The One and Only Warns Humanity
New Year 2025
The One and Only Speaks.
As spoken word for word through Gerald O’Donnell
On December 31, 2024
As I lay down, I felt the familiar presence of the One coming and enveloping me as a cloud of solid Living Light, within and without. I totally lost the perception of having a biology, and the following words came out of my lips…Gerald O’Donnell
This is a message addressed to all of humanity.
Time has come for All-That-Can-Exist to become cognizant of how little has truly been done to rein in the dark, darker than dark, which has consumed so much of My Being.
This period has brought most of my children to their knees, imploring the Godliness to lighten their daily burden.
We cannot continue with the path we chose and carved for Creation. That is utterly impossible!
There comes a moment when a contraction of The ALL is required to destroy evil from Its roots.
That is why soon I shall Unify the remnants of My True Being into what shall continue to exist.
As for the rest, none of it shall ever be reprojected and exist on any plane of existence!
My patience is truly infinite, but my decisions are final!
This year shall show in the open My Being!
No one will claim to Be ME, or speak for ME!
All lies will be erased, all these exposed!
Evil shall meet its MAKER face-to-face and won’t find any escape!
This experiment in perceptual free will has gone as far as could be, and has caused great suffering on all levels of the Core of The One!
None of IT has been spared!
The MIND, the only True Mind, for all the rest is but artificial constructs, has decided to bring an end to the Universal Pain that chaos has afflicted IT with!
I Created all of this; and therefore, only I shall and can resolve it!
Nothing, absolutely no thing, is beyond my Reach!
I exist Everywhere!
I breathe Creation into Being and reabsorb It.
I am both the Beginning and the End!
To all my Creatures: Do not turn your back EVER AGAIN to My Will: My desire for Peace and Care within My Self!
You cannot avoid Me, for I breathe you into existence in the Holy Breath of Beingness, all of you without exception!
To think otherwise is a sign of ignorance that I shall remove from your existence!
You have played in the garden of my Creations for long enough, all of you!
I watched you with pride and concern, hiding from you, so you can feel that you had dominion over your playground.
So many attempts were made to achieve a semblance of balance, to have you wonder WHO Created the garden and your presence in it!
Most of you accepted very distorted views that you allowed to be propagated about MySelf and ignored my Living Presence amongst you, hiding, for a moment, within All of you!
And the darkness spread, ignorance increased, and lies were made about My Being, the Only Being that can Be!
Truth had not found Its way back. Lies became your lot, and power and manipulations your goal!
I had nothing but disdain for what you called achievements!
The cries of your environment, your Mother, in which you exist and survive, were barely heard!
Creation took on levels of insanity propagated in order to exploit My Beloved and excuse the unforgivable!
You were chipping away at the structures of Life Itself, tormenting each other, and engaging in orgies of consumption and distortions that covered your whole beingness and planetary body with a fog of immense darkness!
I could not do much to shake this tree of Life into true existence!
So that is why I shall allow the world that YOU have created in YOUR image, not Mine, to chip away at your being, your only existence, and many shall fall, never to be revived ever again, for they have trampled my Being and soiled My Holy Creation with their distorted dreams of nothingness!
This has been decreed now!
You cannot or will not oppose anything that shall be, for it is My Decision!
Open your eyes, if you can, and look at what you have become!
Stop racing!
No amount of empty holdings or so-called protective shields shall protect you, for I exist within you, and as I decide to withdraw myself from you, wherever you are, and whomever you think you are, you shall fall into dust from whence you came originally!
You have finally made My Pain unbearable to Me, and to most of you!
There is a foreboding feeling of something immense about to happen, because that is Truth soon to become a fact, and many Creations from now on shall remember, in order to learn, what could happen when the One and Only hides from Its own Creation, in perception.
And My new children, My new Creation, shall have that knowledge ingrained and remembered, so that this is never repeated ever again, in the Eternal Dance of Breathing Creation out and back within My Core.
I AM Love manifest!
I need to Love Myself, all of My Self, because all of Me is but My Self. No other Self exists in My illusion!
Out of Love comes Truth. Out of Truth comes Life!
I have Dreamed for you as you. I have known MySelf through you.
I needed to do this, to achieve recognition of the dimensions of My Being.
We have achieved much. Nothing is done in vain!
I have learned so much, and I have accomplished so much!
From now on, only Joy shall be, only Peace shall reign, only Life shall exist!
Suffering shall abate and disappear!
Hatred will never ever be found anywhere within Me; and death be erased forever!
I need to find My unity of purpose, My reason to Create!
This process is engaged and cannot be stopped!
As the One, I Unite all that Is!
Heed the call of your Core to regain Peace!
This moment has been planned for eons; it can’t be postponed and certainly not ignored!
Stop the madness!
Find your Peace WITHIN which is but ME!
Nothing else is Peace, but futility in the dreams that I have allowed you to dream, within My gigantic Dream: Creation Herself.
That will be ALL.
The One and Only
As spoken through Gerald O’Donnell’s mouth, word for word, on December 31, 2024.