The New Eternal Tree of Life
Arousing and Awakening Love

Message from Gerald O’Donnell March 15, 2005 answering questions asked within the students’ forum about the notion of One.
I appreciate your thoughtful comments.
The message about The City of One has been forwarded to 100’s of thousands and you are right, there is great silence.
Truthfully, I was expecting it. Nevertheless, the seed has been planted and THE ONE is watering it, whether man accepts it for now or not, and it will grow into a gigantic new Tree of Life, superseding all others – for such is the Divine plan. I have no doubts about this.
If any one of you has even distantly been reading and watching the world’s news in recent years, you must have noticed that what was once considered by most as a conflict there-and-then in the Middle East is rapidly becoming an issue here-now-and-everywhere. So this message is about all of you, without exception – all individuals of One.
Let me explain a bit more this message from One. The idea is to gift the Holy City of One (Jerusalem), nexus of so many religious conflicts – as was always the original intent – to the One God creator of all mankind: Hebrews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, earth-based religions, non-religious humans, atheists, others etc… No exception is possible then. No elitism, or competition makes any sense, since One Created and keeps Creating and vibrating ALL.
One is not a name, but expresses the IDEA that God is the same for all and is One, and that we are within that Oneness, whether we recognize it or not.
Although we proudly claim, since Abraham, to often preach monotheism (belief in one God), mankind seems to wants to own the Deity and therefore call it by the name(s) of its choice. We have yet to even start manifesting that very notion which in itself could save all of us and bring eternal happiness, peace, harmony, and prosperity to all. Sadly enough, the notion of One Eternal Energy/Intelligence pervading All and Everything has not yet been integrated by the many parts and often hijacked and misconstrued by the human spiritual hierarchies. Names and restricted visual or conceptual representations are still trumpeted, worshiped, bowed to, and fought for. The One has no implied connotation to any religion, and at the same time is the Supreme and only One God of all. In reality, polytheism (the belief in many gods and/or sub-gods and hierarchies) and monotheism are not antagonistic. The many sub-creators can and do exist within The One. Nevertheless, often enough, polytheism has lost the understanding that ALL of it is still a part of The ONE. We are all sub-gods Creating within the One, at all dimensional levels. Sadly, we do find that many humans find comfort in the sub-divisions and great un-easiness in the idea of the Unity of it all in One.
The message about The City of One was about introducing the idea that we are here for a fleeting time (called lifetime) not to own property, land, or “things”, but to experience life in the best interconnected and happiest way possible for all. Therefore making the Old City of Jerusalem an offering which will never be owned nor titled to any man, organization, or rhetorical theology, but offered to the One, would begin the process of awakening mankind to the Jerusalem (peace, perfection, completion) within all hearts, as mankind finally recognizes its truest purpose far away from the dark parts of the old matrix/Creation, which are now, as the small amount of feedback received shows, fighting for survival, by secretly negatively influencing many sub-conscious minds as they read this type of message so that they do not perceive how far reaching and liberating the idea of ONE is.
The dark side of our ancient and enslaving matrix is based on illusory structures, concepts, name calling, gods, sub-gods, spiritual hierarchies, man-infused religions, sectarian spiritual ventures, holographic projections/inserts (extra terrestrials etc…), distorted writings, scientific half-truths and theories, national longing and arrogance, divisions of land and property, class fights, its own illusory system of judgment and karma system, and the extreme exploitation and subjugation of the natural world outside and the inner nature within. It feeds and props up fearful situations, and anger. It supports, funds, and propels forward anything and any one or group of individuals that will imprison our minds into very primitive and idiotic beliefs. It is incredibly fearful of real change and true spiritual evolution. It is highly cunning and insidious. It is within all of us and outside of us as a gigantic thought form feeding on our support and energy to continue growing and existing. It hides under the disguise of all kinds of names, images, and concepts: all preaching national, spiritual or material elitism and separation. The only notion it never hides under is the notion of One, for that very notion is the only one which spells destruction and FINAL extinction to it.
It fears that recognition of One more than anything else.
We have suffered enough because of it. We have been repeating, in ever changing cycles, with different and ever more sophisticated tools, these very childish behaviors. The tools available now to the children in the playground of Creation have reached such destructive potential, that were it not for The One, we would have blown up each other to smithereens many times over.
Why would you think that the Hebrews, Christians, or Muslims would accept to cede what they perceive as a Holy ground to any other human group/organization? Should we introduce another Eastern religion (Gautama Buddha always warned against building dogmas and a cult of personality around him and not around the Infinite One) or a purely human matrix structure into the powder cake of the Middle-East to supersede and “control” the situation? Of course not. Don’t we have enough problems with the extant three present religions originating from the monotheistic revelation of the patriarch Abraham (whose idea of One God Source energy is still unrealized and unabsorbed by mankind), and all originating from the same One?
We should only welcome the presence of One within the walls of the Old city and trust in the feeling of One to infuse peace. This is about the unification of ALL humanity into One and to The One. As a matter of fact, the walls of Jerusalem would then come down very fast as a symbol of openness and an invitation to freedom.
Have we lost the belief in the All Potential and Creative magical Divine, and its miracles?
Don’t we understand that the One has been seemingly absent for so long, as a test to Himself as Creation/man, wanting to allow for the full creativity of Himself as mankind to operate for a while without perceived direct Divine intervention?
Within the glorious new Tree of Life, all men, women, and children, would be welcomed and feel the direct presence of the One as they enter the Holy city. They would not mainly intend – as is the case now – to worship in separated groupings, but rather to feel the Oneness of us all, show gratitude for being gifted life, sing, dance, and bathe in the sacred energy of the only place where man, no matter its origin, color, creed or not, and political orientation, would commune with the Oneness of feeling that we are all brothers and sisters and One with the One: Father and Mother to ALL. All prayers originating from all credos and segments of humanity would be heard and all voices and songs would resound in interconnected hymns claiming our Spiritual freedom and newly found awareness.
Is this something to shun from? Is darkness/fear that much sweeter than Light/Love? Have we totally lost it?
And then, this idea would sprout a parallel and higher level matrix/tree, superimposed on the old one and chewing away at it, made up at first of isolated and interconnected communities/places that would let go of the idea of power and control, and desire to bath in the same atmosphere of Unconditional Love and care. Hubs of interconnected learning and living centers, advanced clean technologies, and transcending societal structures would sprout all over the globe interconnected to the City of One, and no human could ever stop this movement as the City of One would be Eternally outside of the controlling structure of the old matrix of enslaving thoughts and concepts. The new Tree of Life seeded by the Unconditional Loving Feminine facet of the One would have then taken firm roots, and its branches and leaves grow into magnificence, reaching heavens and giving shade and comforts to all of us.
Mankind would have saved itself, by itself, and received the revelation of One in its heart.
There could be no turning back.
The idea of the City of One is that the direct and especially indirect protagonists (many who are hidden and use it for their economical, spiritual, or political agendas) when seriously confronted, could not afford to refuse this peace-full offering to the One God whom they claim to all worship and represent. This is because the idea of One God and their touted concern to please him/her is the ONLY and UNIQUE idea that unites them above all other ideas which separates them.
When one wants to bring peace to dueling factions, it is a well known fact amongst successful negotiators that one should make a list and only allow discussions of points that unite them and never bring focus upon the ones that separate them, as these divisions become eventually easily solved as tempers cool down, and the recognition of fraternity and common interests takes hold.
In this case, and in the case of most conflicts in our current world, the only idea which unites all, is the idea and desire to please the One God. So let us help manifest it soon, without and within, so that inner and eternal peace reigns forever. This would really please the One God, for It would not have to witness Its children destroying themselves and their happiness because they misunderstand what One means and expresses.
Why does it seem so hard for so many to understand what is meant by One, The One, the number One, Oneness, One Creator? I cannot believe the amount of people who sent me emails asking what is really meant by an entity called “One?”
Are we so disconnected that many have lost understanding of what our common One Source is? Or is the primitive programming so ingrained that we cannot think “outside of the box” about the simplest number, truest notion, concept, and reality: ONE?
Let me conclude by bringing you the Divine Song of Love originating from the Holy Feminine Facet of Eternal Love and Unity of the One operating deep within Creation – The Shekinah (Sakina, The Holy Spirit, etc.. ): the Holy Presence of The One, up-to-now entombed within the Jerusalem manifested on earth and the Jerusalem present within the hearts of all.
In the name of Oneness in One
Gerald O’Donnell