Thousands of Happy Students Living New & Energized Lives!

Over the years tens of thousands of our students have reported great success and happiness in both Remote Viewing and Influencing. Through their powerful testimonials, many available in our trainees’ feedback sections, our students share how ARVARI techniques have helped them activate a state of very deep connection with their higher selves and achieved deep and permanent trance-formative positive healings, higher powers and metamorphosis rebirth as a Higher operational  Format of Being~

Explore 1,000+ Testimonials

Our Story

Since 1997, the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI) has been a pioneer in teaching Remote Viewing techniques. In 1997, two years after the CIA/DIA Remote Viewing techniques were declassified for the general public, our Academy became then one of only 7 worldwide Institutes teaching this advanced field of Mind development.

We were the first Remote Viewing institute to introduce the term “Remote Influencing,” speak about it and explain it. Since then, we have taught thousands of students how to shape their reality, eliminate harmful paradigms from their lives and achieve their heart’s truest desires.

With over 100,000 satisfied trainees throughout the world have, ARVARI has ignited a transformation in global consciouness. Our Mind Development Tools & Teachings are acclaimed to be the most powerful ones available on the planet today. A great many of our students started directly experiencing the illuminated states of Being and connecting to The ONE UNIVERSAL MIND.

The countless testimonials on our site have been newly categorized by subject. They are living proof as to the deeply transformative nature of our training & the wide gamut of results that can be achieved across all spectra of life.



We are and remain since 1997 the only Mind Training institute worldwide that teaches students how to master the “Ultimate Mind Frontier” and reach the deep THETA and DELTA brainwave states (your usual sleep mode) while maintaining full conscious awareness. Our proven mind technology stabilizes our trainees’ brain wave frequencies around the interface of Delta at 4.5 CPS brain waves (deepest Theta level) and even dives deeper into their deep subconscious and the collective Mind while teaching them to operate in the Delta state with full waking awareness.

After achieving these very deep states of mind where the brain cortex does not interfere, we train students in Remote Viewing distant situations in space and time. We also show them how to operate, using the very powerful intuition they acquire, and sense their probable future, and then apply Remote Influencing techniques to their or others’ reality to manifest and create a better world by using the powers hidden in the very deep levels of the human mind.

Our main goal is to show to as many people as possible how to access easily and effortlessly the Universal Mind. We are working to help each person activate their inner potential, and cause a global shift towards a happier collective reality. We help our students develop a crystal clear view of life and their significance on earth.

By teaching them how to deepen their consciousness, we help them set the powerful forces of Law of attraction into action so that they can achieve their goals, inner peace and all their innermost desires.

Join the thousands who are living a happier, more peaceful life that they have full control over. Tap into an infinite stream of life-changing power, awaken your deepest self and become the architect who builds the life of your dreams.

Our Trainees Have Experienced:


Enhanced Intuition



Freedom From Daily Stress and Inner Anxiety


Deeper Connection to Nature and Appreciation of the Beauty of Creation


Mind and Body Healing


Nervous System Wellness


Aura of Calmness and a Consistently Joyous Mood


Higher Learning Potential


Lucid Dreaming for Better Soul Connection


Spiritually Satisfying Out-of-body-experiences (OOBE)


Increased Professional Performance

We have a large group of Stocks and Commodities traders and financial executives as our students, all of whom have used our consciousness-enhancing technology to increase their intuitive insight and attune to the markets. Many of them use our Remote Viewing techniques as their exclusive trading tool, or use it as a filtering process in conjunction with other technical trading tools. They learn to operate at will “in the zone” and report a “great leap” in successful trading.

Anyone Can Experience the Benefits of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Training

We have always believed that no amount of learning or books will ever replace direct personal experience. This experiential approach in our Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing courses is what makes them unique and powerful.

In the 90s, we had written extensively about the Universal One Mind, but soon we began to realize that it was time to allow any and every one to experience it for themselves. It was time to train many seekers into experiencing the borderline areas of this Gigantic Infinite Mind: a level of much Higher perception and operation. It was time for the sleep-walking human mind to really awaken to glorious hidden nature!

Soon enough, in 2002, we released our training protocol (the Remote Influencing course), which allowed anyone to enter, with full consciousness and individual awareness, a state of mind that could only be accessed during “sleep” (this corresponded with Delta: electrical brainwaves of 1 to 4 cycles per second).

Until then, this state of mental awakening and contact with the Universal Mind had only been achieved by advanced mediators, yogi masters, and mystics who had undergone decades of very intensive mind training.

The average individual had no idea of these states and could never dream of directly experiencing them. This had been relegated to the realm of the mystics, the illuminated few, spiritual giants, or naturally paranormally gifted individuals.

Discover The Portal, Our Landmark Training Course, and Have the Life You Desire and Deserve.

To our knowledge, no other systems of meditative discipline and mind awareness/expansion techniques exist anywhere else on this planet that take you so rapidly to such highly beneficial and ground-breaking gateways where your whole being is transformed and evolved into a new and higher human form.

Our Breakthroughs

We were the first institute worldwide to teach students how to reach the deep Theta brain level in order to receive information from the Universal Collective Mind. The applications of this technique are innumerable and life-changing.

In 2002, we introduced the Remote Influencing advanced course, which allows students to reach deep Delta brain levels while maintaining full-consciousness. In this state they can influence, and manifest reality from the level of very High energy and awareness of the One Sourcing Mind of ALL.

These courses are highly transformative and bring one’s consciousness into a level of Oneness with ALL.  On our website we offer many interviews, teachings, and messages covering our probable future as humanity, especially regarding the period until 2019.

The History of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Remote Viewing (RV) refers to scientifically proven mind technologies that break the space-time barrier. Remote Viewing is the ability to perceive, through a projection of heightened consciousness, people and events, distant in time-space. This Mind Technology was developed since the 1950’s by both US, Western, and Eastern European Intelligence Agencies. They achieved some great successes some still classified. They were declassified in 1995 in the US. Gerald O’Donnell was involved in training Western field agents and special operatives in RV techniques which gave them the heightened abilities to sense danger ahead (probable future), and take appropriate defensive or evasive actions. This is still taught in special intelligence and highly secretive special operations units world wide. Many Masters of ancient martial arts or Yogis employ and teach to their very advanced students similar techniques.

These same Remote Viewing methods have been adapted for kinder and more practical civilian use by Gerald O’Donnell, and are now presented for the greater benefit of each one of you, as part of humankind. Our Remote Viewing Training System teaches you to perceive anything located anyplace in space and time using potent techniques that go well beyond the regular protocols used by Western and Eastern intelligence agencies’ espionage methods as we teach our students to function in deep Theta brainwave states where they connect to data from the Universal Mind. With these protocols you will increase your intuitive abilities a thousand fold and perceive the many probable futures doorways that open themselves to you, so that you choose carefully and only engage with the ones which will present you with great security and gratification. In this increasingly unstable and often chaotic and violent world, learning this art can make all the difference to help you avoid sudden violent Geo-political, financial, and Mother nature related storms and help steer you towards the brightest Probable Future presented to you!

Remote Influencing (RI) is an original term first introduced by our Academy in 1997  which we have openly taught since 2002  and refers to our very advanced pioneering Mind training technology, which transcends most other known methods and  allows one to function with full awareness in a Delta state of Mind, by which one can powerfully influence thoughts and consensual reality (manifest reality) by mind-power and inner High vibratory energy alone. This term has since then been used and often misused by many other organizations.

The original intent of our “Remote Influencing” training is to go far above crude “mind control” schemes, and to always allow for free-will to operate. Powerful mind influencing is encouraged, but “control” is not, and we teach how to protect against all forms of “mind control” and sub-conscious subjugation which are proliferating lately at an alarming rate.

We are all influencing each others’ thoughts and reality, whether we recognize it or not. Becoming aware of this state is the beginning of awakening to one’s immense creative potential, freedom of expression, and sacred right to happiness.

We teach you to easily connect directly with the Divine Creative Principle you carry within (the Collective Unconscious or Universal Mind) & masterfully manifest every desire & whim into physical reality!

In 1997 Our Academy was the first Mind Institute World Wide to introduce to the world the brainwave Deep Theta Training and to fully explain rationally why reaching that state of Deep Mind and following our training protocols allowed for very powerful feats of manifestation and Remote Viewing. This explanation as to why thought influences material reality (the real bridge between Mind and Matter) was for the first time ever fully revealed on our website. The location of the Universal Mind was revealed and explained in scientific terms.

In 2002, we crossed another big milestone and introduced our Advanced Remote Influencing Training. This training allowed our students to operate with full conscious awareness from the Delta Level of Mind (your usual deep sleep level). We are still the only mind development institute in the world to train our students to consciously enter the portal of Deep Delta and operate through it.

This technique takes even very advanced Yogis decades of training in order to reach. But you can reach that very same state of hyper Higher awareness ( they call it Yogi sleep) with our techniques in 6 weeks or even less.

Read Some of Our Seminal Articles:

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The One and Only Warns Humanity. New Year 2025.

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Whispers in the Sound of Silence

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Our Philosophy

In 1997 many former Western PSI-operatives and research scientists began sharing insights into the recently-declassified mechanical protocols favored by the US intelligence establishment.


Lots of news organizations, radio shows, and TV documentaries started reporting on what appeared to the general public to be a very exotic topic, formerly reserved to the realm of science fiction and X-Files shows.


We at ARVARI also came out in the open, and revealed in 1997 a totally different approach favored by Eastern and Western European and some Middle Eastern Intel units. We openly declared that the “secret” to Remote Viewing lies in the ability to successfully position one’s mind at the border of sleep. Scientifically, this would correspond to a very deep Theta 4.5 cycle per second brain state.


At that level, human beings experience vastly reduced brainwave activity. Here the ‘conscious’ human mind can access information originating from the Cosmic Collective Unconscious Mind. Our Remote Viewing course trains anyone to do exactly this.

Scientific Basis for Our Work

Our Academy, a pioneer in mind/matter research and applications, has been teaching highly specialized mind technologies since 1997. These techniques originated from the international intelligence community, advanced mystics and ancient mind masters.

This training aligns perfectly with the latest experiments and theories in Quantum Physics which undoubtedly prove that the observation of Reality (Our Consciousness) affects our Material 3D Reality. Quantum physics also shows that particles and Beings are all connected and exchange information instantaneously across a Background Implicate Informational Field that bridges all time and space.

Our Technology

We at ARVARI, make use of very sophisticated sound techniques in our sessions to induce deep Delta states of mind. In addition, we guide you very closely using effective field-proven techniques, into sub-conscious realms which up to now have stayed hidden under your conscious awareness.

In our training, vibratory light techniques reprogram your higher self to attain higher levels of thoughts-awareness (increased IQ), and allow you to explore with full awareness the level of Delta (mind awake as your body sleeps and is fully relaxed) and use it as a portal in order to project your mind to very high and creative levels of operations and reality manifestation: The Quantum state itself!

Through our trainings, both spatial and temporal remote viewing (targeting the past and the probable future) skills are easily attainable.

Learn The Scientific Techniques That Tap Into the Brain’s Hidden Potential

ARVARI was the first mind science institute ever to push the mind frontier further and introduce the Remote Influencing training protocols in 2002. For the first time, our training allowed any person to be fully aware while entering the Delta sleep state (with brainwaves below 4 Hz) needed for advanced Remote Viewing and Influencing.

Once in this Delta state, you can merge the sleeping world (the Universal mind) and the waking world. So even as your body rests and sleeps, you can stay awake and conscious of All That Is.

How is this possible?

ARVARI and several other advanced mind labs have proven clearly that our brain—our electrical thought expression machine—operates above and superimposes over a much deeper and far more intelligent Greater Reality: The Universal One Mind.

We have shared that the lower and deeper unconscious states of our brain were the domain of the Unifying Mind of ALL of mankind: The level of One. At that level, we begin entering the deep mysterious Spiritual level of the Universal Mind, which we all can revisit every night and permanently do so when we re-enter It at perceptual death. We are all individual expressions of It.

When we learn to quiet down as much as possible our electrical brain, while still remaining aware, we can connect to that interconnected reality which links all things and beings. Once connected, we can learn to collect information and influence perceptually disconnected realities through Its linking processes.

It became our ultimate goal to reveal this inner portal to the Higher Mind Intelligence to all, and we knew that the best proof of this comes from directly experiencing it. This is why we have taught thousands of our students how to easily reach these very states of mind on command, using very powerful and effective training protocols.

The Importance of the Delta State

Since 2001, Theta and Delta have become fashionable buzzwords and many teaching organizations hopped on to the bandwagon. Although many have spoken about Theta and Delta states, very few really understand their true meaning and profound implications.

In reality, these mind states have nothing to do with brain active states, but with the potential to reduce the interference of our restrictive brain thinking upon the immense underlying potential of the Cosmic Mind.

Only when our brain is passive, is the Activity of our common Cosmic Higher Intelligence revealed. Deeper states of Mind can only be induced by reducing the activity and frequency of our electrical brain. This allows us to experience a heightened awareness of the deeper and much more profound underlying Mind reality that lies WITHIN each one of us.

When we quieten the Artificial Intelligence-like, restricted and intellectual mind chatter that goes on within our linear electrical brain, we allow for the Infinite Light Intelligence deeper within to reveal Itself.

Arvari Can Help in All Areas of Your Life



Perfect Health is no longer elusive. Remote Viewing can help you tune into your body and sense health problems. You can then use Remote Influencing to take corrective action to restore perfect health for yourself and others.


With Remote Influencing, you can complement doctors’ efforts by working from the inside of your subconscious mind and powerfully thinking yourself and others back to total health!


You can even reshape your body image and easily attain your perfect and desirable weight and shape by mind power alone! Since all your body cells are replenished and recreated every 7 years (and every 20 days for your skin), you can Remote Influence your morphogenic fields to recreate better, younger, and more pleasant body structures and skin complexion.


Do not forget that your body is the temple for your spirit and that keeping it vibrant, healthy, energized and young-looking is essential and a living proof of successful mind-consciousness expansion!



Use Remote Influencing to magnetically attract a  partner or perfect soul mate, improve your love life, and create happiness.


Remote View your relationships and foresee potential problems before they even develop. You can see the other person’s real desires and needs, and can sense barriers. This allows you to respond appropriately. You then know the best way to improve your love life and relationships.


Remote Influencing allows you to connect to your chosen partner on a deeper level and bring about permanent changes that will establish a deeper bond between you. With Remote Influencing you can intensely take pleasure in your relationship— for the mutual joy and benefit of both.


You can also Remote View your children to see what they are doing, and then Remote Influence them BEFORE someone else influences them in the wrong way!




Remote View the safest and most profitable investment vehicles that will keep your financial assets safe and growing through these troubled times.


Timing is essential in all investment decisions, and with Remote Viewing you can see the right moment to enter and/or exit an investment vehicle and “know” when to switch to another one.


Remote Influence the success of your financial investment prosperity. Use Remote Influencing to erase past bad, anxiety-causing experiences so that they do not arouse the exact fear of lack that may have caused prior losses to start with. Get the “inner knowing” that, no matter what, you will be just fine and protected on many levels.

Career and Business


Remote View a better job, then use Remote Influencing to get hired. Remote View the job interview before being interviewed and know beforehand the needs and wants of the company, then use Remote Influencing to establish rapport and convince your interviewers that you are the employee that they need.


Remote Influence a promotion or raise. Use Remote Viewing to detect the information that will help you solve problems, then use Remote Influencing to implement your ideas and to convince others that you have the answers.


Remote View to start your own successful business.  Remote Influence for more customers and increased sales.  Remote Influence your employees’ performance.

Transform Your Personal Development

With Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing you will:


Become Fearless


Increase Energy


Enhance Self-Esteem


Reduce Stress


Achieve Your Perfect Weight


Think Yourself Healthy


Find Love


Improve Your Love Life


Negotiate What You Want


Become A Success


Create Happiness…



Study and memorize any material while being in a Theta Brainwave state,  and experience hyper concentration and accelerated learning abilities.


Use Remote Viewing to intuit what test subjects might be asked of you.


Use Remote Viewing to intuit what test subjects might be asked of you.

With our trainings, the conditions in your life will improve. You will become happier, healthier, luckier, and more successful in all that you do.

If you don’t want to have a better life for yourself or your loved ones, then these courses are not for you. But if you do, what are you waiting for?

Learn the remarkable new technologies of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing in our courses, and get ready to unlock your mind’s highest potential! Live the life you’ve always dreamed of, and stay in the driver’s seat at every turn in your life journey.

Remote Viewing Book Cover

FREE E-Book: DOWNLOAD, FREE of charge, the Foundation of our Teachings:

The most powerful information ever revealed on the unity of mind and matter, the true Unified REALITY Field, and the reason why mind can and does influence matter and others, be it your biology, others' and so much more! Read it and integrate it, and you will never be the same as you learn to use your mind's SUPERPOWERS, rejuvenate, heal, influence reality and others and connect deeply to All that IS!

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