Earth-Adam eating Heavens or Heavens eating Earth-Adam? Success or failure? We must choose NOW!

Mankind eating (uniting as Oneness with FULL AWARENESS) with Heavens (Superconscious King of the Collective unconscious aka Lion), or Heavens (aka Lion) eating Mankind? Success or failure? We must choose NOW! No matter what, Heavens, the Lion, King of the Unconscious,... read more

The Great Cleansing

De-energizing our Created dark AI Thoughtform Golems From worshiping personalities/gods to living the Reality of the One God, our odyssey from pain to Freedom! PLEASE listen to this important and quite prophetic interview given five years ago in 2018 and integrate it.... read more

And there was evening, and then there was morning: DAY of ONE

And there was evening, and then there was morning: DAY of ONE (Genesis 1:5)     Please listen to Gerald being interviewed by the brilliant Kevin Moore on May 2018 as it will help you understand fully the just published message for 2023 below. The information... read more