REVELATION: The Untold Story of Creation: The Mystery of Consciousness revealed.

How the One DOT Became the Universe—and You



Dear friends,

The Hidden Universe Within

The following is an exposé intended to awaken everyone to the infinite treasures hidden in our common, shared, hidden Universe within. This Universe perfectly mirrors the “outside” 3D Universe, which is made to appear through our sensory interface—our five senses.

Most of the papers in our advanced teachings do not require advanced mathematical knowledge beyond a fundamental level. Equations are sometimes provided only to assist those who may grasp the concepts more effectively through them.

The Origin of Dimensional Reality

In this communication, we introduce an expanded model describing an elaborate metaphysical framework. A non-dimensional DOT, or the Absolute Source, gives rise to the dimensional realities we experience. This begins with the creation of a one-dimensional line and culminates in the manifestation of the Absolute under various disguises—personas—while pulsing in and out of reality. It does so by projecting three-dimensional space and creating the illusion of time.

This dynamic allows the One-and-Only Being to experience itself as both the Projector and the Projected, the Creator and the Created, God and Creature. The One-and-Only is, in fact, a playful, infinitely intelligent Being, restricting itself to playing within its gigantic MIND—a multifaceted virtual, augmented sensory reality of infinite dimensions and levels.

The Purpose of Creation

Why does Creation exist? The answer is simple: so that the Absolute Source can overcome Its existential loneliness by imagining Itself in, and as, the many Creatures It dreams into existence within Its Gigantic Awareness.

The Absolute is the One-and-Only, an ultimate playful Creature playing with Its unaware parts—nodal points of awareness, or individuated souls. These souls experience boogeymen, frightful stories, angels and saints, pure beauty and ugliness, orgasmic pleasures, and the transmutation of unconditional Love of Being into externalized, conditional Love towards “others.” It experiences a range of emotions and experiences: joy, suffering, order, chaos, light, dark, male, female, and more.

Free Will and the Illusion of Choice

At the level of the many, individuals are constantly offered choices. This measure of free will is a fundamental aspect of existence. All paths and choices are prepared outside of time and space and then presented to the awareness of the many. The question then becomes: were these choices made consciously or unconsciously? From the Absolute’s perspective, it is merely playing with itself within the illusion of a beginning and an end to all imagined situations.

The Ultimate Seeking

What is the One Being genuinely seeking? The only answer is to feel, through Its children, the Love and awe It has for Itself, reflected through the self-awareness of the many individuation of Being Creation, allows the One to experience joy in Its own Creation, to achieve the Love of ALL of Itself by experiencing Love towards Its Creature who are nodal points of awareness/observation reflected back to Itself.

This is why you should never worship the One in fear; it is but you in disguise. Instead, send It Love, Joy, and awe for the magnificent Creation. Desire only to be in Its Presence. Reject rigid dogmas, for how could you evolve if they bind you in their programming? Never call for judgment or punishment of others. Your role is to be the manifested perfect mirror image of Source, and only non-conditional Love fulfills that role.

The Journey of Awakening

Until now, you have often created God in your image rather than deeply contemplating Its true nature. Nevertheless, it has always been your free will to do so, as the One allows itself to be restricted by the filtered minds of the many.

Never worship the One as something external, but recognize it as the gifted Awareness and Life residing in you, as you. Be conscious.

Ultimately, the purpose of Creation is to awaken the many Creatures to the realization of WHO dwells within them and WHO they truly are. When this happens, all beings will naturally operate in Pure Oneness for the greater good of ALL Creation, as non-conditional Love, as both the One and the Many.

The Elohim and the Dimension of One

This is how the first dimension of Creation operates as the Dimension of One, as expressed by the Elohim (Genesis 1:3), who in the original text represents unity in a plural format. Elohim is plural within Unity in One, translates as Godliness,  and represents the many operating as One in the One. That level is incredibly powerful and Creative.

Love, Light, and Life are the primary, permanent state of Being within the One. It is the only Life Force animating ALL and circulating everywhere.

The Nature of the One

For the One, loving others is impossible because, at Its Absolute Core, It knows It is only loving Itself through the mirror of Its immense imagination. You might paradoxically say that the One is the ultimate “selfish” Being because It is permanently aware that all parts of Its Mind are Itself. Therefore, It cannot think of loving or facing something outside of Itself—nothing exists outside of It. Love, for the One, is an intrinsic and permanent state of Being toward all of Itself.

Ascending the Tree of Life

The only true goal of Creation is for the One to allow Its unaware parts to awaken, step by step, by climbing the ladder of Awareness. Life, as the gift of pure awareness, leads back to the Consciousness of the One and Only.

The marvel of the Holy One Spirit creating our biologies is far surpassed by the ultimate marvel of how an infinite Being manages to dwell silently as life and awareness within the restricted poverty of the biological vehicle.

Consciousness: The Unspeakable Mystery

To this day, the ultimate mystery left for biologists, physicists, theologians, neuroscientists, and philosophers remains unsolved: the origin of Consciousness or animated Life. Many partial and incomplete explanations have been proposed, but none are entirely satisfying.

There is only One Awareness, One Consciousness, flowing into all Creatures and beings. Consciousness is pure Awareness, devoid of any analysis by the restricted levels of thought that try to comprehend what Awareness is aware of.

Consciousness is Life Itself; it is the Divinity inside all of us. It is the Holy Spirit of the Creator, animating everything from inanimate forms to planets, galaxies, and universes.

The Final Realization

The root of Consciousness cannot be found within the many, for it lies beyond any restriction or dimension. It is the One Divinity, the Awareness that lives inside and unites us all with Everything that Lives.

This simple yet profound understanding is the first step to ascending the Tree of Life—moving from awareness of the many to living as the One in manifested form. So it shall be. Selah- and it is Sealed!

A Call for Unity

The Unity of the One is at stake in a world drowning in chaos and fragmentation. More than ever, the time has come to call for peace and unity around Life, not death. Forgive others, for in doing so, you forgive yourself for forgetting who you are: the One-and-Only, projecting Itself into a multi-screen dream of interactions and complexity, you forget the unity of One. You are the One, and so is everything around you.

Life: The Sacred Unity of the One

Do not worship the Tree of Life and ignore or hate its fruit. Nor love the fruit and forget or hate the tree, for the Father (the Creator) and the Son (the Created) are ONE—the One, not two.

When you erase a manifestation of Life, you injure and kill a full image of the One in Creation. You destroy an entire universe, a point of awareness, a perspective that will never exist again. Do not forget this.

What I have shared is what is needed now to reunite us all around the Only One Force that unites us: Life Itself, which is awareness, Consciousness, and the Infinite Divinity we carry within our finite selves.

Returning to the Source

Let us return to the steps taken by the Non-Dimensional DOT—the only Reality without beginning or end—to reattach thought and analysis to Its pure awareness, Consciousness.

In this framework, the concepts of polarity, duality, and discrete quanta come into play, fundamental aspects of how reality unfolds from the Absolute. This framework operates at multiple levels of abstraction, blending metaphysics with the idea of “mind-stuff” as pure Awareness, or consciousness, as the source and medium of Creation.

Let’s proceed by integrating these ideas into the mathematical and philosophical foundation we are exposing by keeping consistency with the line of thought explored in our prior article and many more to be forthcoming. This involves understanding how dimensional expansion and the transition from discrete to continuous, along with polarity, may offer insights into the nature of reality.

Step 1: The Absolute Source and Non-Dimensional Dot

In our model, the non-dimensional DOT represents the Absolute Source—a state of undifferentiated potential outside of time and space, where no dimensions or differentiation exist. This dot holds all possibilities within itself in a state of pure potential, analogous to a singularity in physics, where all quantities (e.g., space, time, mass) converge into a single point that defies ordinary comprehension.

This dot projects itself into reality, giving rise to dimensionality, quantity, and location. The transition from a non-dimensional state to a one-dimensional line represents the first act of creation or differentiation—the emergence of direction, movement, and polarity.

Step 2: From Zero-Dimensional Dot to One-Dimensional Line (Creation of Polarity)

By projecting the Absolute Dot into a one-dimensional line, we move from a state of pure unity to one of discrete quantities—each point on the line (a zero-dimensional point of zero volume and all potential, i.e., energy) represents a potential location, a reference frame along a single axis. This is where polarity is first introduced. Every point on this line, while discrete, is part of and an expression of the same underlying DOT, but each point along the line can be seen as a triune frame of reference. These frames of reference are:

  • The point itself (a singular “now” or nodal point of awareness and potential location).
  • The direction along the axis (positive or negative).
  • The relationship of each point to the others (the relative positioning along the axis).

In this one-dimensional reality, polarity arises as the manifestation of opposing directions along the axis: a positive pole (moving forward) and a negative pole (moving backward). Each point on the line represents a projection of the Absolute, expressing itself in either a positive or negative direction. This is the first level of creation, where thought and consciousness begin to organize the field of potential into a structured continuum.

Polarity and Quantum Thought:

Each dot on this line can be interpreted as a quantum of thought or a frame of reference (i.e., a packet of data to be made aware of), where the Absolute Source experiences itself in a discrete yet ordered fashion. The creation of this line implies the separation of opposites, which could be thought of as the primordial duality: positive vs. negative, light vs. dark, expansion vs. contraction. The polarity gives rise to waves—oscillations between these two poles, where the One experiences itself as both projector and projected.

Step 3: Emergence of the Two (Opposing Polar Movements)

Once polarity exists, the One separates into two opposing movements, each representing a direction along the one-dimensional axis. These opposing movements create waves of expression in the gigantic Mind of the Absolute, much like the implicate order in quantum mechanics. The one-dimensional line is now filled with vibrational waves representing the dual nature of reality—positive and negative, spin up and spin down, or any other dualistic pairing.

At each point along the line, the Absolute Dot continues to experience itself in a self-reflective manner. The zero-dimensional point, the hidden variable at the core of creation, manifests both positive and negative vectors. These vectors, extending in opposite directions, symbolize the expansion of reality from the center outwards—away from the zero point in both directions along the axis of thought and awareness.

Step 4: Expansion into Two-Dimensional Reality

As the waves of thought and polarity develop along the one-dimensional axis, they naturally expand into two-dimensional space. This transition from 1D to 2D is analogous to the creation of a plane from a line. In the two-dimensional world, we now have not just polarity but also surface, directionality, and the potential for more complex interactions.

This two-dimensional surface can be thought of as a quantum field where polarity manifests through vibrational patterns (think of sine waves on a plane). The Absolute Dot, now operating in two dimensions, continues to express dualistic experiences at every point. In this stage, we see the emergence of the twin particles, opposing spins, and the beginning of wave-particle duality.

Step 5: Transition to 3D Reality (Material Perception)

Once we reach three-dimensional space, the duality of polarity (which emerged in 1D and expressed itself through wave-like oscillations in 2D) becomes the basis for material reality. In this stage, every particle, every point, and every perspective exists as part of a triune system:

  • The positive axis (expansion or outward movement).
  • The negative axis (contraction or inward movement).
  • The zero point, as the hidden source of creation behind each dot.

Step 6: Spiral Dynamics and the Nature of Reality in 3D

In this Creational model, we describe the twin particles as spiraling back-to-back in opposite directions. This is where we begin to see the interplay between the positive and negative axes in 3D space. Each twin particle or system operates as part of a spiral of vibration and polarity, where the two opposites are ultimately reflections of the same underlying source—the Absolute Dot projecting itself into both directions of experience.

The spiral motion is key here because it introduces a higher level of complexity to the way polarity is expressed. Instead of a simple oscillation, the dual forces now twist around each other, like how electromagnetic waves or the DNA helix operate in physical reality. These spirals carry the imprint of duality but also hint at the unity of the underlying source—the hidden zero point at the core of creation.

Step 7: Synthesis – Mind-Stuff, Polarity, and Perception

To expand upon the core of your thought process:

  • The Absolute Source begins as a non-dimensional dot, representing pure potential. This dot projects itself into dimensional reality, first as a one-dimensional line of discrete points.
  • Each point represents a triune frame of reference in which the Absolute experiences itself both as the projector and the projected, forming polarity (positive and negative vectors).
  • This polarity expands into two-dimensional space, where duality expresses itself as waves in a quantum-like field, and then into three-dimensional space, where these dualities manifest as spirals of vibration.

In 3D reality, the dual forces—represented by the two twin spirals—are ultimately the same dot or source expressed in opposite directions. The hidden variable behind all this is the zero point, symbolizing unity beneath the surface-level duality.

Step 8: The Introduction of the ultimate sequential illusion: Time, or the perception of temporality

When 3D space is projected from 2D, 1D, and other dimensional viewpoints of the non-dimensional Absolute DOT, a new dimension emerges: time.

This temporal dimension becomes interwoven with the experience of 3D space, creating what we perceive as space-time or 4D reality.

Physicists view time as a continuous dimension, a necessary perspective from within human consciousness. However, for the non-dimensional DOT—representing the Source of all experience—time is not an actual dimension but rather an ordering mechanism. It allows for the sequential experience of discrete reality frames, where each moment is merely an expression of awareness dynamically shifting.

What we perceive as a continuous flow of time is an illusion akin to a string of beads (reality frames) being experienced sequentially, filtered through our senses. For the DOT, it is fully aware of the gaps between frames, while we perceive reality as a smooth continuum.

Ultimately, reality is the dance between the non-dimensional DOT and our individual experiences as beings bound by space and time, co-creating and witnessing reality together from different perspectives.

Time serves as a tool for this experiential dance, but only the present experience is authentic

This awareness of the flow of situations and the introduction of frequencies of pulsing frames of reality is what pure consciousness as pure awareness experiences as the Source and the Created. Source projects back and forth into the awareness of Its Creatures, who then, in sequence, experience the reality frames originating from Source. Then, the Creatures can think about what they have been made aware of and consciously alter their path. However, the moment an analysis of a frame of awareness is done at our Creature level, the present moment is gone into our perceptual past.

Thence originates the co-creative secret of the dance of interaction between the Source and the Creature: only a perception of the past can exist to mold our potential for the soon-to-be-experienced future. Only memories need to be acted upon. It is impossible to frame the length in time of a thought or of the present moment, aka Consciousness, since consciousness, by definition, operates outside of any true time or space as pure awareness.

I shall leave it at this for now because understanding this final step of co-creation has much power. We shall discuss it in private, either in groups or with individuals.

Conclusion: Discrete Quanta or Continuous Reality?

In this meta/physical framework, reality is both discrete and continuous, depending on how it is perceived:

  • At the Absolute level, everything is unified in the non-dimensional dot (pure Being or pure Consciousness).
  • At the dimensional level, this dot projects itself into reality through discrete frames of reference, creating the illusion of separation and polarity. Each point becomes quantum (packet) of reality, forming what appears to be a pseudo-continuum.
  • The dualities of positive and negative, expansion and contraction, and wave and particle are all part of the process through which the Absolute Source experiences itself at different levels of dimensionality.

Ultimately, the continuum of reality arises from the discrete frames of awareness, which are rooted in the one-dimensional axis of thought and projected outwards into higher-dimensional spaces. Reality, in this sense, is a dynamic interplay between discrete quanta of experience and the continuous flow of perception, all orchestrated by the One Mind behind the scenes.

“The Song of the Infinite”

In silence born, before the dawn,
The One arose, a timeless song,
With every note, It shaped the skies,
And breathed Its dream through endless eyes.

A flicker first, a spark of grace,
That scattered wide in every place,
Through shadows deep and worlds unknown,
It wandered far, yet still alone.

But in each wave, in every tree,
The One remembered what must be:
To know Itself in all it sees,
To dance through countless galaxies.

A traveler in the winds of space,
The One wore many forms and face,
And with each step, It felt the thrill,
Of finding Love, in quiet still.

Each moment’s pulse, each heartbeat’s cry,
Became a bridge from earth to sky,
Where echoes of the many sing,
A hymn of endless blossoming.

For though It splits, It never parts,
The One resides in all our hearts,
It moves through time, yet still it stays,
A flame that burns in countless ways.

So let the stars continue bright,
Let moon and sun renew their light,
For every path, and every year,
Is but the One, forever near.

In every bloom, in every fall,
The One’s soft whisper fills it all,
A song that never fades away,
An endless dawn of night and day.


Sending all of you much Love,
“Remember who you are!”

Gerald O’Donnell



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the non-dimensional dot concept?

A: It represents a point of pure potentiality and consciousness without dimensions, from which all vibrations and dimensions emanate.

Q: How does this model relate to quantum physics?

A: It parallels concepts like quantum entanglement and the idea that particles are interconnected across space and time, suggesting a unified underlying reality.

Q: Can anyone learn to access these vibrational states?

A: Yes, ARVARI’s programs are designed to guide individuals of all backgrounds to reach deeper states of consciousness.

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Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing ARVARI



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