The United State of Mind
The Future of Unity in Diversity
A movie by Ivonne Delaflor and Matthew J. Peters
Premiered February 14, 2021
by Gerald O'Donnell | Feb 14, 2021 | Core Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Articles, Interviews, Timely Messages, Videos | 1 comment
A movie by Ivonne Delaflor and Matthew J. Peters
Premiered February 14, 2021
PRODUCER Ivonne Delaflor
DIRECTOR Matthew J Peters
COMPOSER Pablo Arellano
VOCALS Grace Terry
The most powerful information ever revealed on the unity of mind and matter, the true Unified REALITY Field, and the reason why mind can and does influence matter and others, be it your biology, others' and so much more! Read it and integrate it, and you will never be the same as you learn to use your mind's SUPERPOWERS, rejuvenate, heal, influence reality and others and connect deeply to All that IS!
Wow. Gerald. Nice appearance in this heart-warming and beacon of light movie.
Thank you for appearing here it’s really nice to see you.
The messages in this movie remind me strongly to rekindle my relationship with the inside.
I was thinking to listen to your trainings again….
Always good to hear from you and see you Gerald. I’m so happy you’re active. Please let us know how we can be of support. Come on twitter so I can follow you!