember one or two just about every night and in one of them I had the prototypical OBE. I was watching a beautiful village in the Himalayas from up high. It was unusual in that the layout was a straight line down a rift in the mountainside. A Buddhist Stupa was in the middle and that area had a beautiful light I wanted to check out. Instantly I found myself there inside a shop that sells tea. A woman was waiting for the 12 yr old girl to finish bagging it. The girl was horizontal in the air and her 10 yr old brother was vertically levitating and reading his homework. They were doing it to show they could for a film crew. As usual just when I might have gotten the lucid dream thing going, I’m so surprised I wake up. Or I realize that what’s happening only happens in my dreams and I wake up. Lastly, our company plans on renovating the cavernous basement. Everyone has been moved to the upper 3 floors, but the sofa is still there and the heat is still on. I go there on my lunch hour to try practicing with the tapes when I’m not so exhausted I just fall asleep. I was listening to Remote view the past when I suddenly found myself face to face in the ring with a man wearing a 5 day old beard and 19th century boxer’s helmet made of leather straps. In the instant it took to experience how REALLY THERE I felt, I went blank and both my shoulders involuntarily flew forward as though I had just been hit in the chest. That is the most remarkable thing that’s ever happened. All the more so because in the last 6 months or so, I’ve been triggered into galvanic grief by a song. And one of them was the Simon and Garfunkel one with this chorus “In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminder of every glove that laid him low and cut him till he cried out in his anger and his pain, “I am leaving, I am leaving”, but the fighter still remains lye lye lye”. After 30 years I still remember every word of that song and was amused that Universal Mind or my Soul choose to serve up the 19th century boxer. I look forward to increasing skills, Rachel Rosenthal
Hi Gerald: I have been using your tapes for over a year now and combined them with meditation and reiki for a very powerful development experience. I have found that I have developed a greater degree of lucid dreaming and OOBE. I can now create the circumstances where it is relatively straightforward to hit the deep Theta state and maintain it. I have control over where I go and what I do while in the Theta state. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I can see my perseverance paying many dividends. I am also pleased that others have also gained much benefit from your course and am ready to embark on the next stage of the journey with your latest course in remote influencing. I will log onto your website with even greater interest. Please feel free to use this testimonials on your website. Regards and best wishes Tim McClellan
Dear Gerald: Here is a sample of what I have already experienced: Smail
Thanks for your advice the other day on the “vibration of the light” exercise. I tried it last night and found that the exercise flowed a lot better with the light bulb visualization. My dreams continue to be very vivid. The sensations that I get from my dreams are much more vivid that anything I get from the theta state. Sometimes at night I find myself out of my body and I can push my “spirit body” (I guess that what I would call it!) through walls, through trees. I have also felt a number of feeling sensations of going through a meter box (noise, electrical hum, metallic) and leaves on the ground outside the window (scratchy feeling). So it would seem that we feel with our spirit bodies just as we do with our physical bodies. Pretty amazing really. I have decided to withhold from making any investment decisions until after the correction occurs. I was intrigued by your comment to be aware of overseas markets. Do you see money coming out of US markets or do you see overseas markets being hit harder? Do you have any feeling on how big the downward spike will be in March/April? or do you think that the spike will occur earlier than this? Scott & Shelly Duncan
To whom it may concern: I have been in receipt of the Remote Viewing course for approximately three weeks. Since it has arrived I have listened to all of the tapes several times in sequence, and of late in a very random manner, one to two sides a night. There are several things I have noticed that have been happening of late. First and foremost my dreams have become exceedingly lucid. These are not helter skelter but are an every night occurrence. I have not ever experienced the detail, the richness and fullness of clarity up to this point. Some of these dreams have been of ordinary events such as would be in the normal waking state but most have been quite out of the ordinary. There has been no common thread to these with the exception of how clear and precise, alive and bright these have been. Some other things that have been happening is that I have had this overwhelming sense of peace enter me as though I have been covered with a blanket after being out in the cold for many years. I do not engage myself in the emotional turmoil and negativity that those around me seem to relish in. Not trying to become aloof or stand-offish, quite the contrary. It is as though I am being drawn away into another circle of people who have very similar mindsets as myself, a most welcome change of scenery if you will. Another thing I have noticed is that cherished people in my recent (with the past two years) past, with whom I have had no contact at all, are beginning to reenter my life. Sometimes while listening to the tapes I will have these people in my thoughts and Voila… here they are beginning to reappear. Coincidence? Don’t think so. As I have the Remote Influencing course on order as well I thought I would try an experiment, just on a hunch. One of my co-workers was very involved with a project he was developing for me. He was totally focused on the work at hand. I was sitting a few meters away from him reading a technical manual concerning this particular project. Not looking directly at him I moved my attention to and within him, concentrating on a spot just above his right ear and, in my mind, this spot was beginning to itch. No sooner did I have this thought, he reached up with his right hand and scratched that very same spot, still focused on his work. Again… coincidence? Don’t know. The one difficulty I am having at the moment is visualizing. As I am more kinesthetic than visual or auditory I have not been able to visualize with any consistency. I have what I call ‘shadow sight’ where things move out of the shadows, form into a subdued vision, then melt back into the shadows (such as visualizing a remote viewing trip to the different cities, Paris, Rome, Venice, etc…) and have even had flashes of brightly lighted, in comparison, sight. I have tried to recall what was happening during those brief moments, to analyze all of the sensory feelings and thought and recreate them during the next tape but I have had no luck or success to date. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I wish to thank you in advance for your time. Also I have one other request if I may. Since I am a very private individual I do not wish for my name to be used in any of your testimonials at present. Thank you. Best regards and wishes to you and again, I humbly thank you all. David W. McKamey
Greetings Gerald~! I am wanting to know if you could answer a couple things, and so you know I’ve been practicing the courses since 2007 or so: 1) when I first started the course I developed a major vibrating buzzing feeling over my forehead and crown, I figured it would chill out over time, but its been quite the opposite, the intensity is steadily increasing, steadily building. What is the cause of this? What is happening physiologically? It comes with lots of muscle twitching, and ear canal vibrations. I talk to others, and I don’t understand why my friends that also are doing the course do not experience this. Also sometimes while in session and going down , I sometimes get this full body tick or jerk, then feel like I’m falling backward, then it will chill out, and I can do my inside work….just want to know what all this really is, hard to find answers on this. I don’t detect anything dangerous, but would love to know what’s happening with that. 2) for approx a year, I have used sleep technology with the RI book, meaning I sleep with headphones and loop the book during full sleep period…..after about 2-3 months, I started having intensely vivid dreams, in various settings, with You sitting in front of me and we are reciting the book like a mantra, we’ve been in caves, church like settings, crystal looking buildings, etc etc.. I would really like to know if others are having these nocturnal meetings like this, I’ve never experienced such a thing…one time, we where in a cave, sitting on the floor and reciting the book, every once in while you’ll start to explain certain points in more depth, its almost as clear as if I’m listening to you in one of your interviews (and yes I know I’m listening to you in the h’phones, but in the dream state its not going with the book at all, I can wake up and the cd is one place be we where reciting another place, or you where lecturing one of the points, and the funny thing is that every time, you are wearing the strangest looking eyeglasses……) ok, the first q, is more important, but I’m really curious if this phenomenon has been reported to you before, as in, is there a higher school that has been entered, or what is happening, I’ve used sleep learning before many times , but have never experienced anything even close to these meetings, and Yes I am fully aware, that the you I’m seeing is a part of me , all the One, but whew! this has gone really deep, and boy is the book imprinted now….incredible fun this is some Mind Safari! Namaste Joel
I usually don’t e-mail people I don’t know but felt I really needed to this time. Okay first it is confession time. Unlike some of the other student’s comments I didn’t order lot of other program didn’t want to learn how to meditate better etc. Looking back I now realize I ordered it out of fear! Fear of the current economic conditions. I was hoping in my generous moments to find work for the company I am employed at so we could all keep our jobs. In my more selfish moments I wanted to win the lottery to take care of me and mine. I certainly didn’t care about this strange internet guy talking about quantum physics, Universal Mind, and all that other strange stuff. HOWEVER one night when listening to one of the cds I must have fallen asleep when suddenly IT happened, I was having a very strange very vivid dream when the room was suddenly full of beautiful vibrating light; I thought my heart was going to explode with joy and happiness at the overwhelming sense of love-peace-and joy I felt. It only lasted a few seconds but needless to say in those few seconds my whole outlook on life changed. I am now going back over the many articles you have written and also the cds only this time looking and listening for much much more. Thanks seem like so little to say for opening my eyes to this new world, but it’s all I can come up with. SO… Thank You Maggie Teske
Hello Gerald, I came across your site years ago, and have become an advocate of your concept of remote influencing. By trade, I am currently a multimedia web developer in Miami, and have worked on government projects at Fermi Lab and Argonne National Lab in Illinois for many years prior to moving to Miami. I am an engineer by education, and as you know we are a very hard breed to convince of spiritual issues. After much study of your material, I am convinced that you are (for lack of a better term) a modern day prophet. I want to thank you for your message and your obedience to making it available. About four months ago, I had the most vivid of dreams. As best as I can describe it, I was a light surrounded by lights that I knew to be other human spirits. In the center of us, was one massive light that was a greater version of us all. Upon awakening, the energy was so strong that it awoke my wife who felt the transition. There was a glow to our room that faded. In that moment of being awake, I knew that I had lived before, but I did not understand what it meant. I also had the impression that I could have stayed in that state if I desired. It was my first vivid dream of this type. Two months ago, I dreamed of a massive Tsunami, that came across the US from the North. I would normally have dismissed such a dream as too much pizza, except that it was as vivid and realistic as the first dream I mentioned. I had the impression that this dream might have two meanings, the first being a literal Tsunami; the second being a literal wave of consciousness unsettling everything we have come to know as real. I later found that my wife, and one of her close friends have had similar dreams. Yesterday morning, I entered an altered state of consciousness (delta) and asked the One for direction and confirmation on what exactly I’m supposed to be doing. Later that day, your message came. I don’t expect a reply. I just wanted to let you know that there is someone out here that is analytically minded, who has been searching for something for years, and is now having these unexplainable experiences. Thank you again for releasing your message. David C. Freeman, MSCIS Multimedia Developer Stein Gerontological Institute, Miami Jewish Home and Hospital at Douglas Gardens
Andy Beckman sent us this testimonial Subject:
Just wanted to give you a little bit of feedback here on the new courses. Many more insights have come to me about your mission. Hopefully, we can arrange a date and time to talk on the phone at length about this. Just let me know when it is most convenient for you. Thank you for your time and attention. As to others who would like to get the courses, I say: Go for it and use them!
Dear Gerald I have taken the RV/RI courses for a year and a half. 90% of my time has been spent on the RI course. It has been worth every minute I put into it. I have lucid visions at random times while using the tapes. These are visions that are unlike anything one would see in the ordinary world. Being new to this kind of thing, I didn’t know what they were. I have found out that it is astral projection. In other words, it is the spirit world, etheric realm, etc. It started out about five months ago. I was working a lot with RI tape 5 and the fire exercise on RI tape 7. In the middle of the exercise, I felt my body start tingling, then it went numb. My eyes remained closed, then everything in my field of vision came alive. There were colors and geometric patterns unlike anything I have ever seen. I found myself hovering in the air and shooting at a high speed into space. I saw stars and empty space, then what looked like a huge rip, like when cloth or paper is torn. Shapes were all over the place. Colors were more vibrant than anything I’ve ever seen. Things moved, and the closer I looked at them, the more colors I saw inside of them. It was like an infinite palette of colors. There were eyeballs spaced around in perfect patterns, which also were swirling with colors inside the pupils. Then I found myself floating in front of a big golden triangle with an eye in the center. There was an electric blue fire surrounding it. It sparkled and glowed. I felt myself being drawn into it, and then it made a big flash. I was being flooded with electric blue light. All of this was happening without me stopping to wonder what it was. All of a sudden I got very scared and thought “What is this? What’s happening?” I woke up suddenly and felt like I had been electrocuted. I ached for days. My head and teeth were numb, and I had a constant ringing in my ears. This has happened on several occasions. I have researched astral projection and near-death experiences and understand what it is. Believe me, I was terrified for a while. These happen spontaneously, and I can’t wait until the next one. I have healed several people. One friend of my family was in failing health. He was making preparations to go to a nursing home. I used RI tape 6 one time on him. Within days he was up and out of bed. He was going places and said that he hadn’t felt that way in years. He can’t understand why he recovered all of a sudden, but I doubt that he is unhappy about it. There are a lot of people I have on my list to try this on. There will be good results, I am sure. These things started happening with the diamond-self exercise on tape 6. I used it to amplify healing abilities. Needless to say, it works wonders. I have also been reading mystical writings, mostly Gnostic texts. I couldn’t help but notice parallels between these exercises and some old texts. One that stood out in particular was the Gospel of Thomas, verse 22. That’s all for now. Thank you, Gerald. Bernard Hubble COPYRIGHT © 1997-2023 Gerald O’Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law |