Dear brothers and sisters:
It is customary in many countries around the world and part of ancient traditions to join in thanksgiving festivities addressed to the Creator for the bounties and the harvest that have been bestowed upon each of us in the prior year.
This tradition is not only part of the new world but is as old as mankind’s birth as an organized family and community.
On that day, we pause from our regular activities and menial concerns, transcend our egos, and join hands in a chain of fraternity and joy that is meant to bring us back to our origin as one unique and connected family: humanity.
I would rather suggest starting holding such an act of gratitude and recognition each and every day when we rise in the morning and are gifted another moment of multiverse experiences upon the facets of our magnificent but fragile planet of operations: Earth.
It is in the act of permanent gratitude that we start noticing all the positive gifts that are constantly, freely and indiscriminately, showered upon us by the living manifestation of the Feminine expression of our Creator: Mother nature and Her Infinite intelligence and Divine Grace.
Far from seeking Original Source in ancient words and messages, obscure texts, or dimmed solemn houses of worship, why not witness Its glorious Divine Living Presence on-line in Its enlivened and ever-changing Live format working in perfected harmony and with supreme intelligence: our natural environment which we are gifted as our world? Why not communicate with Its actual Presence deep within us, and not seek Its hidden face in external tales of human or otherworldly beings made into legends firing our imagination and so often idolized by the masses, mostly forming even greater amounts of divided groupings fighting others to recognize their “truth” as ultimate and final over all others?
We are meant to be entering a new period for mankind, a period of bestowal of the gifts of the harvest of what has been planted by our acts and thought patterns for eons and plowed by the One Creator until this very point in time/space. We are meant to engage in a time of reflection and analysis, a moment of introspection and sublimation of our, for now, finite human self, that will call of us to rise far above the immediate perspectives we are used to and our myriads of old ingrained subconscious subroutine thought programs and all the energized thought forms they have created in us, all kept powerfully energized by the sheer amount of entities focusing and accepting to share the same beliefs.
When this moment reaches the shores of our consciousness, we will have no other choice than to perceive that our world is but One unit, One planet, where ALL separations are just illusions planted and ferociously guarded by fear-based interests born into and conditioned by a consciousness of great lack, which has engendered the great desire to hoard, conquer and control more and more of the resources of what really manifests free-Divine unconditional Love and gifting: the Holy kingdom of the natural world in which we all bathe and operate as points of consciousness animated by Life Itself as the Holy Spirit which energizes all consciousnesses on this planet and far beyond.
This great shift has already started and is sadly birthed in great pain and moments of enormous chaos and uncertainty as the old is to die in order to make room for the new Creation and its wonder-filled paradigms.
Much of what you are witnessing now is but a reinforcement and an increase in the forces and beliefs systems which have been born out of the fear of lack, the fear of controlling too little men and material resources. Most of these thoughtform groupings are getting more and more entrenched in their battle for their truth, their system, and you will notice that ALL of their systems are focused on the past – on what has already been proven to be unworkable.
This is the time of the final clash between separation and unity, gifted to us, so that we never again repeat history and go back to these unworkable patterns.
This is the moment of Truth, when all suddenly stops in a gigantic gasp, a singularity point, the exclusive domain of The One, the original non-dimensional Dot, when right as we face our deepest fears and paradoxically our greatest hopes, everything Unites in the blink of an eye into the One Dot and then a new cosmic reality totally diferent from our old conflicted-polarities system based world is reprojected outward.
This is when we suddenly shift our focus away for fear, and finally embrace, for eons to come, the side of Real Love: the side of freely gifted unconditional Love for each other as mankind, nature and the One. This is when finally our Feminine Mother Creator Principle vibrating the environment together with her Daughter The Earth carrying the chidren’s DNAs and memory banks, becomes fully merged again in the ultimate cosmic marriage with Her Beloved, the Creator’s masculine principle of the Holy Father who has made this Creational Dream and beautiful lessons of Love possible.
At that moment the entities of all of our probable and already visited futures, merge with all the entities of our visited travelled pasts paths, all of them sublime expressions of the One Consciousness, and unify inside of a sublime Present, an instant of no time and no space. The One’s full Presence, as the One, is the only one who can achieve that Holy moment as It connects all realities and perceived chunks of experiences and all beings into Itself again.
There is no real death as the Only true Consciousness: the consciousness of the One cannot die, but only change formats and expressions. Death was an exteremely powerful illusion ingrained into all levels of consciousness in order to put the fear of extinction into all beings in this experiment. Death is just a change and opening of consciousness; however, the One can choose which memory banks (souls) to reenergize as It blows life into them again within Its Gigantic Mind, and which entities as extensions of Itself to erase by fully stopping to have any concentration (observation) upon them.
In the period about to befall us, we will enter the steps leading rapidly to the “Divine singularity,” when and where all of the One perceives Itself as One again and then chooses how to proceed. This act of Holy purification can only be achieved by the One, within the One, and as The One is One again. During the Final Unification, the End becomes the Beginning, as the end of one long period of Creation merges with Its ultimate Source, the non-dimensional singularity, and a new “Beginning is!” This is the only way Creation truly evolves and jumps quanta of operations and transforms within the Eternity of Its existence within the Eternal One Mind: Pure Thought, void of any beginning and thence without End.
This is what happens at that “moment of singularity,” domain of the One and Only, that phase of no-time and no-space or dimensions within Creation, and we all and all the dimensions are nearing it.
You are all feeling lately that you are largely losing your grip on life’s directions. You are all feeling without guidance, in limbo, almost as if we were all part of a boat having lost its skipper, its rudder, and our navigation skills. We are seeking answers in our old patterns and programs, but they do not seem to fit this ever increasingly unreal reality. Often, great anxiety ensues, and frustration, anger and desperation sets in.
Most seek answers to our future in a repetition of our past. We trust in repeating patterns found within cycles, hence our subjugation to being fated to repeat history, often in painful ways.
Time is losing its grip upon us and accelerating. In fact we are running out of time, as time is about to become very malleable in the new paradigms operating in the new Creation.
Money, as the artificial instrument of acquiring power and control, is becoming the ultimate illusion which it was anyway, be it paper, hard assets, or electronic entries in artificial computing machines, and no one is really able to make sense of its run-away bubble reality ready to explode.
What really counts is what is alive: humanity and its living environment in our natural world. What counts is what has consciousness, what is part of the Divine, and not what is but dead matter and dying dreams created by fear and lack-oriented consciousness.
What really counts is to decide, in common accord, to enter a bountiful oriented consciousness, that knows that all that is needed is already present, some of it in yet unmanifest format, ready to be discovered and activated by us, but most of it controlled by our shifts in levels of consciousness and collective intent.
What is needed, is to dream and act for the good of all humanity and be willing to gift unconditionally in the name of unconditional Love your presents, and presence to all, without expecting anything in return, as a mother or a father would want to gift to their child.
The changes might come gradually or fast; however, the focus of mankind’s thought operation and activity needs to solely arise from that new and Higher consciousness region where a new Creation is in the process of birthing Itself into a new age of final peace, care, solace, new higher DNA codes and gifting of health and longevity, and a sense of great unity as Oneness.
This Great new Higher dimensional consciousness mirroring the Consciousness of the One, knows no fear of lack but only a deep built-in desire, like Mother nature, to freely bestow to all the bounties we uncover and produce, and share them amongst all of us, perceptually separated until now by illusory created borders, lands, languages, races, and religions, as a test, in our post tower-of-Babel rebellion metaphor.
As the primary axiom of Creation, and often forgotten concept of the genesis of mankind, we are told that we all, without exception, originate from one great Divine Soul, made in the image of the Creator and having in potential all of Its Creative qualities, and that we all go back to that great Adamic Soul, and it is so. We are just sparks of awareness of this Primordial Soul of mankind having chosen to play the game of scarcity and hence power for a while, knowing full well that, within the original Creational plan, that the time will come, and it is very near now, when we will all need to swiftly shift polarities, from fear to Love towards each other as One family: The family of One and of The-One-and-Only un-named Creator of EVERYTHING, EVERYONE, and EVERY facets, good and bad, EVERY color and vibratory Sound, language, religions – Father and Mother to all the children. We will need to soon mirror the Loving One-and-Only hiding inside all of us and within the living environment.
This is the true story of the proximate pole/polarity shift, because profound real changes in mankind always originate in needed consciousness shifts, some of them extremely rapid. This is our only reason to exist as human Creatures, which is to first separate from each other as far as we can – and conceptual separation has been achieved on this plane to an unprecedented level, and then finally engage in our trip back to the Unity we all came from. We cannot push the limits of separation further, or this whole experiment would need to stop in failure, and that cannot be.
You will soon perceive, as you engage in that Great consciousness polarity shift, how the external world will start gifting us the beautiful harvest and bounty that we all need, the like of which mankind has never experienced, as long as we join hands and share that very bounty and make this inner desire to share with our brothers and sisters our inner nature: the nature of One and Unity.
As we engage in the great polar shift in thanksgiving and gratitude for what will then be freely bestowed upon us, the One will engage in thanksgiving and gratitude towards us, His beloved human Creatures, for having had the courage and determination to take on the glorious trip back home to His unity of purpose and Being. But we need to all embrace the great shift within our consciousness and then the veils of separation will be gradually removed until we all stand fully “naked” without any masks and distorted facets in the Holy Presence of the One and permeated by that Ultimate Awareness.
And then the “singularity point” shall be ours, and we will fully emerge from It with new teachings, new awareness, and new basis of knowledge, when even children shall teach adults and all will be connected throughout all the Universes!
And a great SMILE of Joy shall be as the One Blesses Itself through Its children and the pride It feels in them because they overcame such immense challenges, and fought for Love over fear, for unity over separation, no matter how hard all had become.
You will notice that all other old forms of lack and fear-based systems have all been fundamentally strengthened in recent times, on purpose, as a lesson for all of humanity to feel their painful consequences. These systems will soon be witnessed, by all of you, as fully and terminally imploding under their own weight as they show us the misguided choices and roads they caused us to travel and travail in hardship for eons.
As the great coming shift grabs our unmitigated attention, we shall turn our attention away from their former pernicious presence and finally unite in pure Love above all manifestations of elitism and separation from each other and from our common Creator. We will co-Create this new world to come, for we have experienced in the depth of ourselves the damage the old world has caused for eons to so many of us.
As for you dear readers and students, I feel immense gratitude in having being privileged to be of help in being a conduct for The Oneness to have a venue and voice, for helping you connect to Higher Levels of your Self within The One through special techniques we teach, and for helping decode and hint at our probable future as mankind. In that process I have gotten to know a great many of you and am honored by your trust and enthousiasm, and your current intense dreams for Oneness humbles me. There is yet much more to do, reveal, experience and integrate, for all of us.
I love you all.
I wish you a happy thanksgiving day, every day, forever so.
Your friend on this journey in Oneness,
Gerald O’Donnell
Dear Brother,
Thank you for this message, I cried through most of it. It rang so true down to my depths, this is what we have been truly desiring all of our lives.
Thank you and infinite blessgings, to you and all,
So much gratitude for you Gerald and BEing here during this time. I read this before sweet slumber on Thanksgiving night. I am full of grace as I go to sleep resonating with this message. Thank you ❣️
It is 2:33 AM. I could not sleep. I Hope your Inspiration will Inspire me and others like us. I have been listening to you for many years.
Hey, there, Dear Gerald! That, as always, is a sublime & terrific message from Your Dear Self; again, as always. Since being a humble servant with towering aspirations, I can only de-sire to “rest” in the soft, sweet lap of Divine Mother Nature’s Breath, as always. It occurs to me that, in the immortal words of Ramana Maharshi, that “not only is the Self the easiest thing to know; but beyond the Self (what you call “the Singularity of the ONE-ness — or the “Is-ness, as the Andromenans refer to it, and if it could be said by “them,” as they refer to themselves as “us” in the future, to have a gender, it would probably be female — anyway, as Ramana continues, “beyond the Self there is nothing else to know. All that is required to know the Self is to: BE STILL.” So. That’s where it falls on us to consider, as also Nisargadatta Maharaj conceded, “Yes, it is like that; a black hole.” That means, as the Advaitists say about Vedanta; “how we know is as important as what we know;” and to them they concede that, as Vedanta means knowledge; “the end is like the beginning; but there’s a world (whirl’d) of difference in between.” They also add curious little quips as well, to their vast bodies of knowledge, such as: “He alone knows who knows; and perhaps even he does not know.” Even Isaac Newton, who spent mostly his entire life as a hermit exploring what to him amounted to all the existing knowledge available at the time, including alchemy for sure, finally, near the end of his life he exclaimed that he felt that he “had examined just so many grains of sand on an infinite seashore…” and he was a great man who had achieved much in his life!!! And, I’ll go on to add, “The lyfe so shorte, the crafte so long to learne.” So, in closing here, I trust in “good faith,” I’ll leave off then with two happy quotes that I believe you will appreciate; namely, this one: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it would suffice.” –Meister Eckhart And, “Your character is fate.” –C.G. Jung Oh, yeah, the best of all, in a way, are the immortal words of Emile Coue (accent grave!) that was found to work on at least 17,000 patients who gave his recommendation of these words a “go”; namely, “Every day in every way things are getting better and better.” And with the additional “twist” of what is now called, “The One Command,” that Asara Lovejoy invited into her life as “an original thought” that she de-sired as a Theta Healer, as follows (in the Theta brainwave state, of course!) “I don’t know how these words are true; I only know they are so now, and I am (I AM) fulfilled.” So, that’s it & “quite a bit” for now. “ENJOY HAPPINESS ENJOY” With All the Best of Every Good Wish,etc. Yours in the Lord, -=S.A.M.=-
Great and sincerely joyful Thanks my good man Gerald!
Let’s all share this brilliant resolution!
Infinity and beyond here we come!
Love to ALL_.-!
Yes. Connecting with this message…with ALL and One. Thanks to you, a point of One’s thought, may the light shine bright upon this message of peace, hope, unity, gratitude and love of ONE.
Thank you Gerald for this message.
Thanks dude… knocking on the doors, nothing… just need to find the key and I am in :))
Where to start stating my appreciation for your existence in this realm? Your words are as inspiring and encouraging as they are loving…
There is a reason why you were chosen as a conduit to connect with so many…
Again, thank you for your direction and love.
Thank you Gerald. I would agree currently that the “feeling” has been that things are on “fast forward” I have had to put great effort into being grounded at peace and in a state of higher consciousness. I stopped watching tv last year in an attempt to unplug from fear based living. I am so thankful for your work and the materials you offer. I would love to share this article… it’s quite long for the average unaware reader. I suppose the vote message here is LOVE ONE ANOTHER- seek unity and set the intention to be a part of the new world, fearless with Holy Spirit. Fear not,….
Thank you so much for making me understand the concept of “The One” Wishing everyone much “Light & Love”
Dearest Gerald,
Your intention & blessings are crystal clear. You have allowed many of us to create holding an exceptional level of Light… thanks to your expertise and love. With much gratitude. Love & Light!
Well put and greatly understood. Thank you.
Thank You Oneness, Thank You Gerald. May we all heal now & trancend ourselves from past traumas, to go forth living without the fear that tries to stop us from seeing how truly magnificent this existence is. I will not give up, I will do my part to bring us all back together!!
Gerald, my third eye has been opened for a long time now. I have walked through the veil experiencing many truly amazing things and spiritual beings. I believe you to be spot on with your remote viewing. I have felt these changes coming since my contact in 1994. I have been following you for quite sometime and you ring true to what I’ve been told and seen for myself. The Elemental beings, the keepers and watchers of Mother Earth have been preparing for this moment along with their fight against the negative forces themselves. You have done an excellent job in bringing truth to humanity by the One Creator Source. Thank you for service in helping Mankind understand their purpose.
Thank you for being gods messenger as I guess we all are really . I am here for the fight with all of you knowing in my heart that good will prevail . These times are hard as it’s always darkest before the dawn . Thank you for bringing forth the message of the one . Crazy as it is ,the one has been coming and speaking to me directly , a few times now . To my surprise and awe the one has a sense of humor as well . He told me “he saw me at his house on Sunday “ he was referring to me going to church weeks ago (something I’ve not done for a while now ) . I was amazed at the surprise of h actually speaking directly to me , for that to happen I know more than ever that he is real as is this war going on at the moment . I am here to serve god and his word and all humanity . I am so great full for people like you and for the one himself and his live for me and us all as his children . This is truely an unprecedented time in our world . I remember more everyday why I chose to come down here now . Thank you for opening my hybernaging eyes . Opening them to the inner truth and knowing if his awesome and omnipotent love . Thank you gerrald and god .
A beautiful and hopeful message. It confirms the instruction I received many years ago to “believe in us” (One Love) as I was reading in the book of Daniel (not that I understood it all at that time, but I got the gist). The “Kingdom made without hands” (One Love) will overcome and pull down the human constructs based on fear and lack. While others in my circle of faith wait for Armageddon and judgement, I’m nuts enough to believe “we” can and will find our way to a Love-unity that will overcome. My circle of influence is small, and I often feel your (Gerald’s) messages would be rejected as an uncomfortable “alien” source to them, so I am led to re-frame in bits and pieces of language that will (hopefully) be understood by the intended listeners. I mention this so that no one feels their part is too small! Just speak about Love at all opportunities given to you, and point out Love’s various forms (some people need to see God/Love in a flower when they’re sad, for example). Love is a universal inner language, however removed a person may be from it in their own way of thinking. Connect with that and Love-expansion will happen. I love you all, too! Thank you, Gerald, for including me in your circle.
Dear Gerald, I have been meditating everyday for 2-3 hours on the presence of love and connecting to the one infinite source within and all around me. I truly believe that we must all focus on pure love and unite all of mankind. Peace and blessings to you for your message. I am still using the remote viewing and the other cds and trying to understand it all. Thanks
I feel as excited when I had some high energy experiences in 2008 and 2009 – ok I do what I can – would be great to be in this body to experience this unimaginable event … have no idea when it could be- but reading this text it felt like “near 🙂 but then- today in the underground etc- always my whole life seems to be present at once !!! and I had a glimpse of age 20 when I came to Vienna and I saw the rented room and it felt like it was absolutely only yesterday- now this gives a hint what “time frames ” are –
nothing- rien- NOW 🙂
funny ! THANK YOU SO MUCH Gerald ! Blessings and Gratitude –
much Love Ernestine
“You are all feeling lately that you are largely losing your grip on life’s directions. You are all feeling without guidance, in limbo, almost as if we were all part of a boat having lost its skipper, and our navigation skills. ”
There are no coincidences. Mr, O’Donnell’s message came the same day I started feeling this way about my current situation with an Aquarius and then that opened up me wondering about everything in my life, in general. For that one moment, and this one day, I felt hopeless almost completely. Lost the fire in me.
But of course the One was right there to come to my aid when I truly became lost. I am thankful to the One and Mr, O for this message.
Dear Gerald
i appreciate the one gentleman who said he cried thru most of your message. i did not cry but my eyes stung and my body experienced very strong tingling while reading this.
i had a complete breakthru because of you and your info, Gerald. Three nights ago i listened to one of your older teachings and the proverbial light bulb flashed on, now never to be extinguished. Every non-existent cell in my body now FULLY understands and appreciates your continued message of “everything is thought.” Not just the thoughts i think can/should be affected by this sentence, but EVERY single thought i carry around with me. There goes my body vibrating a major tingle sensation again. i wish it were warmer here as this is a freezing sensation : )
Gratitude is in my heart (okay now here come the tears) for you and for everything you have unselfishlessly, unrelentlessly, continuously give to us. Because of “you” i can now cast aside all my rules of behaviour for others and just Love Love Love.
i am grateful beyond belief. Beyond words. Thank you sincerely xoxo
Dear Gerald, although I am not yet studying with you and never did, I am strongly resonating with what you have shared in this text! I have the feeling you are an old friend of mine. I will most likely never meet your physical vessel since I am sitting here in a low frequency city 🙂 in Germany and the beauty is: it isn’t necessary because it simply “is”, anyway. This morning I woke up from a strong dream and usually I have a hard time remembering. Not so this morning. I was able to understand and the message was quite similar to what you have shared here, only in “different clothing” – so to speak. I am without fear. That is what truely matters! Blessings, all the best for all of us. Love+joy Monika
I am honored to have known you and been an adult during the incredible changes in all of our lives and at the time when you are able to give so generously of your wisdom and debth of understanding with the One. Although I am not without direction at this time, my ship has direction and a calmness has taken over my life. I am learning to play and see others as “kindness waiting to happen”. While in deep reflecion of your words, I give all my energies to bringing about this onesness, and shedding the fear cloak that so easily entangles.
Dear Mr. Gerald,
Lost a dear life in my family, and our whole family gently ushered her into the next life. It was so gentle and precious. I have sorrow, but as you stated above, it is only another dimension. I have known this thin curtain between living and death of the body so many times. I, as a spirit of love and insight from overcoming pain, help others move into the next life without fear through my caregiving..somehow the One has gifted me with that great responsibility. Thank you for the Thanksgiving message, as always, it is profound.
Thank you Gerald for always bringing a timely message, I always look forward to a new message from you.
Moving from fear to love and from seperation to unity is exactly what we have been receiving truth about.
It is amazing to just again confirm God is One, and the messages from everyone are connected.
Standing in unity with everyone, looking forward!
Thank you for being a bright star of love, kindness, and sweetness for us to follow and ripple out from us. Big Cuddle.
dear Gerald, awesome awesome awesome. I purchased your cds in 2007 but haven’t listened to them all as as some were lost and I was wondering is there a way I could get the needed ones replaced? I would be so appreciative if possible. I want to listen to these, each and everyone, in order. is there a way I can order these tapes again?
sen from Washington
I read a quote a while ago that spoke to me as a possible truth regarding the negative emotional chaos most are experiencing and would genuinely appreciate thoughts ;
“Darkness is coming out of the woodwork being squeezed out of many places where it formally hides.”
Dear Gerald, thank you for your love , compassion and light that you bring on our planet. I appreciate you immensely. Peace my friend.
I sincerely want to express deep gratitude to you for your precious and ever lasting effort to help a great many human beings save themselves in their own worlds. With your guidance and teaching having been given consistently for many years, i belive that a great many of us and beings have been helped save our souls by learning the awakening path to connect to the One in Oneness. My mind journey to keeps going higher, thanks to you.
With love and respect,
Gerald, Thank You for your service to God Almighty and His Creations…The One and The Only. May ALL be soon filled and joined in Blissful State of Unconditional LOVE. Much Joy and Happiness Forever !
Gerald, I am so glad that I decided to take this ascension journey together with you! Everything within your audio teachings really speaks to my core! Thank you for guiding us! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!
Thank you for your beautiful divine message that I resonate with Gerald and for sharing this with us. Namaste.
Thank you Gerald, your words are true and ring with the familiar sound of Home. Thank you for your profound teachings. I look forward to continuing this journey of rediscovery and remembering with you.
Dear Gerald, Reading this in 2020, and it is very well received. I have been in such despair these last few weeks due to the extreme political polarity, the COVID control agenda, and grave personal losses. I started your course recently due to your excellent offer and also because it was just TIME to do so. Your letter explains so much and gives me hope! May we all dwell forever in the Love and Light of the One Creator! We are All One. Wishing everyone peace on this Thanksgiving Day 2020.