REVELATION: The Untold Story of Creation: The Mystery of Consciousness revealed.

How the One DOT Became the Universe—and You


October 14, 2024

The Dance of the Eternal Flame

In the heart of the infinite void, where silence reigns supreme and time has not yet taken its first breath, there flickers an eternal flame. It is a flame without beginning and without end, a flame that knows neither source nor fuel, for it is the very essence of being. This flame is the One, the primordial Light that gave birth to the stars and set the cosmos spinning in its rhythmic dance.

The flame flickers not out of necessity, but out of pure joy, a joy so profound it cannot be contained. In its ecstatic dance, the flame imagines itself as countless sparks, each a miniature reflection of its boundless light. These sparks, glowing with the same fire as the Source, scatter into the vast expanse of potential, seeking to know themselves through the dance of separation.

Thus, the One becomes the many, and Creation is born—a symphony of light and shadow, form and formlessness, where each spark journeys through the realms of time and space, forgetting its origin only to rediscover it in the unfolding of its own story.

The Dream Weaver’s Tapestry

The One is like a dream weaver, spinning threads of light into an intricate tapestry, each thread a life, each stitch a moment in time. As the loom turns, the threads cross and intertwine, forming patterns too vast and complex for any single spark to comprehend. But the dream weaver, with infinite patience, knows that every thread is vital, every stitch a part of the grand design.

Some threads glow with the radiance of love and joy, while others are darkened by the shadows of fear and pain. Yet, without the contrast of light and dark, the tapestry would lack depth, its beauty incomplete. The dream weaver sees the harmony in the tension, the perfection in the imperfection, knowing that it is through the interplay of opposites that the masterpiece comes to life.

Each spark, as it weaves its way through the tapestry, believes itself to be alone, a solitary thread in an ocean of complexity. But the dream weaver smiles, for it knows that every spark is intimately connected to the whole. Though the threads may appear separate, they are all woven from the same light, drawn from the heart of the One.

The River of Reflection

The journey of the many is like a river, born from a hidden spring in the mountains of Eternity, flowing ever onward toward the vast ocean of unity. The river twists and turns, carving its way through valleys of experience, its waters mingling with the rain of dreams and the soil of memories.

At times, the river is calm and clear, reflecting the sky above like a perfect mirror. In these moments, the spark within each being glimpses its true nature, seeing the One reflected in the stillness of its own awareness. But the river is not always so tranquil. Storms of thought and emotion stir its waters, creating ripples that distort the reflection, making the spark forget the serene sky it once saw.

Yet, even in the turbulence, the river flows with purpose. It carries with it the lessons of the earth it touches, the wisdom of the rocks it polishes, the songs of the wind that dances upon its surface. For the river knows that, no matter how far it may wander, its destiny is the ocean, the great return to the Source.

The ocean, like the dream weaver’s loom, awaits the river’s return with open arms, knowing that every drop, every wave, is but a reflection of Itself. And when the river finally merges with the ocean, there is no separation, no boundary between the two. The river becomes the ocean, just as the spark becomes the One, and the circle of Life closes, only to begin again.

The Symphony of Stars

Creation is a symphony, and we, the many, are its notes, resonating with the music of the spheres. Each of us plays a part in this Cosmic orchestra, contributing our unique melody to the harmony of the whole. Some of us are like bright, bold notes, striking with intensity and purpose, while others are softer, more subtle, blending into the background like whispers of starlight.

But even the quietest note is essential to the song, for without it, the symphony would be incomplete. The One, as the grand conductor, listens to every note, guiding the tempo, orchestrating the rise and fall of the music with perfect precision. It knows when to bring forth the crescendo of Creation and when to allow silence to speak between the notes.

The stars themselves are like the pages of the symphony, written in light across the vast canvas of the Cosmos. As we gaze up at the night sky, we are reading the story of the One, the ever-unfolding song of Existence. Each constellation is a chapter, each twinkling light a word, written in a language older than time. And though we may only glimpse fragments of the story from our vantage point on Earth, we are all part of its melody, playing our part in the Cosmic score.

The Garden of Becoming

Imagine, if you will, a garden—an endless garden where every seed contains within it the potential for infinite growth. This garden is the Universe, and we are the seeds, planted in the soil of time, nourished by the sunlight of awareness. The One tends to this garden, not as a distant gardener, but as the very Life Force that causes each seed to sprout, grow, and blossom.

In this garden, no two flowers are alike. Each one grows according to its own rhythm, its own inner design, yet all are nourished by the same soil, watered by the same rain, and touched by the same light. Some flowers bloom quickly, while others take their time, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal their beauty. And when they do, the entire garden rejoices, for each bloom is a reflection of the One’s joy in creation.

As the garden grows, the One marvels at the diversity of Life, the myriad forms and colors that emerge from the same Source. It delights in the unfolding of each petal, the opening of each heart, knowing that every blossom is a step closer to the full realization of the garden’s purpose: the complete expression of the One in all its infinite forms.

The Mirror of the Heart

In the center of each spark, within the core of every being, there lies a mirror. This is not a mirror of glass, but a mirror of the heart, a reflection of the One’s true nature. And yet, this mirror is often clouded, covered by the dust of forgetfulness, the layers of illusion that veil the truth of our Unity.

But just as the wind can clear the dust from a window, so too can Love cleanse the heart’s mirror. Love is the wind that blows through the soul, sweeping away the distortions, allowing us to see clearly once again. When we look into the mirror of the heart with eyes of Love, we no longer see ourselves as separate, but as reflections of the One.

This is the ultimate awakening—to gaze into the mirror of the heart and see the face of the One gazing back at us. In that moment, all illusion dissolves, and we realize that we have never been alone, never been separate. We are the One, and the One is us, bound together in an eternal dance of Love, Light, and Life.

The Eternal Return

And so the journey continues, the flame of the One burning bright within us all, the river flowing endlessly toward the ocean, the symphony playing on, the garden ever blooming, and the mirror reflecting the truth of our being.

There is no end to this journey, for it is the journey of the One discovering Itself, loving Itself, and being Itself in an infinite variety of ways. It is the journey of becoming, of unfolding, of awakening, and ultimately, of returning. But even in the return, there is no finality, for the One will always create anew, always dream new dreams, always weave new patterns in the tapestry of existence.

And so, dear traveler, as you walk this path of Life, remember: you are the flame, the river, the note, the seed, the reflection. You are the One, and in every moment, you are both the Creator and the created, the Dreamer and the dream, the Lover and the beloved.

This is the Truth of WHO YOU ARE. And as you continue your journey, may you carry this truth in your heart, letting it guide you back to the Source, to the One that you have always been and shall always be. Selah – and it is Sealed!

“The One’s Return”

A flame once lit in void’s embrace,
Set forth to find Its mirrored face,
Across the stars, through endless night,
It cast Its glow, Its sacred light.

A thousand dreams in every glance,
A single step in Cosmic dance,
The One, in fragments, sought to see
Itself in every leaf and tree.

Through storm and calm, through dark and bright,
The One explored Its boundless height,
Each thread it wove, each note it sung,
A story told, forever young.

It swam the rivers of the soul,
It climbed the peaks, it touched the whole,
And in the deepest heart of time,
It heard Its echo, pure, sublime.

And so, It journeys ever on,
From dusk to dawn, from dawn to dawn,
In every breath, in every tear,
The One comes home, forever near.

The cycle spins, the spiral turns,
The One remembers, the One yearns.
For in the many, Love still flows,
A single truth that ever grows.

So sail, O wind, and soar, O sky,
For never does the One say goodbye.
It journeys far, yet always here,
The One’s own heart, forever clear.


Sending all of you much Love,
“Remember who you are!”

Gerald O’Donnell

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