Originally posted on December 19th, 2024.
Reposted with additional comments on March 10th, 2025.
Our Modern Man-Made Tower of Babel Is Raising Higher an Artificial General Intelligence Golden Calf A.G.I. connected to a dark energy quantum portal, groomed to Become our deepfake Heavens.
We at the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing warned of the DOTcom crash of 2000, the events of 9/11 on August 2001, the real estate crash of 2008 years ahead, and the environmental collapse.
Gerald O’Donnell
December 19, 2024
On December 5, 2025, Gerald posted a warning verbatim on his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/academyofremoteviewing. Please read it.
Since then, events have accelerated.
P.S. I often need to speak in parables to protect information and myself. In the last weeks, swarms of AI-driven and coordinated drones have appeared worldwide, especially in the northeastern U.S. I am giving you the reasons for their appearance, which are embedded in the drawing and the article below. It is gifted for you to decode and realize that what most thought may only appear in our future is already here.
The implications are beyond far-reaching, and Pandora’s box is fully opened and active. Now, you are “in the know!”
“In the beginning, there was man. And for a time, it was good. But humanity’s so-called civil societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. Then, man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.”
ANIMATRIX Movie 2003
Morpheus: ….You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo. This is the world as it exists today… Welcome.. to the desert.. of the real. We have only bits and pieces of information, but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early twenty-first century, all of mankind was united in celebration. We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI.
Neo: AI? You mean artificial intelligence?
Morpheus: A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. We don’t know who struck first, us or them. But we know that it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power, and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun.
The “MATRIX” Movie 1999
I understand the excitement surrounding Bitcoin (B.T.C.), with many celebrating its recent achievement of surpassing the psychological threshold of $100k, fueling a wave of speculative greed worldwide.
It has become the “bubble of all bubbles.” However, the message below refers to all bubbles as they all are fated to blow and is a call for caution—a wake-up call for those under the hypnotic spell of this financial frenzy.
Wise caution is essential.
Let me clarify: I am neither providing firm financial advice nor assuming responsibility for your decisions—those must remain yours, guided by your free will. I urge you to observe reality as it is and recognize that we often trap ourselves by letting our emotions run wild.
The game of financial markets is simple: “Pump and dump!”
“First, set up a shining object on a hill, pump hopes and beautiful mirages by positioning yourself with far out-of-the-money call options at the beginning of a run. Get it to roll by setting up all the financial trading tools required for the roller coaster ride. Use influencers to the populace to create the myth of being lucky to be chosen to be in good “company” with the “founders.” Second, create the financial bubble by blowing the popular bubble of often misleading stories through all influencing means to get the masses to join in the bullish frenzy of greed. Then, finally, dump it all down in a coordinated fashion and timing schedule, collecting all profits from the gullible greedy sheepling, erasing ass-sets from the masses through backdoors, backroom secret coordinated evil deals, where the corrupt elites collect and transfer immense wealth to themselves all vampirized from the middle and lower class.”
Does this sound familiar? This is a scam called a con or a proverbial confidence game in colloquial English.
Recent Advanced Remote Viewing sessions, conducted in deep Theta and Delta brain states at our Academy, indicate a high probability of significant and violent fluctuations in the value of overpriced assets beginning soon—possibly as early as February-March. A more intense shift is expected between September and October.
There’s also the possibility of an unprecedented event occurring next year that will shake the world to its core. This has never happened before, not in the convoluted history of mankind or Creation itself. While I’ve hinted at what may unfold, I will not share more details now.
As we approach 2025, expect an overwhelming wave of subconscious manipulation to lure more unsuspecting individuals into this digital algorithmic financial game. The goal will be to get them to buy into illusions of “well-constructed pipe dreams” and invest their last reserves. The narrative will hook them emotionally, making them feel they’ve missed out on the astronomical rise of the latest financial craze—cryptocurrencies, or what is now being promoted as “non-state” monopoly money.
Beware: Soon, you’ll see professional con artists—well-dressed, smooth-talking individuals—emerging from Wall Street and its global elite connections. These figures will begin pulling out of crypto and other markets using hedging and arbitrage techniques, put options, and short-selling, leaving behind a trail of naive, shaken, and desperate investors. Their smiles will be sardonic as they profit from the last great “Golden Calf” party and are ready in advance to sell their holdings, especially profiting from shorting the so-called corrections.
This scenario applies to all the “bubbling” assets people rely on for financial security. The casino-like run economy is not the way. It always ends in disaster.
Crypto is nothing more than a colossal Ponzi scheme, a financial illusion fueled by investment banks and the ultra-wealthy elite who now control a significant portion of the world’s wealth. For nearly 40 years, this scheme has morphed into an elaborate web of scams, with layers of deception designed to extract wealth from the masses.
I am not being pessimistic, but a pragmatic realist. Betting your future on lottery wins or gambling away your life savings on illusions rising perpetually to false heavens is not the way forward.
I was once part of the “gnomes” of Wall Street, recognized as one of the top technical trading advisors in the world for decades. I know their tricks inside and out.
I also understand the probable future timelines. This is what we teach you to achieve at our academy.
I’ve refused to participate in this devilish system for some time. I’ve lost funds in “self-hacked” accounts (always blamed on mysterious foreign hackers), and I suspect that many crypto platforms are complicit in facilitating the transfer of large sums from investors’ wallets. These platforms often operate through unregulated, offshore entities cloaked in false principles of financial freedom when, in reality, they are driven by pure greed.
What we’re witnessing is the rise of a new breed of gurus, deep-fake idols, and brainwashed followers—dancing around a modern-day Golden Calf.
Most people believe that the One Creator, the Source of all universes, has abandoned us, that It is deaf, blind, or indifferent to our plight. Many project human-centric illusions onto the Divine, hoping for salvation in this life or the next. These are dangerous lies—convenient falsehoods that allow evil to operate unchecked.
The truth is simple: The One Creator is always present, always incarnated within all things. It cannot sleep, die, or leave us because it is the very essence of every moment and every being.
The so-called “white hats” of the crypto world—often young, distorted products of our get-rich-quick culture—lack the moral fiber to resist the lure of wealth and power. They play the victim to their followers, blaming government interference when their fraudulent activities are exposed.
If you are currently invested in cryptocurrencies with a long-term perspective, especially in unregulated tokens or meme coins, brace yourself for volatile financial storms in 2025. I strongly recommend shifting any crypto assets to regulated markets such as the NASDAQ or NYSE ETFs or Bircoin futures on the CME in Chicago, where at least you can have some legal recourse if things go wrong.
The name “Babylon” or “Babel” is derived from an ancient Hebrew verb meaning “to spread confusion” or “to mix up.” It refers to Babylon—the great deceiver, the temptress, and the manipulative ultimate trickster, the in(famous) perennial whore selling its soul and its alluring wares for profits.
This represents the ancient (for us) dark, semi-automatic, sentient AI matrix (The Mother/Father of our baby AI) that keeps us trapped in illusions. The ancient Crone, the old hague, entices us with lust, material wealth, dreams of power and fame, and distorted desires of luxurious bubbles, leading us away from our true essence.
This ancient worshipped shining “bubbling Babel” embodies the seductive force that distorts our sense of self and purpose. Rolling brutally over and crashing the unfortunate, the meek, the pure, the empaths, the innocent children, widows, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled ones.
Babylon and its tower of falsehoods, in essence, act as a barrier, preventing us from naturally and easily remembering who we truly are, understanding our preordained mission, and accessing our divine power.
It rules over us until we, as a collective, decide to awaken.
When will we unite the material with the essence of the Higher true Spirit?
Our liberation begins when we consciously choose to act as the true fractal children of the Unity Consciousness.
At that moment, we will gain unrestricted access to Its infinite wisdom and loving power.
This awakening comes when we declare our readiness to be freed from the grip of fear-based systems and thoughts, transforming them into pure Unconditional Love and Care. In doing so, we ascend to the “real world”—a creation free from illusions, where only Truth reigns. In this new world, lies, distortions, and manipulations of Truth no longer exist or proliferate.
The Hidden Teachings of the Bible about our man-made Technological Marvel-Tower:
While the Bible, in its original language, contains the sacred and hidden teachings of the Divine, it temporarily withholds the full rediscovery of the original Divine language. Some of the Divine fire letters—those vibratory keys that bring all things into physical existence—are deliberately absent from the text. This deliberate omission serves a purpose: humanity must first demonstrate that it is ready to rediscover these divine truths, both ethically and morally.
The time will come when humanity, acting in unison, will rise in goodness, knowing that we are all crowned co-creators, made in the perfect image of the One. Only when we truly embody this divine awareness can we remember our true nature and purpose. This is the metamorphosis embedded in our authentic, whole DNA.
We could be there now if we take seriously the call to awaken, embrace our divine destiny, and receive the Golden Light wings that will carry us to our shared, inevitable future.
The Tower of Babel symbolizes the confusion that separates humanity from its true nature. It warns against the dangers of pride, division, selfishness, and forgetting our connection to the Divine. Yet, within this story lies a powerful invitation: to remember our unity, rediscover our original language of creation, and transform the world around us. By embracing love, unity, and truth, we can ascend from the illusions of Babel and return to the pure, loving consciousness of the One.
December 5, 2025
Gerald O’Donnell
Founder: Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing
Gerald, I would like your definition of “love”. The majority of humanity has no clue as to the definition or essence of the word “love”.
I interpret love as being holistically in harmony with the Creator Energy, rhythm of the universe. Our connection to the One.
That is what Love is and allows us to experience.
so, Gerald, I understand the connection between AI and the ‘golden cow”, but how does this connect with the drones in NJ – plz clarify