The Paradox of Infinite Frequency and Zero Vibration: Stillness, Consciousness, and the Journey into Infinite Awareness.


Psalm 46:10 of (King) David (1000 B.C.)
Sink, and relax into (total ) STILLNESS. and (then) KNOW that I AM GOD.
For (in that act) I shall rise (in awareness) amongst (all) nations, and I shall be raised on the Earth.

Gospel Of The Twin (Thomas – First century A.D)
Jesus (Yeshush) said, “Congratulations to those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again.” 
50. Jesus said, “If they say to you, ‘Where have you come from?’ say to them, ‘We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.’
If they say to you, ‘Is it you?‘ say, ‘We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.’
If they ask you, ‘What is THE EVIDENCE OF YOUR FATHER IN YOU?’ say to them, ‘It is MOTION AND REST.'”

In Sufi mysticism, the ultimate goal is to attain a state of union with God, which can be achieved through the practice of silence, solitude, and stillness. As stated in Psalm 37:7, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” In the words of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, a Sufi master, “Sufi” refers to a state of profound stillness, where one’s essence has settled deeply within, revealing the ultimate Completeness and Perfection of God. This state is not limited to any particular religion but is the distilled essence of wisdom, extracted from all four major religions.  As Rumi wrote, “In Love there are no days or nights, For lovers it is all the same. The musicians have gone, yet the Sufis listen; In Love there is a beginning but not end. Each has a name for the Beloved, But for me my Beloved is nameless.”

It’s been a while since I last reached out, and I want to take this crucial moment to reconnect with each of you. Life has a way of leading us on unique paths of growth and discovery. I trust that your journey has been filled with moments of insight and expansion and many quests for understanding the rapid descent into increasing chaos of our reality/world. Today, I’m writing to share something profoundly resonating—the paradox of infinite frequency and zero vibration. As we explore this fascinating concept, we’ll uncover the profound connection between stillness and the boundless nature of consciousness. This journey calls us inward to the most infinite aspects of our being.

The idea that an oscillation or vibration approaching infinite frequency paradoxically becomes still—reaching a state of zero vibration—presents a fascinating paradox in both physics and consciousness studies. In the realm of vibratory physics, a paradox arises: as the frequency of a wave increases toward infinity, it paradoxically approaches a state of zero vibration, or stillness. This intriguing idea holds profound implications for both physical wave theory and the domain of consciousness, particularly when viewed through the lens of brainwaves. As we approach the zero-point frequency, where oscillations appear to cease, we find a mysterious interplay between infinitely high subcarrier frequencies and states of absolute mental stillness, a concept rooted in both mathematics and metaphysics.

This concept bridges the gap between cutting-edge science and ancient metaphysical teachings, revealing a deeper understanding of consciousness and its limitless potential. What if, as the frequency of a wave increases without bounds, it approaches not just physical stillness but a gateway to infinite awareness? This paradox is deeply connected to brainwave frequencies and consciousness. It is possible to explore this stillness firsthand through advanced techniques like those offered by ARVARI’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing “PORTAL” training.

The Mathematical Framework: Infinity and Zero

To begin unraveling this paradox, let’s break down the math but in simpler terms. A wave’s frequency ν is the number of oscillations it makes per second. Mathematically, a simple sinusoid wave can be described as:



𝐴 is the amplitude of the wave, 𝜈 is the frequency, 𝑡 is time, ϕ is the phase offset. As the frequency ν approaches infinity, the period of oscillation, 𝑇 = 1/𝜈 tends toward zero. In other words, the wave oscillates so rapidly that its cycles become imperceptibly short, and the waveform approaches a constant value over any finite time interval. This can be described as:

Thus, a wave of infinite frequency behaves as though it were no longer oscillating at all—appearing to reach a state of zero vibration. This leads to the apparent paradox: an infinitely vibrating system looks like a system at rest.

As the frequency increases to infinity (ν→∞), the wave oscillates so rapidly that, for all practical purposes, it seems to stop moving—reaching a state of zero vibration.

This mathematical paradox can be extended into the realm of consciousness and brainwaves, particularly in the context of extremely low frequencies, such as the Epsilon range, which spans from around 0.1 Hz down to theoretical frequencies approaching 0 Hz (e.g., 10 to the − 𝑥 exponent, where 𝑥 → ∞).

This paradox shows that an infinitely fast vibration looks identical to a system that’s completely still. It’s a gateway to understanding zero-point consciousness, a concept explored in deep meditative practices like those taught by the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI).

Brainwaves and Consciousness: From Stillness to Infinity

Brainwaves are categorized into distinct frequency bands: Delta (0.5-4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-13 Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), and Gamma (30-100 Hz) Lambda (100Hz and far higher). However, more esoteric research has identified an Epsilon range—a state of extraordinarily low frequencies, below 0.5 Hz and possibly approaching 0 Hz. These frequencies are associated with deep states of consciousness, extreme stillness, and transcendental awareness.

Recent research into brainwave states during deep meditation has revealed intriguing connections between low-frequency states like Epsilon and Delta, and high-frequency states such as Gamma and Lambda. While these brainwave frequencies each serve different cognitive and physical functions, there is growing evidence that in deep meditative states, these brainwaves can become interrelated in profound ways.

Epsilon and Lambda Brainwave Correlation

Epsilon waves, with frequencies below 0.5 Hz, are associated with extremely deep states of consciousness, often referred to as “suspended animation,” where vital signs such as heartbeat and respiration are almost undetectable. In contrast, Lambda waves (100-200 Hz) are among the fastest brainwaves observed and are associated with heightened conscious awareness. Remarkably, Epsilon and Lambda appear to be interconnected, with Lambda waves acting as high-frequency carriers riding on the low-frequency Epsilon waves. This suggests that deep meditative states accessed through Epsilon activity can naturally lead to heightened conscious awareness, as seen in the Lambda state.

Brainwave Frequencies and Consciousness: Approaching the Zero Point

Brainwave activity is categorized into bands, each associated with different states of consciousness:

  • Beta (13-30 Hz): Normal waking consciousness.
  • Alpha (8-13 Hz): Relaxed focus or meditation.
  • Theta (4-8 Hz): Deep relaxation, creativity, and early stages of sleep.
  • Delta (0.5-4 Hz): Deep, dreamless sleep.
  • Epsilon (0.1 Hz and below): Extremely deep states of meditation, near-complete stillness of the mind. State of suspended animation and pure awareness.

The Portal Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing training offered by ARVARI helps participants access deep Theta brainwave states and eventually descend into Delta and Epsilon frequencies. These ultra-low brainwave states are associated with pure awareness, where the body seems to fade into the background, and consciousness is unbounded by space and time.

In these deep states, individuals are said to experience total detachment from bodily sensations and external stimuli. The brain’s ordinary filtering mechanisms—the processes that normally separate us from our subconscious mind and greater collective consciousness—shut down. This allows a flood of information from the greater Mind to be experienced directly, and consciousness enters what can be described as the Zero Point—a state of stillness where infinite awareness exists.

The ARVARI Approach: Techniques for Reaching Pure Thought Awareness

Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI), founded in 1997 by Gerald O’Donnell, offers a comprehensive training program designed to help individuals reach these profound states of consciousness. The training teaches techniques to rapidly descend through the stages of brainwave activity, from the usual Beta range into Theta, Delta, and even Epsilon—a state of deep meditation approaching stillness.

At that level, the paradox of infinity meeting zero manifests itself in that it shows that an infinitely fast vibration looks identical to a system that’s completely still. This is a gateway to understanding zero-point consciousness, a concept explored in deep meditative practices like those taught by the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI).

Brainwave patterns can be modeled as a combination of low-frequency oscillations (macroscopic brain activity) and high-frequency subcarrier waves (microscopic neural or quantum-level activity). As brain activity slows toward Epsilon frequencies, macroscopic oscillations diminish, approaching a state of stillness. Yet, this state of rest might conceal the presence of subcarrier waves with ultra-high frequencies, as described by:

or limit ⁡ when 𝜈 → (tends) to 0 ( brainwave frequency ) = ∞ (subcarrier frequency)

In essence, as the observable brainwave frequency tends toward zero, the underlying subcarrier frequencies that govern deeper aspects of consciousness might increase toward infinity. This idea reflects the notion of infinite awareness—a state where the conscious mind reaches stillness while the subconscious or quantum mind vibrates with infinite potential.

How ARVARI Training Works

  • Deep Theta and Delta Brainwaves: Through guided exercises, trainees learn how to slow their brainwave frequencies down to the Theta and Delta range, allowing them to enter states of deep relaxation and creativity. In this state, the individual’s perception of time and space begins to dissolve, and awareness expands beyond the boundaries of the body.
  • Accessing the Epsilon State: With practice, participants may descend even further into the Epsilon range (close to 0 Hz). At this point, the brain ceases to function as a filtering mechanism, allowing the mind to access pure consciousness—a state of thought without physical attachment.
  • Merging with Infinite Intelligence: In these ultra-low brainwave states, the individual experiences a profound merging with what ARVARI calls the Infinite Intelligence or the Global Consciousness. This is the mind’s creative source, from which all energy, matter, and dimensions are said to arise.

In this state, thoughts seem to be unfiltered, arriving as pure awareness without the interference of the analytical mind. The individual is no longer limited by time, space, or the usual constraints of perception. They become part of the greater Global Consciousness, capable of accessing information and insights beyond their ordinary cognitive abilities.

The Mathematical Explanation of Subcarrier Frequencies and Consciousness. Subcarrier Frequencies and Zero Vibration.

The mathematical concept of subcarrier frequencies finds resonance in Fourier transforms, which decompose any complex wave into a sum of simpler sine and cosine functions. In the brain, macroscopic brainwaves can be seen as the sum of higher-frequency subcarrier waves. As the dominant brainwave frequency approaches zero, the underlying subcarrier components become more significant. This relationship can be mathematically expressed using Fourier analysis:

As the primary frequency 𝜈 → 0, higher-order terms with greater 𝑛 (and thus higher subcarrier frequencies) dominate, suggesting that stillness in the brain’s macroscopic waves could hide an infinitude of subtle, fast vibrations on a quantum scale.

This paradox shows that an infinitely fast vibration looks identical to a system that’s completely still. It’s a gateway to understanding zero-point consciousness, a concept explored in deep meditative practices like those taught by the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI).

In essence, as the observable brainwave frequency tends toward zero, the underlying subcarrier frequencies that govern deeper aspects of consciousness might increase toward infinity. This idea reflects the notion of infinite awareness—a state where the conscious mind reaches stillness while the subconscious or quantum mind vibrates with infinite potential.

The concept of subcarrier frequencies adds another layer of understanding to this process. Even as the primary brainwave frequency slows down to approach zero, there is an underlying presence of subcarrier waves, potentially operating at much higher frequencies. This can be expressed mathematically using Fourier analysis, which breaks down complex waves into simpler sine and cosine components.

As the primary frequency of the brainwave ν tends toward zero, the influence of the higher-frequency components (the subcarrier waves) becomes more prominent. In the case of consciousness, these subcarrier waves might represent the activity of more profound, subtler layers of the mind—possibly linked to quantum or non-local consciousness. When the observable brainwave activity slows to a halt, the subcarrier waves could be vibrating at incredibly high frequencies, representing a state of infinite awareness.

Thus, the Zero Point is not just a state of nothingness but a threshold where the brain’s ordinary operations cease, and deeper levels of consciousness—driven by these invisible subcarrier frequencies—come into play. It’s a realm where the stillness of the mind meets the infinite creativity of the collective consciousness, aligning with ARVARI’s teachings on the infinite potential of the mind.

Research and Implications

The relationship between extremely low brainwave frequencies and heightened states of consciousness has gained increasing attention in recent years. Studies using EEG (electroencephalogram) technology have measured states of deep meditation, noting the presence of ultra-low-frequency oscillations associated with profound states of stillness. For example, research conducted by Dr. Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin on long-term meditators showed heightened synchronization of extremely low-frequency brainwaves, suggesting a correlation between these oscillations and states of expanded awareness.

Moreover, quantum physicist David Bohm’s work on the implicate order proposes that beneath the apparent chaos of high-frequency oscillations lies a hidden realm of deep stillness, where consciousness connects to the underlying fabric of reality. This implicate realm may be where infinite subcarrier frequencies reside, supporting the idea that stillness at the macroscopic level corresponds to infinite motion at deeper levels of consciousness.

Implications for Remote Viewing and Influencing

ARVARI’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing techniques enable individuals to access these profound states of stillness and infinite awareness. When participants reach deep Theta and Delta states, their consciousness begins to transcend the limitations of the body, time, and space. At this stage, their mind enters a state of pure stillness, resembling the Zero Point paradox, where the frequency approaches zero while underlying energies may be vibrating at ultra-high frequencies.

By disassociating from the physical body and shifting into pure Thought awareness, trainees open themselves up to the greater Global Mind or Infinite Intelligence. This allows them to remotely view distant locations or times (Remote Viewing) and even influence outcomes through focused intention (Remote Influencing). The key is reaching that state of Epsilon or Zero-Point Consciousness, where individual awareness merges with the collective mind.

Meditation Techniques for Reaching Zero-Point Stillness

To achieve these advanced states of consciousness, there are several meditation techniques inspired by ARVARI’s training that can help guide you toward stillness and infinite awareness:

  1. Slow Breathing and Pranayama: Conscious control of breath can directly influence brainwave activity. Deep, slow breathing at a rate of about 6 breaths per minute induces a shift toward low-frequency Delta and Epsilon brainwaves. Pranayama practices such as Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) promote a calming effect on the nervous system and facilitate access to stillness.Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep): Yoga Nidra is a form of deep relaxation (this corresponds to the state of suspended animation easily achieved by reaching the Epsilon deep state after a few weeks of training with ARVARI’s “Portal Course.”) that allows practitioners to hover between waking consciousness and sleep, a state often associated with Delta and Epsilon waves. During this state of suspended animation, while most of the brainwave activity is very slow at Epsilon or even beyond, the body is entirely still. At the same time, the mind retains a faint level of awareness, creating an ideal environment for accessing more profound states of consciousness.
  2. Sound-Based Meditation: Binaural beats, especially those set to frequencies in the Delta or Epsilon range, can help entrain the brain into deep meditative states. This aids in achieving the stillness required to access pure Thought awareness. ARVARI uses a special proprietary version of binaural technology modulated on specific nature’s sound frequencies.
  3. Guided Visualization: ARVARI’s training uses guided visualizations to teach participants how to remote view and influence, guiding the mind into lower brainwave states and opening the doorway to the Zero Point.
  4. Total Body Relaxation: Techniques like Yoga Nidra, deep body scanning meditation, and other forms of meditation can help disconnect awareness from the physical body. This body/Mind dissociation allows one to reach the pure mental stillness necessary for remote viewing and influence. ARVARI’s protocols bypass the scanning of the biology altogether and help achieve states such as Epsilon (Deep Delta) rapidly with full awareness preserved.


The paradox of infinite frequency and zero vibration provides a profound key to understanding consciousness, particularly in the context of ARVARI’s Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing training. As brainwave frequencies approach zero, individuals can enter states of deep stillness, merging with the Infinite Intelligence that underlies all creation. Through techniques designed to slow brain activity and reach states of total mental stillness, practitioners can access the Zero Point—the gateway to infinite awareness.

By understanding this concept, we unlock the potential for greater mental clarity, remote viewing, and even influencing reality itself. The merging of stillness and infinite frequency, a place where all potential exists, offers a powerful window into the infinite possibilities of consciousness.

Stay tuned for an important announcement in 3 days! There is much more forthcoming!

Many happy thoughts!

Gerald O’Donnell


  1. ARVARI: Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing. (1997).
  2. Bohm, D. (1980). Wholeness and the Implicate Order. London: Routledge.
  3. Davidson, R. J., & Lutz, A. (2008). Buddha’s Brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
  4. Penrose, R., & Hameroff, S. (2014). Consciousness in the Universe: A Review of the ‘Orch OR’ Theory. Physics of Life Reviews.
  5. Siever, D. (2018). Mind Alive Inc.: Epsilon Brainwaves – Accessing the Hidden Stillness.
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