FEBRUARY 7, 2018
The Resolution of the Final Conflict Between The One and the anti-One
This is a message from The One to your selves
It started as points of rebellious activities and discord both in the Heavens and on Earth…
Chaos has united its forces, imprisoning you everywhere!
What started eons ago as a rebellion against the Unity of My Being, has grown into a false sense of power as it hopes to rule both the Heavens and its Earth.
The One has infinite Patience and infinite Love.
Nevertheless, because so much of Creation is now permeated and controlled by chaos and by the rebellion, the time has come to let it unleash its forces so that it shall cause its own destruction and the perdition of the ones who have followed its rules and temporary dominion.
Instability and angry raging storms are everywhere!
There is almost no firm ground left, nothing to hold onto, as the tempestuous waters are growing and sinking slowly but surely all that is precious to My Being!
Soon, very few islands shall remain and I will carefully choose the ones who shall continue my Dream both in Heavens and on Earth.
The ancient angry beast has arisen again and its arrogant blasphemous cry has been heard by all my children!
It feels its victory to be so close!
It has engaged all of its forces for its last battle!
It is filled with haughtiness and pride, and wills to destroy all that keeps My Creation stable and joyful!
It has harvested so many by sneakingly infiltrating their being. It can and does think for them; by now it is them!
It spreads falsehoods and mischief everywhere!
Truth is hard to find as untruth is willingly accepted by its minions!
I am TRUTH, the only Truth there can Be.
All others are but untruth, illusions, and as such they can rise to what many would perceive as great heights, being drunk on false spirits, powered by false power!
And when they think that they have conquered all, including the upper heavens, they are to fall!
They can and should have an end; their powers brought down to ashes; their dreams erased from all Mind; their memory gone from Creation; their rage extinguished in the fire of Pure Holiness!
These false mighty ones are to become naught; their rebellion never ever to be repeated again, a rebellion against unity, against love, against the preciousness of Life!
If you hear their rallying cry, connect deep to your heart and you will know Truth – REAL TRUTH, and find Peace – REAL PEACE, not the peace they brandish as false rewards as they are blinding your hearts, your eyes, and your minds, but rather the Infinite Peace of GOD who is but waiting for you to abandon the rebellion.
In this last battle between the forces of chaos and their false power and My deep Desire to regain My children, many sense a great feeling of torment and insecurity, and know not how to find the next step to the ladder of Ascension to Me.
Know that I AM here with you, every single one of you!
And as you search for Me, I will cup you in My Hands and lift you back out of the waters of this dark raging abyss, and bring you back to the true Promised Land I have prepared for all of you!
Reject their programs in which you now bathe!
There is no more time for all the distractions that are being created for you by the force of division, the force that rebelled and still rebels against the unity of Myself and My Holy Name!
Throw away these distractions!
Purify your bodies, your hearts, your minds, and your Higher souls!
Rejoin each other and Me in the trilogy that can never ever be challenged again by falsehood!
Many events are happening and many more will!
See the choices you need to make as these unfold!
Fear not what does not exist, but embrace what is Real, what is truly alive,
And in that act, you shall all become alive again as My true children, and I will recognize Myself in you, as you in turn will recognize yourself, all of your selves, in Me.
Unite across the raging waters, and I shall make these waters disappear forever from My Creations!
Build only new structures based on Love, on sharing, and on caring! Whenceforth you will find all that you need and can dream about, readily available and Created by Me for you, all of you!
Fear fear, and love love, for until now you mostly have feared love and loved fear!
This is how you need to operate from now on!
I am One, you are many; and you, as the many, harbor Me as The One. This cannot be undone!
What truly has begun now is the true beginning of Creation, the real Creation based on Oneness and that shall never end, ever.
Remember Love.
Remember that I Love you.
Remember to Love Me for we are but One!
The One and Only
Addendum from Gerald O’Donnell
Having been intensely attacked by an unprecedented onslaught of very dark chaotic energies, and having unfortunately been part of many painful interactions with them across this and other lifetimes, I did set myself on February 7, 2018, to go up very High in vibrations, hoping to get some clarifications from The One and Its Pure and Holy energy signature whom I readily recognize because I am so very familiar with it. I wanted to understand the meaning of this phase that we are traversing.
This requires intensive preparations and, when the ascension is too rapid, is quite taxing on my biology of a much lower Light energy quotient relative to the One’s Light.
This is when I lost all conscious awareness and the prior words came out of my lips which I recorded and then transcribed upon emerging back grounded within my biological human vehicle.
I would ask all of you to pay great attention to what was said. Do not try to fit any of these messages into your old molds and programs. These are tailor-made for our period, as nothing remains static, especially at the level of the One. If you read our prior messages, you will see a thread and evolution in the ascension process we are all undergoing as a Creation. Don’t be shy, and please spread these communications. Your doing so makes YOU the SAVIOR of your bubble reality and all the intersecting bubble realities up to infinity within Creation. These are not gifted only for me but rather concern all of you, and you need to finally decide to awaken from your comfort zones and engage with a very holy and important process that will save our common experience if we have the courage and fortitude to do so.
With my Love and blessings.
Gerald O’Donnell
Kindly spread this message as wide and to as many as you can. This would be a great act of Love and Oneness towards others and appreciated as such. PLEASE share this transforming communication with as many friends, family, and other individuals as you can. Here is the link to this message: https://probablefuture.com/february-7-2018-message-the-one-final-conflict-outcome/
The energies that have been coming through the past few months leading up to now, has escalated so intensely that I thought I had lost my way and my mind. Up till now I almost felt like giving up. Thank you for spreading this message. I look forward to the day when the chaos will be silenced for good and the only thing that will remain is peace and joy and I look forward to the day when I will no longer need to fight the darkness. It is truly so sneaky and cunning. The many people I have seen in my time that have been turned and used by it for dark ends, hurts my heart so badly. And honestly the times where I let down my guard and I was used too. Truly I am not sure if I can take more of this. Returning to the One some days sounds like all I want but then I know, this time in our experience is the most important. Now if ever is the time to stand true, come what may.
Dearest Gerald,
We are so grateful for you and for your ability to communicate at the level you do with our cherished One.
Yes, daily events that continue to be out of control along with the stock market drop by 666 points was disconcerting, to be sure. We stand by to understand your decoding of this and in the meantime, will continue to take to heart and implement daily the important message you have once again provided to us.
Thank you also for all the years of information and guidance that you have unselfishly given us…you and your RI and RV programs and info have changed and enhanced my life completely.
With sincere appreciation,
Thank you Gerald – sometimes I think this experiment cannot be allowed to continue and shouldn’t be allowed to. The suffering and pain I see in so many lives deeply saddens me and I have never taken solace in the idea that it is all a wonderful teaching process! Thank you for being a vocal and kindred soul. xxx
It’s interesting the prompting to “build only new structures based on love, on sharing and on caring.” I’m facing housing insecurity and have worked for two years toward a green, debt-free, owner-build housing cooperative in my area. Possible or not in its entire ideal, the one thing I came to realize early on when sharing my cooperative concept with others is that the “caring” part matters. It’s actually the pivotal necessity. All truly cooperative endeavors (which are manmade structures) must be participated in by free will. It makes sense because Love forced isn’t true Love (it’s a false “love”). If people are forced to share under threat of punishment for non-compliance, there’s no true caring involved and so it’s bound to breed resentment and rebellion at some point. Mutual regard – a form of caring – is what makes sharing work as a healing force. My circle of friends and family may not be ready for RV and higher light vibrations and all that, but some of them do understand “free will Love” vs “forced love,” and can then understand what is underlying American and global political division at present. I know some people don’t believe sharing can work under free will because human beings are too selfish. But I don’t think so. I truly, honestly believe we are all expressions of His (divine One) image, which is the image of (true) Love. As Love beings we know deep down inside that only true Love can deliver and set us free.
Dear Gerald,
Thank you for posting this article.
I’d like to share something that has been disturbing me deeply in the last 3 -4 years. During this period I’ve progressively become extremely sensitive to the way humans(and technology)destroy Nature. I’ve always loved Nature and felt her pain, but lately I have reached a point where I actually feel physical pain when I see (or hear about) a dead animal, forest fires, suffering animals, cruelty to animals, etc. I feel fully connected to and in total Oneness with all Nature – animals, trees, flowers, etc. At the same time I feel totally disconnected to humanity, or rather to human civilization, the way it is organized and functioning. All basic structures in human society seem unnatural and flawed to me, and much as I try, I can’t shake this feeling off.
I am not sure if what I’m feeling has to do with what your message is about, but my instinct tells me that it is related to it.
Again, thank you for all the invaluable information you provide for those who really seek a genuine and true connection to the One.
With much respect and appreciation,
similar to an earthquake,, when the plates of the earth crust shift over each other, creathing a quake, so have the heavens., shifted. The shifting of the dark and light shifted .
We think we have control.. we think we can control the world, maybe even our destiny.
This is our time to BE. To be quiet and listen. To be still, to be enfolded in the light. To flow with the rivers, not against. To learn to be like the trees in the wind, gently swaying with the breezes.
The Universe has shifted. Earth will never be the same. Our intellect needs time to catch up with what has happened. We will catch up. Being aware of this shift is our first step in the journey.
This is so beautiful. I realise I will not be travelling to other lands for fear of my life because they are everywhere and it would be a waste of Divine Energy turned into fear. I will stand my ground, my honour, my love for life, my true Divinity and Destiny. I will never and do not consent to any other or thing that does not have my Divine Life interests at heart. I will never and do not consent to any other or thing that does not have ALL Divine Life interests at heart.
With deep gratitude that you sharing this with me. My chore is in such happiness right now.
May our paths meet again when we are free of this sh..hole of an illusion and we can embrace all of life once again fearless, in love of living and creating astounding endless new realities.
Hello again dear Gerald,
i listened again today to your interview with Corey Goode held during the full solar eclipse last summer:
In this excellent interview you spoke of fear and how we should work to eliminate it from our lives.
So i remember about 6 or 7 years ago, i was in deep Theta and was Remote Viewing/Sensing the new vehicle that soon manifested into my life 6 months later.
Directly after i physically manifested the key fob to this new car on my kitchen counter during this RV session, i felt a female being whisper in my ear. i literally froze as by now i was awake and the house was dark.
i could hardly breathe from fear but i recalled your suggestion of saying repeatedly “small, small, small” when encountered with a fear experience. It literally took only a few seconds of doing this thru my frozen fear lips for this fear to be completely removed.
Unfortunately, i am not sure if this was a positive whisper or a negative whisper, but nonetheless the purpose of this message is to provide this “small” info to others.
Thank you again from the bottom of my being for all that you do and for all of your beautiful being that you graciously and lovingly share with all of us.
Thank you for your inspiring message from The One, Gerald. I have been feeling like I have been losing my mind these last 2 years. Especially my memory and not being able to stay grounded. So disillusioned with how normal the world thinks its ways are. They do not know the depths of their total enslavement and sometimes I feel so powerless to do anything although I know its time has come. Humanity will win.