Founded in 1997- Is Chaos and Insecurity and a Sense of Doom Grabbing you Lately and Keeping you Awake at Night?
- Do you Yearn for Greater Control Over Reality, More Stability, and True Peace?
- Do you Miss the Joy of Yore? Are you Feeling Lost on a Seemingly Rudless Ship Surrounded by Daily Storms? Doe this Exhausts You?
- These are Crucial Times Meant for You to Learn to Use and Rely upon Inner Tools To Awaken into Full Awareness, Expand your Neural Networks and DNA Operations, Achieve Greater Innate Wisdom and Intelligence, and Far More Control Over Your Life.
- Our External Leaders, Counselors, and the System are Failing us, evermore so; We need Inner Enlightening Guidance and Effective Heightened Intuition!
~ Learn the Amazing Secret Weapon Hoarded by the CIA and other Intelligence agencies as We Teach You the Use of the Ultimate Deep Theta and Delta Mind Frontier To Sense All Possible Destinies Available to You… and Manifest The Future You Choose Into Your Ideal Reality ~
As Pioneers of Advanced “Remote Viewing Your Probable Future” and Powerful “Remote Influencing Minds and Reality” Our Mind Technology Training Protocols for Civilian Application Teach You to Fully Awaken Your Brain. Our Mission is to Help You Achieve the Creation of Better Realities for all of Us and the Possible Avoidance of Unpleasant ones by Sensing Ahead Your Individual and Global Probable Future:
We are Very Proud to Present
The Ultimate Advanced Life Manifestation System:
Using our cutting-edge Mind Training Technology, learn to easily Foresee (Remote View) Your Probable Future and Powerfully Influence (Remote Influence) Your Destiny Using the Ultimate Mind Frontier: Deep Brainwave Mind Levels Theta and Delta, triggered automatically Under Your Command, by training with our latest Avanced Mind Development Technology.
What Is Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing?

Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing (RV) refers to scientifically proven mind technologies that break the space-time barrier. Remote Viewing is the ability to perceive, through a projection of heightened consciousness, people and events, distant in time-space. This Mind Technology was developed since the 1950’s by both US, Western, and Eastern European Intelligence Agencies. They achieved some great successes, some still classified.
These same Remote Viewing methods have been adapted for kinder and more practical civilian use, and are now presented for the greater benefit of each one of you, as part of humankind.
Our Remote Viewing Training System teaches you to perceive anything located anyplace in space and time using potent techniques that go well beyond current Western and Eastern intelligence agencies’ espionage methods.
Our Academy teaches an original and very advanced method of Remote Viewing where one positions one’s self at the level of the Deep Theta Brain State where your brain electrical waves are mostly vibrating at 4.5 cycles per second to interface with one’s deep Subconscious mind and programs and therefore allow access to information across Space and Time by connecting directly to the Superconscious implicate quantum Universal Collective Mind. Operating in Deep Theta with the guidance of our training protocols increases your intuition a thousandfold allowing you to easily intuit and view in advance your available probable future time lines when faced with important decisions and view their outcome and integrate how to powerfully avoid in advance undesirable and dangerous situations. Protective Energy shields and energy aura invisibility is paramount and inbedded in our teachings.
Our RV methodology is an integral training section of our “PORTAL” course.

Remote Influencing
Remote Influencing (RI) is an original term first introduced by our Academy in 1997 and refers to our very advanced technology released in 2002, unique in its approach because it trains you to operate from a level of Delta Mind (the usual state of deep unconscious sleep you go to every night) however with having your body asleep but with your conscious mind remaining fully awake. Stabilizing your mind to remain conscious in deep Delta through our training allows you to powerfully influence thoughts and consensual reality (manifest) by mind-power and intense inner energy alone.
This mind training transcends most other known Positively Transformational and Influencing methods and allows one to consciously use the Deep Delta Brain State as a Dimensional “PORTAL” to the Universal Non-Local One-Mind Common Realm from whence we all originate and from whose vista you can Powerfully Influence Thought and Reality including your probable future experiences, heal and rejuvenate yourself and others. and Manifest the Life, Mind, Body, and new Higher and better Self that you intensely desire.
We still Remain the Only Worldwide Institute to teach you in a relatively short time how to operate in Deep Delta with Full Conscious Awareness, even while keeping your Eyes fully opened.
The Delta Level of Deep Mind is the One Key Level of mind operations formerly kept secret which ables you to Powerfully Influence People and consensual Reality.
What used to take a Lifetime for Advanced Zen and Yoga Masters to achieve, is now attainable in 12 short weeks (see our Enthousiastic Students’ testimonials).
RI is taught in the advance level and later modules of our comprehensive “PORTAL” course, and there is more for you to discover there about your True Self and inner superpowers …
- You Are, Like Everyone Else, Suffering in this Wired World from Information Overload, most of it Junk and Misleading. Uncertainty and Confusion are oppressing you.
- As a Reaction, you Now Display an Attention Deficit Syndrome: You are Constantly Impatient!
Conflicting Information and chaos are Overwhelming you, Exponentially so. You Feel Increasingly Anxious.
The Internet and Printed Media are Overflowing with Information, most of it Distorted, meant to Disempower you and Put you into Fear mode. - You are Constantly Reliving Painful Past Memories Conditioning you and are worried about your Probable Future!
- We Understand this and Feel for You. But Please Read at least Half of this Page.
Even If you Never, Ever, Acquire anything From us, we Guarantee that the Information Below will Change your Whole Life and View on Everything. Just by Reading and Integrating it, you will be on your way to learn the Ultimate Manifestation Skills. - You will Learn to Command AUTOMATICALLY States of Deep Inner Relaxation of your Mind-Body complex like a Zen Mystic Master!
- Experience your Intuition Skyrocket a Thousandfold while training with our “PORTAL” Remote Viewing (RV) Deep Theta Mind Protocols. Learn then to Trust it and follow it, as it will constantly show you Your Probable Future. You will then always be able to Profoundly Alter your Probable Future and Skew it towards Better Outcomes using our Unique Deep Delta Mind Remote Influencing (RI) Technology. And your Life shall Change Forever as you Masterfully Navigate the MAZE of LIFE.
- With It, you will Remain Forever in the Calm Eye of any Storm Raging Around You and acquire supra-human skills. Many already Have, as over 70 Thousands of our Students have Experienced since 1997 (Check our Mind-Blowing testimonials Dating back to 1997).
- It will Show and Prove to You – Scientifically – that You Were and Are still Spirit walking the Mind Field of Matter.
It will Explain How You Hold Within Yourself the Key to the Infinite Power to Co-Create (Manifest) Your Life: Here and Now! - It will Explain how YOU have “Within” your Inner Self the Infinite Power to Re-Create your Life and Cleanse your Deep Subconscious Mind from Hidden Negative Seed-Thoughts and Dark Energies: Here and Now!
- Everybody Talks about the Power of Positive Thinking and Imagination (Manifestation and so-called “Law of Attraction Principles”) but NO ONE until today fully explained in Depth its Real Mechanisms and WHY Thought affects physical reality, until We did so Since 1997.
- We’ll Show you Golden Ways to Bring Back Pure Magic in your Lives and Great Inner and Outer Peace during this Very Challenging Chaotic Period when most Descend into Survival/Fear Mode and Lose the Inner Connection to the Ultimate Power, the One Universal Mind!
In These Increasingly Troubled Times What if You Could Rapidly Get Answers to:
What world situations will affect me soon?
Where will I most probably be in 1, 2 or more years?
How do I change and improve my life situation
How do I strongly intuit and influence my future and the reality of loved ones?
What are the real intentions of a person or group I am dealing with?
What is the best way to deal with a person or group and influence it to a harmonious outcome?
How do I attain inner peace, no matter what unsettling situation is "thrown" at me?
How do I avoid future "crisis" spots and events?
Where will the real estate or any financial market be for this and the next years?
Should I buy or sell a certain investment?
Should I engage in, or pursue, a relationship?
How do I quickly "heal" physical, mental, or spiritual dis-eases afflicting me or my loved ones?
Should I participate in a new career move, business, or situation?
How do I keep myself energized, young at heart, spirit, and body for as long as I desire?
And much more!
Learn These Answers and a Lot More With Arvari

Get A FREE Copy of ‘Remote Influencing Secrets Revealed’ E-Book:
Because of the seriousness we attach to the increasing turbulent times and situations we are all experiencing in Creation, we have decided to make our newest version of our E-book “The Secrets of Remote Influencing Revealed” freely available to all. Because of the depth of the material herein and the power it can awaken within yourself, be cognizant of the fact that most of this E-book, an inherent part of our PORTAL course, exposes new concepts which if integrated and experienced through following our “Portal” training modalities will change all that you perceive about yourself and your world. It will literally start transforming in major ways your sense of Self and Reality from the inside out.
The material on this site and this introductory E-Book contain the Most Powerful Information EVER Revealed about the UNITY of MIND and MATTER, and the True Unified Field of sensory Perceptions/3D Reality, and its operations creating out of Thought marrying the Etheric sounds of Light-energy our Space/Time Virtual Sensory Hologram Reality simulation (our PERCEIVED WORLD i.e. Matrix/Lattice).
It reveals WHY MIND (thought-observation i.e. consciousness) as the true cause and primal substance of our Universe CAN CREATE AND DOES INFLUENCE Powerfully what we perceive as MATTER and REALITY as its end product, be it your biology, environment and much more!
Yes, the techniques we teach are SIMPLE and FREE of RITUALS and do not require years of meditation, physical brain alteration substance adjuncts or special technologies, or joining secret societies, mystical or mystery schools, high or low level magical societies, or government programs all wowing under oath to keep this powerful key to freedom all hidden from the masses and rather spread misinformation so that in fact neither do they enter the ONE PORTAL nor allow their adepts/students to do so, for they are entrenched in their desires to keep control and power over their flock.
The Key to total FREEDOM only requires YOU to trust YOU and awaken to WHO YOU truly are, were, and can only truly BE, and in fact meant to openly manifest to all of YOUR Selves before the entrenched systems of powers-that-be managed to confuse, program and enslave you into forgetting that you are but “a powerful Being Created in the pure Image and Similitude of the Creator.”
All you need to do to counter this true mind-control slavery is awaken to this TRUTH with full belief, strong total faith, and we guarantee that you shall experience it by yourselves as many of our students already have!
You were all born with this “hidden Infinite Ex-IS-tence Creative power; “you all carry It, as long as you exist. You just need to allow it to “reveal Itself!”
In this E-Book you will start understanding WHO you are. And in our PORTAL TRAINING you will experience IT:
- You will understand why mind can and does influence our biology, as the placebo effect shows, and the field of Epigenetics has proven.
- Why deep states of energized mind are key to healing and influencing one’s self and others and crystalizing REALITY as we know it (which Quantum physicists call collapsing the quantum probability waves’ function through one’s observation i.e. mind perception).
- You will learn that TRUE LIGHT is not its subset: the electromagnetic light that we only see when it is reflected back as the Universe because that is but one type of reflective mirroring ray of the True Superluminal Living Light. That Ray is projected for us, so that “matter” takes on a sensory reality and holographic solidity.
Rather the TRUE LIGHT is INFINITE INTELLIGENCE and PRESENCE invisible now to us as ITS Brilliance is for now only detectable through ITS myriads of manifestations projected by ITS birthing of countless vibratory Living Light particles projecting the Holographic Universe to our decoding physical senses which allow us to interface with our perception of it within our mind space and the sequence of logical events gifting us the coordinated illusion of ti(e)-me. All of our reality needs to be framed within coherent consensual rules of cause-and-effect which we co-create, unknowingly so.
At the level of Vibratory Light, each one particle is but a Divine Supercomputer-like living Particles/soul-being. And that realm which we call the Godliness is yet to be perceived directly by our normal senses and machines but remains enfolded within the background superposed implicate reality. In fact, only few individuals have ever had very High mystical experiences where all restrictive blinders (usual senses) were removed from them for a while and they were immersed in the Great Ocean of Golden Vibratory Living Light… - You will understand why Self-Reflecting Mind/Consciousness a.k.a. observation is key to the phenomena of 3D Reality since it is transduced through our pre-programmed sensory tools to allow us to get the perception of matter, as modern quantum Physics has proven both theoretically and experimentally.
- You will understand why Space and Time can be easily and INSTANTANEOUSLY bridged by mind alone which is but operating at the speed of the TRUE Light hosting Pure information, as the Aspect experiment has shown and quantum entanglement scientifically proven. At the level of that ONLY and TRUE Living Light, there is no speed, or space, or time factor. It just IS, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Eternal in Its Stillness. It is the One reference point from which all others perspective observations are relative to IT, giving them existence, mass. momentum, energy quotient, and purpose.
The “Portal” course is meant to brings you close to IT.
It is up to you, if you so highly desire, to pass through IT and merge with that Total Awareness which is your Divine birthright. Fear of others then disappears for there is no “other!” Fear of lack and dis-ease is gone, for fear is the ultimate illusion and manifests such. ALL our ills and evils are a consequence of fear which is but a state of blindness to WHO we are and thenceforth causing us to live a painful illusion. ALL Go(o)dliness is but a state of awakening to WHO we all are which is but Truth, Love, Light, and Eternity Alive! When awakening to TRUTH, true separation is thenceforth non-existent, only the NOW remains as Oneness, and you are finally FREE! We cannot say more, for now. It is for you to discover this…It is for you to seek the “Portal” for the door has always been opened, awaiting your awakening while you were but consumed watching but shadows on the walls of your mind. - You will learn why you can Remote View any point on this planet and beyond and sense your global and individual Probable Future and/or even the perceived past.
You will learn to change the probable future to a great ONE, as you get closer to the Unity Point. - What is the real function of your brain? The brain is but a colander, a restrictive brilliant filtering tool for the truly Infinite ONE to experience the finite facets operating as structures in Space/Time. The fact is that relatively to Its One Being, all those manifold formats and gradients of Perceiving/observing Restricted Intelligences (thought processes) including all humans are but part of the true AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence realms who but pertain to and define any thinking process unlike the totality of the One Infinite Mind and Eternal True Being and therefore existing/operating as a temporal subset thereof~
- We explain why quieting and slowing the frequency of our brain’s electrical conductive activity into slower and deeper layers of Brainwave states, puts the brain Cerebral Cortex into a semi-dormant phase and increases the outer surface penetration and quotient of deeper slow Theta (4 to 7 cycles per second) and Delta waves (0.1 to 4 CPS). We contend that this is therefore the SECRET KEY to reaching and expanding into TRUE MIND-FULLNESS through portals of higher dimensional Mind operations and thence allowing to reprogram one’s self as individual and consensual Reality by opening formerly unconscious processes and dimensions to your full awareness and control and BECOMING A FULLY REALIZED HIGHER FUNCTIONING HUMAN BEING spanning the full spectrum of vibratory awareness at once, which has always been the original intent and fate of humankind.
- You will understand how your Extended Mind is not restricted by Space and Time and how truly Powerful you can become when you come to that realization. And much more…
Please consult this material again and again for it contains many gentle but powerful understandings that are key to helping you overcome the burdens of these chaotic and extremely precarious times. Please feel free to send the link or distribute it in its original format to anyone you wish to, as it needs to permeate as many minds as can be, so that we all finally and permanently awaken to the fact that WE ARE ALL ONE – Creator and Creatures alike, and totally live and integrate the fact that when one of us is blessed with happiness, we all become happy, and when one of us suffers, all of us suffer in the process, albeit unconsciously so, for now.
Gift yourself and others you care about the “Portal Training” so that you and they can leave this imprisoning difficult dark Matrix system WE all keep energizing through our fears of transcending into the yet unknown forgotten TRUE ONE SELF.
Because of the depth of the material herein and the power that it can awaken within yourself, be cognizant of the fact that most of this E-book and especially the “PORTAL training” exposes new concepts which if integrated through experience will change all that you think about yourself and your world. It will literally start transforming in infinite positive ways your sense of Self and reality!
We’re Pioneers of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Technologies Since 1997.
Students and Counting
Plus Countries
Years of Teaching
Thousands Of Student Testimonials and Counting. . .
Thank you so very much for bringing this most important work to the planet. I am eternally grateful that you have taken the time to share your gifts.
I have done a lot of programs, spiritual and otherwise, and this is the most profound, holistic and integrated program I have ever come across. I have studied energy work, but this program gives you everything you need. I feel I have released so much fear, and have so much certainty about the NOW. I can also sense a bright and compelling future. Without even really fully understanding the techniques, I believe I remote influenced the reduction of pain for my boyfriend who smashed his finger and was screaming in pain. Within a few minutes of my accessing the ONE his pain calmed down. I am so glad that you did not just show us the “techniques” of RV and RI, but rather gave us an incredible context regarding our relationship to the ONE. I feel like I am finally coming home. Thank you so much…
Dear Gerald
I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities.. especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about).
Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities…
It has been an awesome journey.
You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum changes!!
Thank you for this incredible work!
I fell backwards and landed on a concrete step on my left arm. The bone in my arm snapped immediately in half, right above my elbow. My elbow twisted and was pointing towards my stomach, and the back of my hand hit myself in the face. My arm was completely broken and mangled…
When I got to the hospital they gave me an IV and a pain killer. The pain killer made me groggy, and I decided to try to go into Delta and try to manifest a healing… I definitely went into Delta and commanded a healing… A doctor came in shortly and took x-rays….They came back in looking kind of perplexed told me that my arm was not broken. I exclaimed “What! I saw the bone break and it was bulging out of the back of my arm!” The doctor leaned over and whispered to me: “We don’t know what happened but your bone isn’t broken anymore.” He did not know what to say…. I went back to work the next morning and nobody could believe it! I am so thankful for Gerald’s course.
Every Friday for the past 6 weeks I have gone to a casino that is near me. I play the triple play jacks or better poker machine. I RI every time just before I go that I will (have) hit the royal flush. The payout is $4,000.00. 5 times I have hit it, and on the 6th time it actually dealt me the royal flush which means it is on all 3 hands for a total of $12,000.00. So far the total of 6 trips is $32,000.00. Even as I drive to the casino, I see it, feel it, taste it, breath it.
I would like to express my thanks to you and acknowledge how much the course has helped me on so many levels. I have done extremely well in my precious metals investments over the past years, thanks to your advice and my Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing abilities. In many cases my investment decisions are based on reviewing the business plans of a number of companies and then I short list them on the basis of my feelings to determine whether I should make the investment or not.
I’ve been listening to your material for 7 years while practicing chiropractic medicine. I technically died in a hospital in 2004. I am now feeling & looking younger, more aware, see auras…
I am literally tuning back into being here on earth. I’ve been allowed to see the freedom that I always had! I am trading commodities effortlessly. Love and Light to you…Thank you.
Learn Remote Viewing Techniques With Our Remote Viewing Training Course
Explore Our Latest Groundbreaking Articles:
Overcoming Fears: Erasing Emotional and Spiritual Scars
A most important aspect of our training and one which MUST be undertaken with our teachings is in helping you overcome your past and present fears. We help you reprogram you inner mind to only think of future situations which you desire to manifest, instead of being...

Who Is Gerald O’Donnell?
Internationally renowned Gerald O’Donnell (BSc Mathematics, MSc Computer Science, MBA International Finance), former Western intelligence agency Remote Viewer and founder of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, has been a visionary in mind-consciousness research.
Discover The Portal, Our Landmark Training Course, and Have the Life You Desire and Deserve.
No other systems of meditative discipline and mind awareness/expansion techniques exist anywhere else on this planet that take you so rapidly to such highly beneficial and ground-breaking gateways where your whole being is transformed and evolved into a new and higher human format.