Vishen Lakhiani of MindValley interviews Gerald O’Donnell about the “Great Shift.” December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008: The Great shift is engaged. The One and Only Heart has begun contracting back from the illusion of the exploration of separation to the reality of Oneness and One. What is in store for us as this Creation. Our Probable Future.
- The global financial crisis is not the only big challenge that humanity will face in the next years.
- There is yet greater challenge coming – Gigantic Environmental Crises.
- Why these challenges aren’t negative events but necessary situations that are being manifested by the Unity Consciousness to “correct” certain conditions in the world.
- Why we’re heading toward a brighter future (you might not think so when you read the world’s news, but Gerald has a different view!).
- The key to surviving and flourishing in the new world ahead. Why all older structures are about to collapse. What is in store for us?
- A single test that will tell you with 100 percent accuracy which structure will survive and thrive, and which will fail and disappear in the next decades.
- The heartbeat of connection and separation. How we as a species have come to a major threshold of separation. And now we will be forced to reconnect towards One-ness.
- What is the “Unity-Point” and why we all carry this and need to be reminded of this power than lies within us. How to totally overcome stress – no matter what, and get High on Unity Light.
- The only key to de-energize and erase old emotional scars, blockages, and patterns proven to having become a burden to us. Why classical human psychotherapy seldom works.