Operating at 100% Brain Capacity (not the human brain sensory filtering interface)
Our Cosmic Journey
The physical brain is only 1/1000 of the real non-local Divine Brain (individuated conscious, sub-conscious and Super-Conscious levels and groupings thereof) or rather the Intelligence potential accessible to each Human.
It is only when 100% of the Divine Brain is really achieved that we have access to Pure Thought, Pure intelligence, and Pure Bliss in the OmniPresence! This is when Total superposed multi-dimensionality, and total expansion of Consciousness spanning and fielding all dimensions, from the Highest manifest plane to the lowest Hum AUM, is then You.
You learn it by first ascending the ladder of Creation step-by-step and anchoring a nodal point of awareness on each additional level until you reach the Global Consciousness first of this Creation and then of ALL Creations: The manifested One into Oneness.
You should remember to create a nest on each branch/level and then FLY back down the Tree of Life to the lowest plane while remaining attached to each superposed plane. And One day on the day of the One you shall be gifted the ultimate gift as you expand into ALL Dimensions in full Glory and true multi-dimentionality.
THAT SHOULD BE THE PRODUCT OF TRUE ASCENSION, not the false popular disinformation promising a pseudo-paradise/nirvana and permanent Bliss and powers whose allures are just traps posted on purpose for the weary unprepared traveler on the path of the return from exile of the soul to Its True Self.
And then awaits the greatest adventure of All, and the only True destination and goal of Creation: the entering of the Hidden portal of the One spanning both the One Non-Manifest non-vibratory together with Its Godly Vibratory Creator (God) and sub-Creators’ aspects and all their Dreamed entities and Creations.
Then and only then shall you become the All that IS (and truly IS and “are” the Dreamed fractal perspectives of the ONLY TRUE SELF into the myriads of expressions ad-infinitum). Then and thenceforth shall you BE the only True Eternal Being/Consciousness IT SELF of Being and Non-Being folding and unfolding in the Eternal Cosmic dance, and words stop in the Divine Symphony of Everlasting EVERPRESENT Silence.
Gerald O’Donnell
August 28, 2020

Thank you!
Univers sans grillage, on ira là-bas ….. faut du coeur et faut du courage … là-bas …
How to attain that state? Is there a deeper and advanced process or a course that will help us achieve that?
This is the main reason for our teaching and offering the “portal training” where you can go into the delta Portal and beyond with full awareness. Join our family of mind expansion travelers and we’ll support you on your journey!
I am a natural psychic and have experienced many wonderful psychic events, I.e. telepathy, telekinesis ,clairvoyance , premonitions, so I’m used to the weird, I have made machines work when they are supposed to be broken, including phones just by touching them, I have done rv when I didn’t even know it was called that, I have been searching and delivered to you, I am waiting for my cds on rv and ri ,I am soo excited, as I Have had no training ,and always thought things just happened, I have no idea how it switches on and off, I have always wanted to work in some capacity in the psychic field helping people, I have worked voluntary as a psychic counselor, so image my surprise finding you!, looking forward to healing apparently I have an incurable autoimmune disease, I don’t believe in the incurable, I believe anything is possible, I am so excited can’t wait to start.
Hi welcome aboard. The course has been revamped and is now offered directly on-line. We have not sold Cds for years now. Where did you get them from? Stay in touch. Happy thoughts!
Hi Gerald. Always thanks for your messages. As a remote viewer what immediate future do you see amidst this pre planned scamdemic with power structures operating to bring humanity to lower states of consciousness?
Also, please post another article soon so we may find some guidance in this important time. I feel like I have an important part to play in my life…to strive for the betterment of human life on earth…
Lower states of Consciousness are uniting into power structures, trying to force humanity into joining their lost cause in the name of temporal fake power and chaos-creating structures, and a great deal are sadly blindly resonating and following the blind self-serving ones. The future is what we make of it and are willing to attract. The probable paths are now very far way from the best possible preferred and easily flowing path still opened to us two decades ago. That beautiful train has left the station a while past and it will require a great deal of unifying purpose, Life and Mind energy, and Dreamed activity and actions to co-create a similitude. We will all have an immediate future, but how many will experience a far off one is a big question mark. Yes you do have a prime role to play as do all who are awakened and resist being hypnotized by current mass consciousness. Fighters of One Love never give up and are more needed than ever before in the relatively short history of this type of humanity. We need to unite across in the name of Unity.
Then Unite we must, Gerald. A difficult task amidst entranced humanity but it is possible if operations are carried out intelligently.
I’d rather die doing what I could for a world I would love to live in and a world I would like to bring my children to.
I believe you are a Fighter for One Love but have you given up? Where are your next articles? Why dont you have a twitter account to post your daily messages.
Come on man we need your support Gerald.
I suspect alot of what is causing humankind to be disillusioned…is firstly the effect of electromagnetic radio frequencies, then secondly the effect of smartphones that constantly distort our sense of reality.
I never give up on the One’s Dream and my only mission. There is a time and season for everything. A time to speak, and a time to embrace silence and sense and watch. A season for advancing new vistas and concepts and seed them in humanity hoping for them to take hold and grow beautiful fruits, and a season for acting far more covertly, while studying the changing dynamics and variables at play within the fields of energy winds blowing upon our facets, and animating them. I have posted many times posts on my Facebook pages to try and pierce the dark clouds of isolationism and division which are trying worldwide to enslave us. Twitter is not my favorite platform because a spark can ignite a firestrom of negative comments which only serves then to drain humanity’s precious dwindling internal energy which is thence consumed by a vampire like force feeding upon our fear and anger in order to sustain its control based presence. You comments about EMF are correct. There is a plan behind this. I am reestablishing a presence now. I was gravely attacked in my biology, mind, and spiritual makeup and the battle was indeed fierce. Most would not have survived such. I needed time to heal these wounds so that I can remain on this plane.
My dear friend Gerald….I am sad to hear you were attacked. This not a surprise…..
But the force of Light is more powerful than the dark..and I am overjoyed that you have sustained.
You are a man meant to do good for humankind. I understand you needed time to heal. And thanks for staying here with us..We need your role and guidance in these life-changing times…
Much is changing and most have already subsided and bowed…I will not! If my life in this world is to be only once…it will be a once that is powerful and steadfast in the work of good.
Thanks for confirming my conclusions on EMF.
Do tell me…how can I and others stay in close proximity to you and be in good communication with you? We need your guidance and leadership…
I wish I could hear more of your thoughts….short videos on bitchute….messages on twitter or other social media…so we can continue to be moistured by you and the light that inspires you…
I’m a 29 year old who brought your RI, RV CD’s back in 2011..and always felt asleep in most of your trainings but a few times…I was One with the magic of existence and the love of the One…
Thank you for bringing that experience and reality to me..
I continue to look forward to you and for you to come back to your website..to hear from you..
Love and Respect,
Your admirer
Thank you Gerald for sharing and all that you do, thank you All. Much love and blessings of strength and endurance. The voice of the liars is very compelling for many. 💖
Thank you very much !!!🍀