Nothing speaks for Arvari’s life-changing power better than success stories from our students.
Here are ARVARI Success Stories 1997-2023
We have received thousands of rave reviews and have indexed some of them for you.
Click on one of the links below to read real life testimonials from students pertaining to that category.
Deep State Theta Remote Viewing.
Deep State Delta Remote Influening.
Career and Wealth
Manifesting Mind Body and Superpowers
- Rapid Physical Healing of Injuries
- Transformation of Appearance & Rejuvenation by Mind Power Alone
- Weight Loss Using only Mind Power
- Miraculous Healing of Self and Others
- Emotional Scar Healing
- Getting Rid of Long-Standing Inner Anger and Rage
- Profound Stress Relief & Increased Relaxation
- Erasing Fears, Phobias & Anxieties
- Rapidly Curing or Reducing Dangerous Addiction
- Activate Higher DNA
- Increased I.Q. & General Awareness
- Increased Academic Performance Success
- Enhanced Athletic Abilities
Manifesting Powerful Experiences
- Connecting to and Experiencing your Higher Self
- Out-of-Body Experiences – Astral Projections
- Total Life-Changing Metamorphosis Into a Higher and Joyful State of Existence
- Vivid and Lucid Dreaming
Extra-Sensory Perception
- Mind Reading, Psychic Abilities, Intuition and Telepathy
- Telekinesis and Time Warps Premonitions, Successfully Foreseeing the Future
- Predictions of 9/11 and other Terror Attacks
- Avoiding Fatalities, Personal Injuries, or Natural Disasters by using RV/RI Skills
Love and Relationships
- Magnetizing Love to Existing and New Relationships. Finding your Perfect Partner/Beloved
- Becoming More Attractive to the Opposite Sex
Connecting to the Universal One
- Experiencing the Universal One and the Love of Oneness, and having an Easy Flowing Life filled with Frequent Synchronicities
- The Cosmic Orgasm of Light: Pure Energy Sexual Union. Use it to Manifest/Create Reality
- Attuning to the Frequency of Total Peace of the Universal One. Being in Joy
- Reports of Successful Psychic & Physical Protection using High Light Vibratory Shields
- Feeling of Loving Connectedness to Everything & Nature
- Getting the Powerful Notion that You are Now Protected & Guided by The One
Advanced Mind Development