Connecting to the One -Experiencing the Universal One and the Love of Oneness, and having an Easy Flowing Life Filled with Frequent Synchronicities
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- Deep Delta State Remote Influencing
- “Thank you for Creating Such An Enlightening and Powerful System!”
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- Manifesting Powerful Experiences Testimonials
- Connecting to and Experiencing your Higher Self
- Out-of-Body Experiences – Astral Projections
- Total Life-Changing Metamorphosis Into a Higher and Joyful State of Existence
- Vivid and Lucid Dreaming
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- Extra-Sensory Perception Testimonials
- Mind Reading, Psychic Abilities, Intuition and Telepathy
- Telekinesis and Time Warps
- Premonitions, Successfully Foreseeing the Future
- Predictions of 9/11 and other Terror Attacks
- Avoiding Fatalities, Personal Injuries, or Natural Disasters by using RV/RI Skills
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- Love and Relationships
- Magnetizing Love to Existing and New Relationships. Finding your Perfect Partner/Beloved
- Becoming More Attractive to the Opposite Sex
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- Connecting to the Universal One
- Experiencing the Universal One and the Love of Oneness, and having an Easy Flowing Life filled with Frequent Synchronicities
- The Cosmic Orgasm of Light: Pure Energy Sexual Union. Use it to Manifest/Create Reality
- Attuning to the Frequency of Total Peace of the Universal One. Being in Joy
- Reports of Successful Psychic & Physical Protection using High Light Vibratory Shields
- Feeling of Loving Connectedness to Everything & Nature
- Getting the Powerful Notion that You are Now Protected & Guided by The One
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- Advanced Mind Development
- Professional Accolades & Gratitude at the Quality of the Training & the Personal Support Provided by Gerald O’Donnell
- ARVARI’s Training Acclaimed as the Best Value & Most Advanced Mind Development Program
- Heartfelt Gratitude from our Student Family
Experiencing the Universal One and the Love of Oneness, and having an Easy Flowing Life Filled with Frequent Synchronicities
Dear Gerald,
Perhaps you can help me out on this one:
First and foremost – THANK YOU for generously making available the Remote Viewing course. I can only define it with one word WOW!! and, as “Tony the Tiger” in that cereal commercial would come to say GReaat…. Comparison of your course to the Monroe Institute advanced training As a practitioner of the Monroe Hemisync Gateway protocol, your tapes have developed for me a surprisingly easy way to reach Theta 4/ Delta 2 and I would like to remark a bit on the comparison of the two systems. Robert Monroe developed what is called a “binaural” beat, that is, transmitting one tonal frequency in the right ear and a totally different tonal frequency in the left ear. The brain in trying to decode these two tones would, Monroe discovered, generate a THIRD distinct tonal frequency that unlocked a variety of mind experiences. These are called “Focuses” and, in providing some sort of definition for them I’ll provide a brief idea as to what the main focus points do. (There exist lower numbers but, we’ll concentrate on those higher ones that are parallel to generating the Theta/Delta state). I appear to have, through using your tapes, moved into an extremely profound Theta 4 / Delta 2 in which I experience an irradiant blackness (“Blackness Visible”). I believe that this is the Very State of Transition that all of the great You warn of this state at the very beginning of the course and yet, this appears to be a natural gravitation. We (my business partner and I) purchased your course to aide us in our venture, and believe me it has gone way beyond expectation. In all, the general experience of being able to Remote View our My partner using your tapes, has developed the same R.V. alpha/numeric abilities that I have and can literally read files thousands of miles away. This is but a small indicator of just how powerful your RV technique is. Another amazing happening I’ve had, as said in our earlier conversation, a number of remarkable I realize that I’ve been doing Theta 4/ Delta 2 since at least 1974/75 so I have been exposed to almost a Quarter Century (24 years) of I would heartily endorse the course to anyone who is emotionally stable and not taking mind altering chemicals. Although I have years of OBE and Theta 4/ Delta 2 exploration, I know that it works well since my business partner who was green behind the ears in this, is able to Remote View alpha/numerically effectively using your tapes.
Hans Peter R , a German student of our combination Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing courses sent us this very exciting feedback on February 20, 2010
My dear Mr. O’Donnell: Greetings to you and the academy from Germany. You have changed my life. I bought the combination RV/RI courses in February 2008. I went through your courses many times, repeating them over and over. Each time I did this, I became better at both RV and RI. I had previously done other mind improvement systems, attended many seminars here in Germany and all over the world but nothing even came close to what your courses offer. The material is awesome! I have told many about your profound methodology. I am really hooked on the CDs. They have totally transformed me. Many beautiful events have happened in my life since receiving your training. Synchronicities happen all the time around me. I can feel when they do, as they have this almost “unreal quality” about them. I feel very happy and bathed in light energy. People feel this and smile at me. They feel my happiness. I feel and look maybe 10 years younger, have great stamina, my mind is sharper than when I was a youngster (I am 48 now) and I feel this inner peace and happiness. I have healed myself of a chronic painful back injury I received while skiing in my 20s in the Austrian Alps which degenerated into discs problems and compression of the spinal cord. This and the subsequent arthritis had plagued my life for so long. It is all gone now thanks to your courses. I am pain free and returned to a full exercise schedule. I had a profound experience while listening to RI CD7 which left me bathed in brilliant golden light. That is when the healing occurred and I have not been the same ever since. Thank you for making all this possible. Now listen to this! (I have debated much whether you should publish this as I do not wish to become ‘famous” for privacy reasons or flooded with emails) : I won the Lotto here in Germany 2 weeks ago! I am receiving a very large sum soon! I always play here the lotto each week. Every week twice a week, I buy a single ticket to the drawing. Since taking your courses I have used the following method. I use the RV skills I have learned to feel, sense and view the numbers in advance. Most importantly I used the manifesting skills developed in your remote influencing course to convince my subconscious that I would win. I often used the “diamond body” technique to do this and see my new self happy and successful. I used many of your RI techniques to energize that event. They are incredibly powerful. I always feel gigantic energy in me while I am listening to the CDs and it stays with me with a little lesser intensity during the day. This inner light energy allows me to energize my thoughts is such a powerful manner. Many events that I Remote influenced last year did later happen. I guess this made me more confident about my skills. As you suggested in the course I did not attach any fixed time to my success but rather concentrated in convincing my subconscious that this had already happened. I was doing this in Delta and would reinforce it at times while doing lucid dreaming as you teach us. I have learned to feel vibrations of light and I used to focus that energy to my subconscious mind as I was listening to your training and visualizing what I wanted my life to be like. One day 2 weeks ago I went to a Delta state and asked for guidance on the drawing. Suddenly 6 numbers appeared in my mind. They were like dancing numbers with flecks (specks?) of gold around them. I immediately wrote them down. The vision had this sense of being both unreal, almost plastic, as if I could almost touch these numbers in my mind. I felt very calm about it. Somehow I knew that this was special and that I had received this information from a level of High Mind. I bought the ticket and imagine my face when I watched the drawing on TV. You know Mr. O’Donnell, I know now that anything is possible, but more than the money it is the difference I can make in this planet by RI a better world that makes me so happy! I thank you from all of my heart for your wonderful courses. Your indebted student for life. Hans Peter R Mark Wright ( ), a recent graduate, writes to us the following comments on April 20, 1998. Subject:
I just found out that I have been accepted into Columbia State University for a Doctorate Program in Theology. Got the news this Friday!!! Jesus said that the Lion will Lay with the Lamb, for all thoughts shall be as one. Love is the interatomic that is part of all. Mark Wright
Message: Dear Mr. O’Donnell: I wanted to let you know how I was doing with your R.V. course. In short, beyond all expectations! Most recently, I went RV’ing the crucifixion. Words are far to inadequate to relate the emotions I experienced. I really felt a physical warmth that was emanating from Mary, the Holy Mother. I believe that I have been in rapture ever since. But before that I thought I had already experienced many levels of explosive improvements in my progress after what seemed like painfully long periods of “plateau” (not progressing). Each new level felt like I had really gotten the intended message of the former one. Now I realize how far I have to go, and when the time is right the next step will become evident to me. I have only been learning for 8 months. Initially, I felt that in 2 or three months I’d “be there”? Well I now see so clearly that it’s a process that takes steps, as only each person can delineate for there own, how and when each evolution takes progression. All things in their proper season. My trading is now effortless. I am either winning or not trading. I am a day trader that uses a system that sometimes can give 30 signals per day. However, that is no longer the case. Somehow, the more I let go and relax, the more it seems clear when and when not to take a trade. Also every aspect of my life has become so effortless! What used to seem like insurmountable tasks are now not much more trouble than breathing or making the heart beat. In essence, if it’s right it’s unencumbered by any means. Time has lost almost all value. I would find it hard telling the teacher that it’s not important that my kids did or did not get on the bus at 7:45am but somehow inside me I know that if I did that would be fine too. Occasionally I have to testify in court as an expert witness. This used to be an unimaginably painful experience at lawyers cross examination – but now they seem to start there “grilling”, look puzzled, and just stop! I feel all this is due to you giving me the opportunity to learn deep truths, through the R.V. course. Thanking you seems inadequate but that seems appropriate at least for you kindness. I try to go to theta early 6:00am EST every day, to start the day off correctly and often do it at many more occasions. Let me know when you have more advanced courses available. I know that my greatest levels are yet to come perhaps even full illumination of the crown chakra. That is a dream I have had for many years. Perhaps it could be. Sincerely Trainee-James Wesley
Dear Gerald: Pamela Slayton ( ) send us this important feedback on August 25, 2001. Subject:
Mr. O’Donnell, No response necessary to this email. Just wanted to kind of check in. My progress with the tapes has been slow due to vacation and my children being home for the summer. I am starting tape 3 on Mon. Remote Viewing in and of itself, although interesting, is not really my goal. My goal is Higher Consciousness living. So far, I find the tapes remarkable and I want to thank you for making this available to the public. I am glad you have the FAQ’s on your site because they have proved helpful to me. I knew I wasn’t really falling asleep, I can tell the difference, but it is reassuring to note from the FAQ that what is happening to me is progress. I was worried that I wasn’t paying enough attention to your words. Once I started to become more of a passive listener, I found myself in a “floating” state with various images coming and going from my mind. I get to the point where I am no longer fully conscious of the words on the tape, until I am told to start coming back! PS-feel free to post this if you find it might be useful to others who are just starting out.
Hi Gerald: Making great progress! I feel more relaxed and in self-control than ever before. I feel connected to the All. My energy body is strengthening and I can feel the lightness. I can connect with anyone I want with ease. I feel more protected energetically. And a sense of trusting has increased. Now that I’ve seen the Matrix I know that I can go beyond it, to true reality. Thank you, peace and happiness. Brian
Dear Gerald, Thank-you so much for the service that you provide! For many years I have felt nothing, just apathetic about everything. I was like a prisoner of war, unable to break through the matrix. It would seem that I was content to buy into the world system, the mass consciousness. It was a real wake-up call. Not to mention how very depressing it was to realize that I was content with a physical reality now, and a spiritual reality in the after-life. Your course has helped me to reconnect with my creator, and to grow as a spiritual and eternal soul. I’ve only been using the tapes for a few months, but already my life has changed so much! I feel so much joy and happiness and inner contentment. I appreciate so much being part of the big picture! Thank you for the advice that you gave me on my follow-up call. I look forward to going through your second set of tapes as soon as they are available. Thank You again, Mr. O’Donnell for all that you do! Sincerely, Jesse W. Bestgen
Dear Gerald: Here is a sample of what I have already experienced: Smail
Hello Gerald, I wanted to let you know about one of the really neat thing I got out of reading the “Out of the Matrix” material. For years I have been familiar with an American Indian phrase stating that “we are all related.” I had my own ideas of what it meant. However, since I have been meditating on the “One”, I have a whole new perspective. We are all related indeed!! My family is much bigger that I could ever imagine it until now. I look at trees, rocks, birds and people walking down the street and realize the connection. It’s heart warming. The illusion of being alone is instantly washed away when I look upon a blade of grass. Thanks again Ken
I just wanted to thank you for the remote viewing course. I received it on 1/7/00, and starting using it on 1/8/00 – and have been using it usually every other day. I have just completed tape 2, side B, and know that I am going slow, but I wanted to make sure I really integrated what I was learning, so that I could repeat it myself at will. Additionally, my days are so long, it sometimes is hard to fit it in, but I know that if I make the time, it will be much more than worthwhile. I have been recovering from a flu after a gallbladder operation, and didn’t want to push myself, but find that after listening to your tapes, that I feel much better and more relaxed than usual. Interestingly, the night that I received your tapes, even without opening the package yet, I had very lucid dreams, and experienced a pulsating blue and white light upon awakening. It seemed as if my soul was happy that I was going to continue a journey that I started in fits and starts a long time ago. For years now, I have been able to remote view spontaneously – or astral project, and this usually was facilitated from the “dream” state. I never could control it before. I would “dream” about events that would happen in the “future” over and over, and they would happen. I feel very excited about being able to open up my consciousness even more. To be in control of these abilities and to expand them has always been a dream of mine, but one that I thought I would never realize, because I wasn’t sure how to “go about it.” After listening to side A and side B of Tape 2, I felt an accelerating, as if I was about to leave my body. I was startled, which caused me to stay in my body, but felt a heightened sense of awareness, and a rushing, with tiny pinpoints of light, as if I was going at warp speed in one of those Star Trek episodes. I have also gotten pictures of people and objects, usually in a golden light, that appear very briefly and then disappear. The first time after I listened to side B of Tape 2, after getting up and moving about, I felt as if I was taller than my body – as if I was about a foot above my head, or something. I had never experienced anything like this before, and it was a verification that something very good and unusual had come out of my first listening of that side of Tape 2. I felt a presence — almost as if my higher self were more merged with me. On side A of Tape 2, when you said to send love to the Universal Mind, I did, and felt a wonderful love in return – I also pictured Jesus, and felt him reach out and touch/embrace me and felt tremendous warmth and love from him, as well. Just that experience alone was priceless. It certainly was well worth more than the cost of the tapes. I have two cats, and they have seemed more bonded with me and even more affectionate than before I started the tapes. They were both feral when they “adopted” me, and I have had to do a lot of work with them, and be very patient and loving to earn their trust. They have come around, but much more quickly with the tapes. They follow me around more, and seem to want to be near me more. That is such a precious feeling. Other animals normally gravitate to me, but now they do so more than ever, as well. This is very exciting for me, as I have always wanted to communicate with animals. I am still on my first leg of my trip, and it may take a little time, but I’m getting there, and I wanted you to know that I feel that your tapes are very special. I have tried a lot of things out there, such as hypnosis tapes, etc., etc., and have never gotten the results that I have gotten with your tapes, and in such a short time – AND, I haven’t even done half of them, yet! It truly blows me away. I am truly impressed, and when I feel I am ready, I will be contacting you with more info/questions. Thanks for providing this wonderful course at such an affordable price. It has enabled me to pursue my soul growth, whereas if it was more expensive, I might have had to put it off a little longer. I look forward to relaxing with your tapes, and listening to your soothing voice – it feels like a heaven that I can go to anytime I want. Thanks again! Rebecca
Just a note to let you know that I started the combined RV/RI course in October 2004 and the journey has been amazing and joyful. I feel like a chesser cat sometimes when I walk around on my way to or from work or running errands, etc, with a wide grin on my face and my body spasmodic with pleasure of experiencing a heart that’s wide open!! Watching/feeling people and animals and plants as part of the ONE, part of myself, is just….. I have no words for it except “bliss-full” Ha-ha!
Dear Mr. O’Donnell, I have been training for over six weeks now with the RV & RI courses. This has been the most amazing positive experience of my life! I do believe I was attracted to these courses by divine providence. I felt my whole life that there was something wrong with the world and all of the religions including my former one (Jehovah’s Witnesses). At one time I thought this was the true religion and then when I began to see the hypocrisy among my brothers. I lost my faith in that religion and I dropped out. For a long time I felt hopeless thinking that there was no GOD at all, that there was no SUPREME BEING, that we were only a product of evolution. I now understand the words “I am that I am”, “my father and I are one, but he is greater than me.” This has been the most enlightening experience I ever had, and I look forward for more enlightenment! Little did I know that the ONE truly is within us, and having already felt It, it is the most wonderful feeling there is! I believe in the unbreakable law of Gal.6:7 namely that “whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap.” Based on the choices we make today, our outcomes will be good or bad. The choice that I have made is to be a co-creator of a better world for myself, my immediate family, friends, and ultimately rest of mankind for I now know that I am them. I love them as I love myself. Much Love, David Pineda
Hello Gerald, I’ve began working with the RI tapes, and I want to tell you that they’re amazing, the change of vibratory level I’ve experienced have been automatic! I’m used to different type of techniques and visualization but for the first time I can say that they are manifesting in my daily live and overall in my attitude towards the “matrix”. There’s a big step between the RV and the RI tapes, though I consider both necessary as it is much easier to enter the delta level once you have worked with the other tapes. I am more interested in my spiritual development than in searching for targets though with the RI tapes it is clear that all doors are opened easily. Just a few questions: As I see the most important is to work with our emotions and our fears, I see clearly how the key are in our fears as I realized right now that even though I did meditation, visualization, etc and positive thinking my fears keep going ..and have manifest in my life all the time. Connecting to the One is the key, once I experience the dissolution of myself is when I see that we all are One and then the comprehension of that we are creators of our reality arrives. But how can you empty yourself, feel the vacuity and at the same time keep the feeling of your flame within yourself- keep the feeling of a me-myself? How can I have a Will TO REMOTE influence or create a reality if the goal is to return to the One and then you don’t have to do anything? Is that when one identifies or lose the ego and enters in the ocean of the One there’s no need to do anything , as the “reality” manifest itself by the One? Or what you try to say is that in the meantime as we are still in this matrix we have to remember that we are creators in order to change and manifest another world of higher light and love as a new level to get-approach to the One? The most incredible and beautiful of all is the connection with our mother earth and keeping the flame within our heart. Right now I try to concentrate in myself, in going within and keep this flame and love for the earth and myself instead of trying to change or remote view things as I see one leads the other. My intuition is quite incredible right now, I can feel and hear what people think and even the feelings of the people I know that are in Madrid, though it is easier for me to feel the emotions than to visualize, but I’ll keep working on it. Thank you for your help. Love Almudena
Thank you Gerald for allowing this very important information become attainable for those that will and desire completion within themselves. I have been practicing with Gerald’s RV/RI tapes for about a month now. For a new student this period of time is very crucial and important for building a strong foundation of understanding and motivation that will allow for a proper transitory state of passage to take place from the “now” embodiment of the matrix. After completing my first month I cannot help but to share some of my understandings about the RV/RI combo course and the magical experience I had with the RI course. Through most of my first month I was filled with pre justified thoughts and expectations of what I should experience as a practitioner of RV & RI. I was blinded from what I was truly experiencing by pre-determined expectations of what I should be experiencing. Before I started the combo course I filled myself with knowledge about RV and the potentials of RV. By doing so I became blinded through my expectations of the course. Towards the end of my first month a thought manifested inside me, this thought or idea told me not to focus on what is ahead of me in the far distance but to look down and focus on what is directly in front of me. This thought indicated to me that I would never get to what I could see in the distance if I kept stumbling over my own two feet by not paying attention to what was directly in front of me. At this point I started to understand what this course is really about. To me this course is about rebuilding myself, but before you can rebuild anything you must first deconstruct it. I think of deconstructing myself a lot like undoing a knot. Realizing that I have been a part of the Matrix for my whole life I must have accumulated one big, very complicated knot that will take patience and dedication to undo. As soon as I decided to strip away my expectations of the course and recalibrate my focus to the “now” I then began noticing the changes that started to take place. I noticed that people started looking and reacting to me differently. I became more sensitive and could almost feel instead of see people looking at me. I could feel the energy within me become stronger and vibrate faster. My sensitivity towards people increased, taking a measurement of other peoples vibratory status became easier and almost instantaneous. I began noticing the correlation of vibrating energy to the contrasting moods people were feeling. I began feeling and almost feel as if I could sense people’s will of action towards me. It feels almost like reading someone’s thoughts. I could go on and on about the changes that have taken place and the changes taking place, but my point is I could never had these wonders taking place if I hadn’t peeled away my expectations and rejoiced in the present “now”. Surely I would have not had the experience that I had last night. Through this course the important message about patience and awareness that I had learned made me spend time with RV course tapes 2,3 and RI course tape 3. I felt that I shouldn’t go on and should be patient, amplify my focus and take baby steps. Last night I felt something inside me tell me to start on RI course tape 4. The experience that I had took me to the most relaxed state of being that I have ever experienced. My body was asleep but my mind stayed awake. My body felt as if it disappeared, and I existed only within my mind slightly above my body. I could not totally except this state at first and would transition from feeling my body to not feeling it at all. When I did feel my body it felt paper thin, a sensation that I never felt before. It was truly interesting. As I became more comfortable with what I was experiencing I decided to go with it, and then I could only feel my body of light. I knew this was my body of light because I was swaying side to side as if I was floating on a body of water. I kept swaying like this for some amount of time, I cannot say for how long because I had lost all perception of time itself. As I kept sinking further within myself I started to experience a connection, a connection that embraced me with a flood of white bright light. This light was soft and pleasant but bright and intense at the same time. Maybe strong white light is the right way of describing it. The light filled me with such feeling of joy and happiness that it left me tearing from joy. I wished that everyone could feel this great happiness and thanked it for allowing me to feel this happiness and joy and everything pleasant and right all at the same time. This was truly something breathtaking. This experience has left me internally smiling throughout this whole day and feeling a lingering connection with the strong white light. I know inside that I will experience this again and simply embrace and invite more experiences that will be allowed for me to experience. I look forward on moving onward through my course with patience and no set expectations. I simply feel open to experience.
Hello Gerald, Just dropping you a line to let you know of the effects your course has had on my life. Your course has blown me away, my life has changed… Thank you so much Your student Aaron Stevenson
Hello Gerald, Well, I have just completed both courses; first the RV training and then the RI straight after. It’s time now to give you some feedback. I am so glad I have done this training. It has been worth every cent. A friend of mine has also now purchased both courses, and I even paid half of the cost for her because I am so thoroughly convinced of its efficacy and its beneficial effects. I feel really quite different now; a different person almost to the one who started the courses barely 5 months ago. Reality also feels and looks different in many strange and exciting ways. Not long after I started the course, I was basically forced into watching my thoughts like a hawk, because some negative events occurred at that time that were clearly manifestations of some fears that I was nurturing in my mind. I won’t go into details about what those events were, but they left me in no doubt that I caused them to happen. I felt a little out of control about it, and I was concerned that perhaps I just would not be able to monitor my thoughts enough to prevent further negative events from occurring. But on the other hand I also felt reassured that really I WAS creating my reality and therefore I would be able to manifest positive things if I just changed my thinking. I continued to practice with the tapes consistently, supported with some other quiet meditation and appropriate reading. I monitored my thoughts as much as I possibly could, and as soon as I caught a negative thought, I would replace it with a positive one. During particularly rough times at work or at home, the tapes were always a comforting escape, and they offered reassurance and almost instant relaxation. They helped me to focus on my inner life and stop me from dwelling on any outer problems and attachments. Anyway, when I had finished the RV training, I did some target practice, and while there was some encouraging success with it, I seemed to have far too much information and images coming into my awareness, to the point where it just seemed like a confused mess! Anyway, I found a strategy that eliminates the extraneous information, and has improved my accuracy. My previous approach was to lie down, and get into Theta or Delta and use a Dictaphone to record what I was seeing. But the strategy that works best in my own case is to sit up in a chair, relax for a few minutes, and record all impressions with a pencil and paper, similar to some of the protocols used in some other RV techniques. This method seems to eliminate a lot of extraneous information and images. Anyway, sometimes the results are so accurate that I find it completely amazing and surreal. Then I might have a few ‘misses’ and I lose some confidence, but I always come back to it and have a ‘hit’. The exercise that I have had the most success with is where you visualize putting on someone else’s head over your own. I get SO much information from this exercise. It has been especially reliable, helpful and insightful, although sometimes I have this icky feeling that I’m invading someone else’s personal space! But it has been of tremendous help to make sense of some people’s behaviors, and I find that rather than judging them for their behaviors or getting angry etc with them as I might have done before, I now have a great deal more empathy with them. It has really helped me to improve the way I communicate with some of my more difficult work colleagues and family members. The other thing that I wanted to mention is a little hard to describe, but more and more often I have these feelings where everything outside of me IS me. Everything; people, cars, trees, books, anything at all. My favorite tape was definitely 7B of the RI tapes, which I felt an immense connection with. It was like the icing on the cake, although ALL of the tapes were great and I felt that they all contributed to my progress. Some of the RI tapes were a little long for me – I get restless pretty quickly, but I hung in there, or if I was really restless, I would just stop the tape, get up and come back to it a bit later. The first two tapes of the RI course I listened to again and again and again. I think I could recite them by now! Anyway, I hope this feedback helps you in the ongoing development of the course, and perhaps gives reassurance to those who may be considering purchasing the course. Thank you Gerald for making it available to the public – it’s a great gift to the world. Regards Louise Harvey
Hello Gerald, It has been years since I bought your course, but you started me out on the RV path. I will always remember every evening going upstairs to listen to a tape. Getting so frustrated when I started to get itchy and just *had* to scratch when I was starting to relax :-). I will never forget that elevator that took me down down to theta.. and that wretched spiral staircase (cracking the visualization of walking round and down that staircase was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life ; but I eventually managed it :-). The room at the bottom of the staircase is still in my mind, the furniture, the screen on the wall….all ‘there’.. so well it was impressed in my imagination that it has become almost like a real memory. I still use those stairs and that basement when I need to get down as deep as possible. It got to the point where I could walk across the cold tiles I had put in the room, feel my feet on the floor and ‘be’ there; though I could never visualize the room as clearly as I wanted to. (I wonder if some people can visualize things so clearly that they can find themselves unable to tell the real from the unreal…and get stuck in their own minds. So we call them insane…mmm) Also the guided explorations into the ‘innards’ of plants and trees, putting heads on :-), and the wonderful soaring flights. What I am getting at is that I value your teachings Gerald. I may not agree with all of them, because I think I am more pragmatic than you …but as far as ‘The One’ is concerned I have similar ideas. I don’t really like the term ‘The One’ though as it brings to my mind a single supreme being and sci-fi stories, but that can’t be helped; a name isn’t that important I guess. Funnily enough, this last Friday evening I was on the bus traveling home from work, and I got into one of those relaxed ‘glazed-over’ states where I was just observing without thinking a lot, and I found myself looking at one of the other passengers. I suddenly though it was more a concept than in words… ‘She’s me but I don’t yet know it, neither does she…..they are all me…we are one and have been and will be throughout time….we are just separated by different bodies which age and die’. For an instant I ‘recognized’, and then that feeling of knowing went away as my conscious mind kicked back in. So ‘Bingo’ Gerald, and thanks. :-)) I do hope your son is OK now.
Dear Gerald, I’ve been practicing the RV tapes for more than two months now. It was not always easy to do it regularly, due to vacation time and grandchildren (I have 8) and everybody wants (and gets) my attention. I love the tapes and the more I listen, the more it grows on me. Today (Sunday) I am just by myself and I listened to tape 2, both sides. The love I felt, the warmth, so overwhelming. I am LOVE and I am LIGHT. Taking a shower I let my love flow through and to the water. Right now I’m listening to the sounds of the ocean waves. This coming week I will be in Germany, but after the 15th everything will be back to normal (I hope) and I will proceed with my meditations. One more thing I like to tell you Gerald. While meditating I had the sensation I was toppling over, losing my balance, I shrieked, the feeling was so real. Funny isn’t it? Love to you and all the Grillflamers. Manda
Dear Mr. O’Donnell, I feel humbled and privileged, and all I can send you is my love and my thanks for producing these wonderful tapes. But again, it’s more than that, and more than language can convey. Sue Parker
My world is so much more beautiful having completed the lessons on All I can say, it just happens… I make myself available, I do what I Gerald, you are special to be chosen and want to initiate our Sincerely,
Dear Gerald, My deep love and gratitude for bring up such courses. Words are not enough to express my Love and gratitude for you because you have opened the doors to Infinity for me. Your courses have helped me to realize my own Self, my own nature, which is infinite joy ever increasing and never ending ecstasy, and out of the Divine ecstasy arises incredible Love oceans full of Infinite Love. That is what we are all are and this is our mission to feel Infinite Love and ecstasy. By mastering your courses we can easily achieve this feat. We just need the intention and the rest is taken care of. I know from the bottom of my heart that you are channeling The One and Only One that IS God. This is very serious because through the medium of Gerald The One has given us, humanity, these RI and RV courses which are the key to liberation. I simply love RV/RI and practice them religiously everyday. It is my routine now. It is like if I don’t meditate thrice daily then something is missing in my day; the day is not complete… When I have time I meditate with CDs, and when time is short I meditate without the CDs. The amount of Joy that I feel is indescribable. This is what we are after, all of humanity. We want joy only. We run after money, women and all other worldly things because by getting them we feel joy. There is nothing wrong with it, but that type of joy is limited, and the joy we can get in meditation which is made effortless by your RV/RI courses is Infinite and ever increasing and never ending. That is it. My Life has completely changed. Now I live for this Joy and Love and everything is taken care by The One. I spend my day healing Mother Earth and the whole human consciousness. I feel so much Love for Mother Earth. It is our common responsibility to heal Her. I am going to give everything I have to heal Her. RV/RI has given me incredible powers but these are powers of Love and Joy. Love is the most powerful powerful force in the universe. I will give you an examples of the practical uses of the RV/RI course: 1- Even though I did not RI my family members, their behavior and the overall vibratory atmosphere of my house has changed because of my meditation sessions. It has become very peaceful and joyful. When you come in my room you can literally feel the Divine Presence because I do all my RV/RI in my room. 2- All the things that I think about come true and manifest in my life. It happens in such a way that I have to marvel at the Infinite Intelligence of The One. 3- I have made it a habit to heal instantly all the negative thoughts that I feel. EG , one of my friends, is very negative but I give healing to him and in my presence he becomes very cheerful and completely different. 4-All my vehicles work like magic. I feel that they also have consciousness and I can love them. My motorbike, even though not used for a long time would start on second kick. It works on battery and for that battery to remain charged it has to be used regularly, but magic happens! 5- I can read others’ thoughts, feelings and emotions, even of animals and plants. It is just a knowing. 6- While merged deeply with the One, at the level of now, where everything happens simultaneously, parallel thoughts and realities, I was given the message of healing the Earth Mother and humanity in daily life, being as much filled with ecstasy as possible because joy literally heals the wounds and it has a very deep effect on the environment. 7- I can easily Remote View the stock market very very accurately. It is freaky. I just do it to sharpen the edges of my mental concentration. 8- I can easily raise the vibrations of another person by RI and it happens in REAL TIME. When the RI starts you can literally see the change in that person behavior and emotions. I can go on and on. It is a very long story and I don’t want to blow my horn but this is possible for EVERYONE. all of us are the children of Infinity. We have the power to feel Infinite Joy, Love, and Light and now is the time to get it. In the end I just want to say that Gerald is amazing and very very humble, helpful, and lovable human being who has dedicated his life for the work of The One. I consider myself extremely lucky to have met this amazing master. All my love and blessing form the deepest core of my heart to my friend. He is an inspiration to me for dedicating my life for The One. Really it is our intention that matters. if you just intend and trust on The One, everything will be taken care of. We are lucky to have Gerald. The One tells me that I and all of us have to learn a lot from Gerald. Gerald, we request you for more courses and teachings, and to start the web based video training of the different technique of RV/RI that you were personally going to teach us. Please consider my request. All my Love to you. Munjal Josie C, a student in Spain sent us this beautiful feedback on November 1, 2010 Subject:
Dear Gerald, It’s 9 months since I began the RV and RI courses and I would like to express my feedback. To begin with I was so sick I was like a wreck. As you say in your writings watch out the doctors but I was already a sort of trapped. They haven’t given me a diagnosis but I keep recovering since I began to listen to the CDs. I’ve been able to know who I can trust or leave behind and managed to get out of trouble of sometimes very difficult situations. I find the solution or information that I need. Now I can face things that I wasn’t able before in a detached manner no matter what and make the necessary changes. When I first listened to the RI1 CD I had the beautiful experience of merging with the ocean, like being embraced by two big wings, feeling happy, relaxed, secure, like a baby, surrounded by love I’ve also had the experience of becoming my breath which I have no words to describe how it is like. I’ve seen the gradation of colors from black to the most brilliant white as the process of ascension one has to follow. I’ve felt the heat of becoming a flame in which I sweat as if I were in a sauna but in a pleasurable way. So far no experience is repeated, everything is always new. My eyes have a light they didn’t have before that people notice but they don’t know what it is. Even strangers that I cross in the street or the dogs. I’m changing and delighted to be in this trip. Your explanations are clear, exact, comprehensible. Your voice is soothing. As you say in the e-book we ” only” have to understand, integrate and experience. Thank you so much for this work. My most sincere gratitude, Josie
Gerald leads the listener into a delta brainwave pattern, normally a sleep state of mind, but I remain aware of his instructions to travel to the sun, to the center of the earth and back again, establishing a connection between myself and all of God’s creations. The following is what I wrote immediately after this meditation. I felt so different. I felt indescribable peace and don’t recognize this style of writing that came of it. I have traveled to the center of the earth and back to the celestial center of God’s realms. I have established a connection tangible and firm between myself and all of His creations. I travel through space and time in perfect harmony with God’s vibrational levels of perfection. I never understood until now the great desire in all of us to progress toward Him. Our spirits were forged in the pool of fire, God’s fire of light. We are magnificent in our creation and as such are destined to return. This temporary human experience allows us the choice to live with Him or not. At the core of the sun is the cool, vibrating, living core of love, pulsing with the light of life bathing us in her gift. All creations are life and worship Him. The flowers sing praises to their Creator. The sun vibrates it’s joy down on us as a small representation of His Love. I have seen a glimpse of our potential as light being. The sun will hide its face in shame at the majesty of His complete glory in light. I travel along my fiery red-orange golden strands of light progressing toward the sun. I enter through a facet of His diamond presence and my soul remembers as my body is engulfed in unearthly light and love. Golden energy replaces organic structures in my mortal tabernacle and I transcend. I feel my true creation, my true being. I am an extension of He who created me. I am not this body. I am not my earthbound actions or labels. I am not small. I rise above this temporary existence to see myself through his eyes. I am infinite and immortal. I am becoming perfection. I fill the universe as an extension of Him. We are one. He is the Father of my spirit where there are no limitations. A new vocabulary does not know the negative or the limiting. I feel in complete ecstasy of mind, body and soul for here in this place is perfect acceptance of self. The body is just the vehicle I have temporarily stepped into. I am not my body any more than I am the car I ride in or the house in which I live. I am separate from earth’s imperfections and rise a glorious being of light in infinite potential. Streaming from my presence filling all space and time, I am a creator. I rise above the petty thoughts of the day and choose to live higher. I look to the beautifully created earth for daily cues– reminders of my infinite worth. The birds sing to Him, the trees ever reach to Him, the breath He lends me daily fills the expanse in it’s full creation. Every living creature vibrates with pure golden light through mortal blood pathways, waiting it’s resurrective perfection. Only man, only me, loses vision. Only I forget the perfect place of love from whence I came and to whence I will forever dwell. Only this ultimate creation, me, forgets His love and finds myself stuck in earthly grime. Yet, the forgetfulness serves a purpose. First, I learn to recognize the veil, second accept it, third desire to go beyond it in remembering. Accept the diamonds cast down here in the form of trials designed to give us the ability to go beyond our self-determined limits. Lastly walk through and remember. I see the light, His light in me, separating into diamonds falling to earth. Gathering speed and power entering the atmosphere then gently lighting on each home, into each heart, an awakening and admonition to also look heavenward for remembrance of the brilliant, perfectly loved you, His children.
Hey Gerald, The meditation trip that I went on was very successful – I am aware of the connection that I have to many things now like the earth mother and also the collective human “mind”. It was good to get back into the bush, I actually come from the country but am now studying in the city. This return made the connection with the earth/nature so much more effective. =D Sometimes now since the meditation and the lunar eclipse especially, I become aware of the robotic mind that isn’t actually me— Some habits, pre-judgements, and beliefs that I see aren’t actually mine at all! It’s like my control falls asleep and the autopilot of humanity takes over for a bit. Then is when I tend to do and think things that on reflection are not what I choose. Again, Thank you very much. Bryce – TSD
Thank you for the possibility, that I can use your beautiful program. I am listening two times per day and I have perceiving a lot of amazing feelings, visualizations etc. For example I had 4 forms of visualizations.
Dear Mr. O’Donnell, I wanted to thank you again for spending time with me via phone earlier this week. I must stress that the fact that I am journaling is a small miracle in itself as I have been stricken with a mental fog brought on by a seemingly intractable unipolar depression that has plagued me since my teens.This is why I forced myself back into Aikido and just recently into your material which is how the “decathexis” was initiated. I started off by reading your RI eBook and that evening experienced the most peaceful sleep I had been able to achieve in many months. You awakened me to being imprisoned within the Dark Matrix, something I had an inclination of since I was a child but was unable to properly formulate as a coherent construct in my psyche. The extreme intuition I am capable of has been both a gift and a curse, with an emphasis on the latter. I’ve read material pertaining to the creation of psychic force fields as a means to protect myself from dark energies/entities, but they have rarely proved effective over the long term. This had caused my mental and physical energy reserves to continually decline to the point where I became very afraid about my capacity to continue to exist on this planet. Your RV course has for me achieved what I previously conceived as unimaginable – the deprogramming of my program! Perhaps most importantly of all, your mention of sentient vs non-sentient beings truly resonated with me. When in an office setting I have frequently run into individuals (most often in positions of authority/management) who I would swear were somehow not human at all. Their behavior and actions were so robotic, cold and calculating that my feeling/sensing intuition would overwhelm me to the extent that I would become dizzy and sick to my stomach. They would haunt me in my dreams, cause me to doubt myself and to experience extremely low self esteem. After being repeatedly told by close friends and therapists that “You’re just sensitive” or “You’re overreacting” I began to lose confidence in my ability to exist as an individual thinking human being and to resolve this by simply allowing myself to assimilate within their paradigm as a means to avoid the seemingly incessant psychic turmoil I was enduring. The dilemma with this approach was that it has never worked – I’ve been relentlessly pulled towards discovering “The Truth” and maintaining my status as a loner/hermit via reading hundreds of books on esoterica, going to ‘healers’ and therapists, etc., while the dread of nihilism continued to creep up within me. The best visual representation of this I can provide is the scene in the film “Jacob’s Ladder” when “Jacob” (Tim Robbins) is lying in a hospital bed while his wife and two sons hover over him and his wife says “Everything’s going to be ok, Jake”. From nowhere he hears a dark and sinister voice that whispers “Dream on…” To have to live in this relationship with ‘reality’ has been nightmarish as you can probably imagine. To now understand that the Dark Matrix indeed exists, that I was never ‘imagining’ things and that I’m going to be ‘ok’ creates a gratitude within me that I cannot begin to express. Thank you, Mr O’Donnell, from the bottom of my heart. Please feel free to review the following list of experiences I have had in the first month of listening to your RV course: RV Experiences: · April (RV CD 2): When I enter “Deep Theta” I enter into a cavern of sorts and see these words in a luminescent white as an elevated sign. I then enter the area further and feel as if I am suspended in midair while overlooking an immense white/off white space (it appears to be a foggy sky) with birds flying in the distance. Wave after wave of what I can only describe as an emotionally and physically laden nirvana hit me. On 25 April, 2010 I felt as if I were propelled into this whiteness at an amazing speed while viewing the earth from a very high altitude. I then see myself suspended in this space, my body in black as a searing white light hits me that I am barely able to stand in front of. · 04/25/10: I was listening to RV CD 2 and once again experience a partial paralysis of my body upon coming face to face with the Universal Mind. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my spine elevated while feeling like it was electrified sending sensations throughout my entire body. · 04/21/10 (RV CD 3): I felt relaxed and at peace but nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Then, out of the blue, I saw my face against a black background. I looked younger and very much alive, not smiling but vibrant. I looked into my eyes very deeply and saw a changed/ing man. · 04/26/10 (RV CD 2): I felt an enormous outpouring of love from the Universal Mind, once again facing The One on some sort of grassy cliff with a misty sky and birds flying in the distance. This time I attempted to run through the grass and into the void which resulted in an intense spine tingling experience with my eyes rolling to the back of my head as if I were experiencing an epileptic seizure that was exhilarating. · 05/07/10 (RV CD 4): For the first time I was able to experience the sensation of a very intense and broad vibrating white light. This was conjoined with experiencing what seemed to be a more authentic OBE. When imagining my head and neck expanded to 24 inches I actually ‘saw’ myself halfway through the wall behind me, as if I was immersed in the wall. Syncronicities: Early May: I have seen three films I felt compelled to watch since beginning the RV training. “Crazy Heart,” “Avatar” and “Men Who Stare at Goats”. The first two are really stories about a return to the authentic self and resonated with me deeply. A few weeks ago I experienced a very lucid dream in which I had returned home to claim my ‘inheritance’ and to make amends with some fractured relationships within my family. My psychologist explained that this was an archetypal dream of sorts for the biblical story of the “prodigal son”, that I was on a journey home to my “Authentic Self”. I only understood this concept at a rudimentary level until seeing these films. It now makes much more sense to me why my ‘family’ has always felt akin to a group of strangers who happened to have raised me. “Men Who Stare at Goats” was comedic but I strongly intuited that it represented humanity’s discomfort with the ultimate truth of our minds being far (perhaps infinitely) more capable of what we believe them capable of. The interweaving of comedy with some intense, serious moments did not mesh well and (to me) reflected man’s strong case of unease with the subconscious mind and being forced to deal with the reality of living within the confines of the Dark Matrix. Unusual Experiences: · April: Upon staring at a weight bench at the gym while listening to RV CD 1, I noticed that the metal seemed to begin to morph and I could discern that it was not a solid at all, but composed of billions of atoms(?). · April: After listening to RV CD’s 1 and 2 a few times I went to Costco. It was uncomfortable for me to be around crowds of people in a retail environment, even more than usual. I felt as if people were staring at me, and some were even stopping to stare. A few smiled, but I could tell that they were picking up on my energy, as if I were enervating something unusual, perhaps special. · April: I have begun to really control my breathing and adopt the idea that I am my breath. This has at times become so intense that it seems as if I am only taking a few deep breaths per minute at most. It became clear to me that my heart must have barely been beating as I went further and further into a peaceful state. · 04/30/10: I went to my MD for an annual checkup. While the nurse was checking my blood pressure, I realized I was spontaneously going into a deep meditative state. She then asked me “Sir, are you ok?” I said “Yes, I am fine, why do you ask?” She said “Your blood pressure is 90 over 78!” · 05/06/10: I attended a Hatha Yoga session for the first time in approximately a year. I realized many of the movements seemed to coalesce with my Aikido training. At certain moments time seemed to slow down as I relaxed further and it became very apparent to me that my return to yoga would be highly complimentary to both my Aikido training as well as my RV meditation. After the session ended I struck up a conversation with the instructor and demonstrated for him my breathing technique that had come about after only a few sessions of RV meditation. He appeared startled and stated that I was engaging in a very deep form of Pranyama breathing (I cannot recall the exact term he used). I had no idea what I was doing – this form of breathing for me is new and is now a part of my daily routine, but it occurs without me consciously willing it to begin or end. I have never been able to “breathe” as advised by former New Age gurus or instructors. I didn’t know what they were talking about and simply became more frustrated after being labeled “tense” by them. After the yoga session concluded I accompanied my friend, a Chiropractor, to a local bar/restaurant. I recently had surgery on my right cheek to remove a sebaceous cyst that erupted last year in March following a job loss which brought a tremendous amount of stress, anguish and hopelessness upon me. This was the second surgery and my right cheek has a few stitches which are covered by a steri strip. I normally would experience a strong degree of anxiety in going into any social setting with a bandage on my face, but upon entering the establishment I felt very peaceful, as if I were gliding through the bar area that was packed with people, many trying to impress one another and looking their best. I again felt as if I was being stared at by some of these people, but they weren’t looking at the bandage, they were looking at or ‘into’ me. I felt their energy and could ‘assess’ them. I experienced no desire to project any egoic wants or needs upon them as I felt incredibly comfortable just being ‘me’, except that I wasn’t really too familiar with this version of me. ‘He’ felt new and was a welcome presence. · 05/07/10: After listening to RV CD 4 this morning, I experienced an olfactory sensation – familiar scents from a long time ago emerged that I do not have a conscious recollection of in terms of time and space, yet they evoked a memory imprint that I had associated with a deep sense of peace, security and happiness. Lucid dreams (April): · Dreamt that a psychic came to my grandmother’s house unexpectedly to survey the rooms for energy patterns or something. She handed me a strange Tarot deck where the cards were attached to one another but could still somehow be shuffled. She said “Ooooh, you have too many Cups…” · S. had emailed me and was looking forward to seeing me, being loving and complimentary. I felt happy that she had done so. Then I had a ‘precog’ moment immediately thereafter and read another email from her ‘a week later’ indicating she was dating a guy and was excited about spending time with him. Message: avoid her at all costs. · I was listening to RV CD 2 and without noticing it must have slipped into a dream state. I was leaning against the fence in my grandmother’s backyard while listening to the same CD on my iPod or Walkman while experiencing a blissful peace and smiling. The sun was shining and I was seeing greener greens and listening to the birds while observing wildlife but at the same time in Theta state. · 04/20/10 (RV CD 2): I must have fallen into a dream state while listening and remember categorizing these black and red files. When I would put them in a particular order, I would think “I just made another $50,000!” The thought/notion came to me that in attempting to make money I was in error as all I had needed to do the entire time was to stop trying, that when I stopped trying it would come to me in waves. Best Regards,
Maggie Teske to us this very enlightening testimonial on October 23, 2009 Subject:
I usually don’t e-mail people I don’t know but felt I really needed to this time. Okay first it is confession time. Unlike some of the other student’s comments I didn’t order lot of other program didn’t want to learn how to meditate better etc. Looking back I now realize I ordered it out of fear! Fear of the current economic conditions. I was hoping in my generous moments to find work for the company I am employed at so we could all keep our jobs. In my more selfish moments I wanted to win the lottery to take care of me and mine. I certainly didn’t care about this strange internet guy talking about quantum physics, Universal Mind, and all that other strange stuff. HOWEVER one night when listening to one of the cds I must have fallen asleep when suddenly IT happened, I was having a very strange very vivid dream when the room was suddenly full of beautiful vibrating light; I thought my heart was going to explode with joy and happiness at the overwhelming sense of love-peace-and joy I felt. It only lasted a few seconds but needless to say in those few seconds my whole outlook on life changed. I am now going back over the many articles you have written and also the cds only this time looking and listening for much much more. Thanks seem like so little to say for opening my eyes to this new world, but it’s all I can come up with. SO… Thank You Maggie Teske
Dear Gerald:
Yesterday after job I did – as I do often – RV 3 and it had a very good effect. I felt relaxed – all muscles and whole body – really perfect, also complete good feelings energetically, mentally and so on.
Today I had again a day in the office and decided to do RI 8 to relax and felt better. After some minutes I was so relaxed that I did not feel my body – I also did not really hear the words of the CD – and had the feeling that I „had lost consciousness“ for a short time, when I became aware of a very bright light (I did the meditation with eyes closed and a dimly lit room) – but not as „forceful“ as when I had my first experience with Light at the end of Dec. 08- and I felt as if there were waves- not like what I have felt during the past weeks- „electric current“ – frequency like ultra-short waves or so – but „very long waves“ perhaps – like swimming in the ocean – when (nice!) big waves are coming – like a rocking motion – but I had the feeling as if my body was lifted above the bed already, as if going with my body – into space.
I had the distinct feeling that my whole biological body was in this wave and I thought – I wanted to stay HERE with the body- haha!! IMMEDIATELY – it was as if „the light is turned off“ and the wave stopped and I felt „back to earth again“ !!!!!! REALLY ANOTHER DIMENSION – in this light and wave and being there and here……. I cannot really put this into words – impossible.
Love and Light Ernestine
Hi, Gerald, I just want to share some thoughts. I bought a lot of courses. But you are the first, who takes my hand and leads me towards the light. There is a lot of love and dedication in those records. I am really blessed to have found your teaching. My impression at this point is that my life is split in half. Or, better, my world is lost. I have been meditating for three years, but nothing has shaken the core of my being and understanding like the Remote Influencing course. I am confused and amazed. Confused, because I don’t understand the question “Why me?” Nobody around me knows any better. Looking at my past years, when I was young and full of my “ enormous ego, which was always right”, I still do not find any answer. I love my parents dearly, but they did not teach me any of this. They both died very afraid and unprepared. My husband thinks that I am not the same person anymore. And he is right. I realized that all my life up to this point went somehow aside. I have a degree in land surveying and accounting. And now, at 52, I am interested in psychology, healing, writing, brain … But I am not trained to do all of those things! What to do with my skills? What is happening? The pull is so strong and I don’t know where I am going to end up. Tremendous changes have happened already. I feel that something (or someone) else occupies my body. May be the perception is so different, that I think about myself as another person. The potential is building so strongly in me, I have the feeling that there is no room anymore. Because nothing changes on the outside. May be my vibrations are still very low? I know, that I am coming from a very low stage and have to climb more. But it is OK. I can’t stop now, it is too late. About the outside a little. I decided to write reports for a blog. But how? I have not done that? On top of it, in English. Something very powerful is pushing me away from the computer and the file, because it is a possibility for me to make some money. Something in me does not like it. However, I wrote 10 pages already and my daughter’s teacher checked it. Now, I have to send it. Another challenge. I just listened to session 7 (the second body). Wow!! I was blown away (again). I also listened today to the last CD – Mother Nature. I was really shaken, dissolved, disintegrated to the core of my DNA. It was very emotional. I felt that way after giving birth to my children. I feel alone. I don’t talk to people. I try to say something, but it is like talking Japanese. I am not merged any more with my old world and I don’t have a new one. Do I want a new one? I still have a lot of love invested in my old. How I can incorporate the old into the new? Nonsense! On top of everything, I fell happy and blessed. Really. I talk to my little tree in the back yard and I am in heaven. My hibiscus blossomed again today and, it felt amazing – it felt red and gold and sunny (it is raining now). Just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating so beautifully something which can’t be even touched by words. Margarita Slavkova
Dear Gerald. Erik Young, Canada “Live your own life, for you will die your own death”
Dear Gerald, Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you so much for the ARVARI CDs. I am enjoying them tremendously and after only a few weeks the level of synchronicity in my life has become simply stunning. Blessings,
My dear Gerald, I don’t know what has been the response to the postings from the One, on your site and Grillflame. But please do recognize that I am and have been truly grateful for you showing me the door to my self, and the One. You say you are not a master. But the best teachers bring their students to the doorway of themselves and the subject. For a teacher cant show what they already understand in their mind, and expect a student to grasp it in the same way. A great teacher, as yourself, shows the path to the truth in a subject and the student. Gerald you are a blessing among us, and the One knows this. The Truth is not in a stained glass window, but in the mirror to the soul. You through the One have brought on so many awakenings in my self that there isn’t any praise or thankfulness that I feel is enough. Your course has shown me so much more than remote viewing and remote influencing. I have Love back in my heart and mind, peace with myself in my soul. When I look at strangers I feel Love and adoring, not hate, spite, loathing and contempt. The One’s message thru yourself shines in all I have encountered from you. From your web site to your courses. I have searched for the Truth for a long time and no message has grabbed my heart as yours did. Sometimes the truth hits like tons of bricks, and I must say that I’m still uncovering my self brick by brick. I send to you all of my Love and healing. John Pennie.
Dear Mr. O’Donnell, First of all – “thank you” for the wonderful courses! My partner and I went through the courses together and we are both impressed with our progress. We feel much closer to our God Presence than ever before We are happier, and our relationship has taken a magical turn for the better Natural intuition has increased and I usually “know” who’s calling us on the phone Our reactions are quicker – I caught a fly in mid air yesterday without hurting it We live in the forest and are surrounded by beautiful old trees – so we had a wonderful time connecting to nature. We do feel that our awareness has much increased compared to before. We have also experienced greater clarity in our decisions – a “knowingness” has entered our lives which wasn’t there before.- oh, it’s all so amazing! I experienced very vivid dreams as I started the course – it was as if I was clearing up my past to be able to go forward from there and do the course. I experienced going back into one of my lives in Lemuria and this has inspired me to start writing a book about it. I just sat down and wrote the whole introduction without knowing what I was going to write about before I sat down! Once while listening to the tapes I saw the forest in which we live from a bird’s eye view – it was a great moment for me. I was surprised to see it in black and white and not green like it always is. I managed to connect up to the trees by feeling and seeing how their sap flows through them. I seem to have lost my fear of spiders and bugs – I can even let them sit or crawl on my hands!! The snails were eating up all my plants and I was throwing them off and they were hitting the ground pretty hard, when I had this feeling of compassion rise up and I gently picked up a snail asked its forgiveness and then I gave it a kiss and told it that I loved it – since then not one single snail has eaten another plant of mine !! Isn’t that amazing? When I go to deep Theta and then to my mental lab. – at first there was a White Presence which I recognized as the Presence I can connect to if I want to “know” things. And now when I go there, there is this wonderful, beautiful, love filled Golden Presence which I believe is my own I AM – I experience such great love and joy when we meet. I have developed a deeper trust in myself and the universe. We are both so grateful to have your tapes and look forward to our second round of learning and loving every little atom. These are some of the magical moments we experienced while listening to your tapes. Thank you once again, Celeste Nirewicz
Hello Gerald; I’ve now finished all the Combo tapes except RI-7, within about a three-week period. Typically I do the tapes on my days off work, and take a break during the work week. However, over the last Holiday, I listened to the tapes 4-days in a row. I’m now having a myriad of daily experiences stimulated by the material. This week I experienced the “being in the womb” when I curl up in bed before I go to sleep. I also became aware of the umbilical cord/silver thread connection and the portal to the Divine ONE; this now occurs nightly. Last night, while I was sitting in my easy chair listening to soft jazz, I felt energy beginning at the lowest vertebrae traveling up my spine. I felt as if there was a shift happening in each vertebrae and my spine started to gently straighten up. When it got to the base of my neck, I felt a blockage and became aware of the muscle stiffness and tenderness in that area ( I’ve re-occurring pain and injury in that area in the past). The energy seemed to swirl around this area and I felt my muscles start to relax. I raised my arms up above my head and started to chant “Hallelujah” and I felt the energy and bright light go up and down my spine and I felt full of that bright light all night. The next morning I found another New Testament verse I’d like to share with you. 1Corinthians 15:50 ” I declare to you brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery; We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed–in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet”. This verse is typically called the “rapture” of believers that will happen in the end times. It is believed that we will meet the Lord in the sky and be transformed into a heavenly body that appears as the earthly body except that it can transcend into the heavenlies and reappear on earth. Last night it dawned on me that this is what I experienced this week as described in my email entitled “new sensations”. I’ve been in awe all day pondering this. I’ve often wondered about that verse and what it would actually be like. The reality of it all, is not exactly what I expected! In fact, I bought the tapes primarily to be able to reduce my ever increasing anxiety. Little did I know that I would experience the mysterious “Rapture” of God. The key for me was when you pointed out fear-based thinking. I’m now able to spot fear and not allow it to attach to me. I’ve been in a period of healing today. I continue to read your articles and am starting to understand the Matrix concept. I’m learning to walk in the Spirit and abide in LOVE when out in the world. At home I continue to spend time in restful communion with the ONE and trust that the SPIRIT will guide me into all TRUTH and direct my path. Thank you again for your loving guidance. Linda David Pyne (Phas-Clarecastle) a recent combo trainee, wrote to us on June 01, 2004. Subject: · Feeling of incredible Love after traveling the Light tunnel · Increased Chi energy while training also in Iron Shirt Chi Kung Dear Mr. O’Donnell: Thank you. I am on tape 7 of the Remote Influencing course and have really enjoyed both courses. I have listened to each of the tapes two or three times and when I finish this tape my plan is to start again and go a little bit deeper. I have had some wonderful experiences while listening. While listening to tape 4 of the RI course after traveling up the light tunnel I had the most unbelievable feeling of love and a tingling all over. When I was in the clouds I got an image of a white bearded man approaching me, unfortunately I didn’t hold this image for too long but hopefully I will get this feeling again. I started an Iron Shirt Chi Kung course about the same time as your course and I think they are complementing each other perfectly. As I progress through it again I will keep you informed of how I am getting on. I might even have a few questions for you if that’s ok with you. Thanks again, David.
Dear Gerald: I want to tell you that this study has saved me at a time in my life I needed some anchor to keep from sinking into the dark matrix…I am being pulled out…thank you for what you have done for the planet earth at this time. Many times in my life, for short periods, I have walked in what I called “two worlds”, the Shamans call it walking in two worlds…I have searched for truths in about every religion taking those things that resonated with my inner self and leaving the rest…every religion has some truth or it would not appeal to anyone. However I must admit that I often wonder what intelligence started them all? And why? Religion has been the historical cause of more killings, hate and atrocities than all other wars put together. I have tried to get back to that “feeling” of being centered and in peace for a long, long time…instead, I seemed to be going the opposite way with no control to stop it…for the last four years of my life…and my outward appearance showed it…there has been a turn around completely and what used to be so important to me doesn’t matter anymore…deep hurt inside my heart has just vanished and I awoke this morning to a new day and a new life and I have been doing this a few days now and its very peaceful and I feel I am centered and I believe you consider that being in Theta mind, not sure but that’s how I feel…”This present moment is as it should be and all I need is provided now…and I am at peace and happy in the ONE….” I’m beginning…only beginning to really see my thoughts or hear the background of them and beginning to change them…I have read books and books and taken courses and listened to countless tapes on metaphysics, journeying, changing one’s personality and the Light Body and all kinds of things…if its out there, I’ve read it or heard about it somewhere…I’ve written for metaphysical magazines in the past…I understood for a long time the principles behind manifestation and the quantum soup out there we call our universe…. But I have not been able to “make it work for me”….Since before I could even walk I’m sure, I’ve been fed Christian Science truths, that Spirit is All and matter is not real…there is no matter, there is only God…and our surroundings, our universe, our world is made up of our conscious and unconscious thought…and that’s all our lives are…our thoughts, our beliefs of what they are, make them to be as they are…and we can change those beliefs…and I’ve known that since a very little girl and came thru a lot of very serious physical and other situations based on the truth that sickness and accidents are not real and cannot touch me…I’ve demonstrated over some very serious illnesses in my lifetime…but it doesn’t always work for me…oh it has kept me alive so far… But you have given us a key that unlocks a deep, dark secret within and its impossible to even say it in words, I believe that’s why Paul said the gospel had to be by revelation, it couldn’t really be taught in words…Jeshua taught, in His day, as Gautama taught in His…in the language of the people that they could possibly catch glimpses of the Truth…as you are teaching in your day…in your words…that can be understood by the majority that want that understanding… Thank you…you have made a vast difference in my life…today…I walk in Peace, Joy and Love for Myself and the Universe…. Patti Jeane
COPYRIGHT © 1997-2016 Gerald O’Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law |