Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality

Savings Special Holiday Season 2022

Get The Ultimate Weapon for the PEACEFUL WARRIOR

The price will go back to its original price of $347.00  as we proudly make available to our member graduates our Advanced Graduate Training
starting on January 15th 2023  which, because of the levels of advanced teachings and protocols taught, will require familiarity and prior training with our “PORTAL to the Universal Mind ” course and proof of  being a member and trainee of our Academy. 

Time has come to cross and leave this enslaving system of the old dark matrix, so:

A very special community is to become established so that we all learn from each other directly and support one another. This will require commitment and dedication from all.  We shall commit to all be ready to lift each other, especially when one requires it and momentarily stumbles. It is by lifting each other that we shall be lifting ALL of us as a group, and that group shall grow larger and larger and rise higher and higher.

Direct on-line group and individual coaching by Gerald shall be made available and ARVARI shall offer yearly physical meetings and conferences where we shall all get the opportunity to know each other personally.

The totally new modalities of advanced “perceptions and reprogramming” of our reality which will be taught in these future advanced classes will allow all who seriously desire and are ready to leave their old “enslaving chaotic world” to cross the “Portal” and operate multi-dimensionally into different reality perceptions in a way which can only be explored and experienced by one’s Self.

This represent an unprecedented quantum jump in awareness and advanced training which will require your prior mastering of operating at will with full conscious awareness in deep Theta Brain state (usually paired with Gamma wave when remaining aware) and Deep Delta/Epsilon Brain State (usually paired with Lambda waves when awake).

For this to occur you will need to train studiously and enthusiastically with our “PORTAL” protocols and integrate them in your daily lives.

These “coming of age” teachings and training shall  bring to the Light or your awareness you prior dark sub-conscious and Superconscious control-and-command life energy and mind control background centers fully en-lightened by your Self to immensely powerful levels, so that you get back control and co-operation from these Core Levels of your Selves and reach Complete Peace and True Wealth of Spirit, Mind and Matter.

50% Discount Over Regular Prices!

Because of the Fast Paced Increase in
Events causing heighten Global Insecurity in our World, which
is about to Take in 2016 and Beyond an Even more Dramatic Turn, as
perceptual terminal chaos and conflicts engulf evermore all
endeavors and countries, we are
making this Very Special Offer:
Gift yourself and
your dear cherished ones a TRUE LIFE-CHANGING and potentially
LIFE-SAVING present which will permanently change you so that you
can engage in and participate in the GREAT CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT ahead
and cross the Bridge which will open then for you to cross over our
Troubled Living Waters!
We know the life changing power of our training, as
over 40 thousands  students have already
experienced and proven it to themselves for 16 years (See
). Our Academy introduced to the world in 1997
mind training protocols to easily reach the Deep Theta (4.5 HZ) Mind
Level (RV training system). This level allows for unconscious
material to be released and information bridging time and space
(Remote Viewing) to be obtained. In 2002 we revealed
techniques to reach Delta brain Mind Levels (1-4 HZ)  with full
mind awareness (Remote Influencing), allowing you to manifest
reality with what could be considered god-like powers as you regain
your full ability to become the co-creators of reality you were
really meant to become and which had been hidden from you for eons.
We still are the only Mind Development Institute in the world
offering such access to very deep super-conscious levels.  We feel that now, more than
ever, you need to transform you mind, spirit, and biology through
attaining the Higher vibrations and peaceful awareness it snuggles you
within. Denial and procrastination will only make things harder for
you. In order to achieve such, you need to awaken many dormant parts
of your brain and DNA structures to confront our new realities. You
need to shift into a Higher Being and take that quantum leap sooner
rather than later.  Big global cosmic events are happening
and more are about to
be unleashed in the next years and these tools to High Inner Inspiration should become
a matter of sheer necessity and easy sailing upon the stormy waters
of Creation.
Because mainly of the destruction of our environment,
the inner and outer poisoning, and the very serious man-made disturbances to
the homeostasis of our planet, we find ourselves, as-of -late,
seriously disconnected from the universal glue of conductive Life
energy, and the love energy which energizes each other. This has caused
our planetary Life
energy to become  drastically diminished, and hence humanity’s
life energy quotient on this planet has been reduced to very low
levels. Therefore, basic sustenance of inner positive life invigorating
energy is seriously becoming a daily struggle of epic proportions.
The natural world cannot effectively cleanse and heal  itself
anymore and neither can our biological vehicles.  Many feel exhausted, fearful, and angry for no apparent
real reasons as they go about their daily chores and are offered a
plethora of physical substances and/or technological aids and help of dubious
efficacy. Dark weird angry and parasitic crazy energies are increasingly
infiltrating all abodes and most of humanity, unbeknownst to them,
easily overtaking their subconscious minds, since so few of us are even aware of what happens within their sub-conscious
minds and realms.  What is needed urgently is a reconnection of all the
parts that form the Created world by their engaging in some serious inner work
and cleansing of sub-conscious realms. his would then cause thenceforth
them to get a very strong
inner calling  to operate with a sense of unifying Higher
purpose and action. Opening the portals to the inner sub-conscious
and aligning back with the true Higher positive planes is what our courses offer and NOW is the
time to engage in it. This would reestablish our Higher connection
to Real Life Force and Higher Wisdom, and be of tremendous healing
to both our biologies, minds, spirits and the biosphere and
collective consciousness of our planetary existence. It is the only
solution to our human quandary and disconnected and lost human
Our courses will open your mind to constant very
acute inner sense of intuition about your probable future where you
will act with the wisdom and protective influence of you heart
intelligence as it reconnect to the One Heart of All Creation. This
is not a only possibility but a necessity which will allow you to
traverse these very dangerous stormy waters of the end times while
being protected not by material illusions which is futile, but
DIRECTLY by the true ALL Seeing and Infinitely Intelligent Force you
carry within. There is little time left to engage fully; suffice it
for you to just watch the accelerating pace of polarizing events and
violent extremes in politics, societal orientations, spiritual
programs, and weather patters to realize the seriousness of the
situation overtaking all of our planetary body. 
Our courses offer special techniques to connect to
very High levels of Life energy, proven ways to cleansing of  your deep
subconscious and of shielding against infiltration by negative
energies (just read
our thousands of student feedbacks encompassing  almost 19
years now)
Considering the profound scope of what is being gifted to you in
these courses, this is probably the best spent endeavor you can
engage in.  In fact, as many of our  trainees write on our
testimonial pages, you could spend years within Secret ancient
Mystical societies bound by an oath of secrecy, read uncountable
books old and recent, and also attend various mind training seminars
at a total cost exceeding 10’s of thousands of dollars, and you
would not even encompass the multidisciplinary and multidimensional
approach which you will get directly in a direct experiential format
from our training, which can be attained in terms of a month or two
and not years or decades. 
Once you become an official member of the Academy of Remote Viewing
and Influencing you will be granted  total access to additional
material about to be released and to Gerald O’Donnell himself for
personal advice and training assistance.
Our training is highly life-changing and deeply
transformative, and will enable you to
navigate in peace and high awareness the big shift ahead. In order
to help you, we have decided to offer to you below these two  very
special offers. Think also of your loved ones and how such a
gift could have much more meaning than just a gifting of purely material
“You can gift tasty fish to loved ones, but the ultimate is to
gift them the ability to learn to fish for themselves”

Super Saver

Do take
advantage of this offer before it is too late!

Get the
complete Physical Remote Viewing
and Complete Remote Influencing Training systems

on CDs+ ALL the bonus

at a

Deep  50 %

You can also get two full Combination RV/RI  Courses for much less than the regular price of
and gift at least one to someone who will make good use of it. The Portal to the One Universal Mind course has definitely proven itself since 1997 to transform positively deeply and permanently on many levels any individual who dedicates time to it and arouse in them talents which brings them to a higher quantum of human operations. Our 20 plus years of students posting raving testimonials (and we have much more which shall be posted soon, and even more posted on our student discusiion group by recent trainees) constitute a living proof that a shift occurs permanently to students who dedicate themselves to our training into a higher quantum operating human being.

This is a perfect life-changing gift that they will never
If you desire to upload the courses from CDs onto an
iPod, android smart phone, iPhone, iPad, or any PC or Mac you
can convert these CDs by using
to upload the uncompressed Audio files sessions and then saving the files as “Apple Lossless
Compression format” (preferred format) and you will not lose ANY proprietary brain
entrainment sound technology frequencies. Using Mp3 compression slices
away low frequencies and marginally reduces some of our brain entrainment
but can  be used effectively anyways.

ONE Combination
FULL Package  of  BOTH the Remote Viewing
and the Complete Remote Influencing Training systems on CDs (22 CDs)
+ the TWO bonus
disks for

at a


Discount (regular Price $397.00)
Full membership and access to the ARVARI
Academy and the Personal Training Assistance of Gerald O’Donnell
60 days Full Money-Back GuaranteePlus, our Academy is also going to remove any risk out of the
with our:100% Iron Clad 60 Day
Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!
aWhen you purchase any of our training programs you will have
a full 60 days to experience
the program and ensure your
satisfaction.We are 100% confident you will be absolutely delighted with
everything you are about to experience…But you are fully covered by our iron clad, no quibbles satisfaction
policy, which means if you are not totally delighted with this
program you will get a prompt and courteous refund (Please
just return to us us the products).
Yes, I want Gerald’s Powerful
“Deep Theta (Remote Viewing) and Deep Delta (remote Influencing) Mind
Training” Program

This entire package is now

Order Online

Free shipping is available for US customers only

60 days Full Money-Back Guarantee
Order By Phone

You can call our daytime international order line between 9AM to 5PM (US Eastern time zone) Monday-Friday. Please note that the office is closed on weekends and holidays:

60 days Full Money-Back GuaranteeOr Use our EASY TWO PAYMENTS Plan
Option (Two Monthly Payments of  $99)

Free shipping is available for US customers only

Immediate Shipping after first payment!

Full membership and access to the ARVARI
Academy and the Personal Training Assistance of Gerald O’Donnell
60 days Full Money-Back Guarantee __________________We truly hope that this will help you acquire the body of High Mind
techniques we would like you to master.We know from experience that children as young as 12 years of age
have greatly benefited, as did older seniors. There is no age when
it comes to transform into a Higher being and enter a new Higher Self.We hope that you will take advantage of this offer for yourself
and gift yourself, and others you care about,  this really
perfect meaningful gift which will change you lives forever and help finally bring
you inner peace.In this very special cusp of an incredible
year which will bring much changes to humanity, and help it evolve,
I want to wish you all beautiful connection with the Peace of
Oneness and many happy flights!.You friend forever,
Gerald O’Donnell

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     COPYRIGHT © 1997-2017

O’Donnell. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

Page written  on January 1, 2017



Remote Viewing Book Cover

FREE E-Book: DOWNLOAD, FREE of charge, the Foundation of our Teachings:

The most powerful information ever revealed on the unity of mind and matter, the true Unified REALITY Field, and the reason why mind can and does influence matter and others, be it your biology, others' and so much more! Read it and integrate it, and you will never be the same as you learn to use your mind's SUPERPOWERS, rejuvenate, heal, influence reality and others and connect deeply to All that IS!

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