One upon a Creation, One turned into Three, defining Two, who in Truth remained but One
The Holy Vesica Piscis
Healing The Masculine-Feminine Duality Schism and the true Miracle of Creation
March 3, 2020
To all the talk online and in books about what is often portrayed as opposition and battling between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine and especially between human male and female genders, this is important:
The Divine Masculine archetype/Logos contains the Divine Feminine within, and the Divine Feminine contains the Divine Masculine within Itself. However each one is more tilted towards its main intrinsic expression. Together they operate as the Divine 3D Vesica Piscis i.e. Tao or Aleph, which allows for the two major Divine internal and external expressions/facets of centrifugal Masculinity and centripetal Feminity to seem to be two, and to be intersecting and dynamically flow into each other so that each contains the other.
The two are united within as three while in fact still being One and the One, and operating as two in duality, Creating all and birthing everything.
One must see the Divine dualism as the trilogy of One, and only as different facets of expression for the Unity which can but be ONE.
The same principle applies between all expressions seemingly in opposition and competitive status, which need to turned around and embrace their common intersection which gives them existence: mankind and nature, male versus female, light versus dark, positive versus negative, spirit versus matter, electricity versus magnetism, matter versus anti-matter, right side politics versus left side, Creator versus Created, unbridled self-centered Capitalism versus intense Social consciousness, all forms of tribal identification and competition, etc…; they all need to turn around from being back-to-back in opposition and ignorant brutal raw competition within the illusion of separation, towards being face-to-face in awareness, observing the polar opposite side with the perception of it all being also one’s Self.
We need to fall in true Love again between all polar opposites and feel that we are but falling in love with our own polar expression of our deep self which is us.
This can only be achieved if and when we embrace each other’s polar expression with full comprehension as we feel what it is like to be that opposite facet by connecting deep within where we possess and potentially express the same expression, and then naturally project outward the full deserved respect and Love to that polar side of us which allows for the miracle of Life to exist as the One’s Self, our true Self within, through the intersection (observation of entanglement of twin soul expressions).
Evil only manifests when we forget this and ignore and divide evermore. Chaos, imbalance, violence and suffering ensues.
Love is when we see each other as self and then unite in perception and feel deep tolerant loving and fully caring awe at the kaleidoscope of facets imprinted on either sides of the same coin of paralleled entangled n dimensions, n being potentially infinite.
So if you “love as yourself the other polar perceivable opposite expression, you are but loving yourself; and if you dislike of even fall into hatred towards that polar opposite expression, you are but disliking your Self.” In this chaotic and very dangerous period, we all are in dear need “to Love the other polar expressions as One’s Self, otherwise hate and death shall overcome and ultimately extinguish Love and Life!”
We are in dear need to love the “other” as one’s self, as the TRUE Self of who we all are: The One and Only manifesting the many who IS – not are – but ONE because that it all It can BE!
This perception is the only one we need to embrace as Truth in order to fight and truly heal the ultimate schism and illusion of true duality which can truly destroy us between facets and genders and other polarity poles: the trilogy who becomes two but is in reality ONE.
We need to feel, respect it, and operate it as such.
This is all internal work which then reflects magically upon the external reality.
The holy vesica 😊🤍, big schisms to mend, lots of shattered facets that are hard to love home.
All is as it should be! Evil is just the absence of love. And real love is the absolute selfless love of all creation without the ego exterior delusions of choice as it will always be man made! Real choice is inner ‘Know Thyself!’
The One or The Divine is merely playing out its scenarios to experience that which it has not! The messages from The One of which we should take stock of what we are doing to this very precious planet Earth as well as each other is also part of its humanity creation theme to contract creation back towards the core of itself and take stock of how much it has learned so far.
Fear not! If humanity were so bad we would have been snuffed out eons ago. We are forever as We are It and it is We! There is no end nor beginning, just the Now! The One needs us as We are It. Why would it destroy most or all of Itself as those false light workers would have you believe or religious leaders? It will Never ever happen!
All experience is thought forms predicated on vibratory light of The Divine One☺ I choose to believe in The One. I exist therefore I am..forever in its guiding light!
Taken to heart. Thankyou Mr O’Donnell.
I had what Gerald refers to as a download after a remote viewing attempt in a meditative state. I was contemplating the nature of God as well as man made concepts of good versus evil and received the following explanation.
“What you term as God or The One is purely neutral caring little about man made illusions of good or evil. It is just a pure creative force which for lack of a better word just ‘loves’ to create. Any contact with it, is with one of its highly developed facets, as pure contact will surely overwhelm that point of (untrained!)consciousness as well as be nigh on impossible without great protection(preparation!) as the energy of its being is so incredible as to dissolve all with a purity of creative light and realization of immense love for all, even a speck of dust or a microbe will be of importance. Such is this being’s great expanse and spiritual touch!
The facets can be likened to a program of sorts, but are not God. YOU(both plural and singular!) are God in a lesser way, but as yet undeveloped! To be good or evil is programmed in to a large extent. Every wonder what makes one do a good act or a bad one? Is it freewill? To us it is freewill, but the delay of a microsecond as data is streamed down to the GUI (from higher levels of the soul) which we call the human brain proves that it is not pure freewill and that even the simple act of deliberately deciding to not standing on an ant as we observe it in our garden busily doing its thing(which is a program as well!)is a result of the complex Godlike programs controlling all a billion billion times a second. Things like the urge to eat, react to pleasure or pain are all programs too!
Now, pure freewill is when one becomes pure thought and merges with this neutral force to become it and perhaps a creator in its own right. To know that ‘feeling’ or perception will be beyond explanation. God is neutral, so don’t blame it for bad things which happen here, even though it(The One) had set it all up originally. Mankind is as much to blame as well the facets which have outlived their usefulness and are rebelling. Realize this and be responsible for you yourself. Ergo, nothing will then touch you nor harm in any way. Once this is allowed into your core being the programs of control diminish and you’re no longer part of them, because Your soul is then thinking at an instantaneous level of pure freewill/continous of thought or consciousness and not a half a second of delay! That is the ultimate prize one should aspire to- the true ‘Holy Grail!’ It is exiting The Matrix and miracles will occur! Therefore pity your brother doing evil as ‘he knows not what he does’, as he is under the control of a program, just as much as those doing good! How is this freewill to come about? The answer is Submission and allowing The God form into your being. A simple act of merely saying “I accept you, my father and creator!” The rest will follow suit. Be confident and believe in him!”
This is what I was told and I believe it to hold true.
this comment is going to be out of the current context here on this article.
I would like to know if any of you who have been practising remote viewing has foreseen such a big global event as the corona virus?
I am not one of those diligent students in studying remote viewing, but I am quite sure that this event could have been predicted easily months and months ahead.
I also think that this event is a sort of milestone for our current time-line. Perhaps is “the event” that made us move into a NEW time-line, a NEW MATRIX. I say that because my perception of the current situation has recently changed in these past weeks of April. I am going to explain a little further keeping it as simple as possible.
First off, what the human consciousness call “Armageddon Day” is completely gone. That brings to my second perception: no more possible Third War World or global Nuclear disaster. Those timelines are completely gone.
We shifted into new potentials, new possibilities. MATRIX RELOAD.
As any kind of disease, virus also brings within itself a remind: change your habits, balance what is out of balance.
I strongly think that this virus among the other things which it could represent, means a reset of human matrix.
What does that mean? Well, I am not completely sure but I have a very positive feeling about that.
I would appreciate any comment especially from Gerald and anyone else who has something to share (perhaps a dedicated article on this subject).
Thanks for your attention
Hello Alkraam
Your question(s) deserve an answer and it is satisfying to know people(souls) like you are asking these important things. I’m not new to spirituality, and have been aware of remote viewing for many years, though never practised it until recent times. The danger is if anything negative exists already(the ancient mythical beings Djinn-elementals really and older than mankind reputedly-say that evil perse exists in mankind’s minds only)- then you bring something back to your waking state of consciousness. Breaking contact or cleansing is essential in any end of remote viewing session lest you reap those effects you desired on others or even if it is merely to see a future timeline as yet unmanifested in the Now. It is all You, you know, everything is a reflection of You, in whatever you do, all part of the unique reality your higher self is creating for itself as it explores choice and effect. Notice I use the word choice and not cause(human notion!), but that’s another story!
The God force is purely neutral and just loves to create. Some of the beings it creates are highly malevolent, or supremely pure depending on the energies it wishes to explore, but these are human terms and far removed from what these energies really are. The immense suffering caused upon animal kind by certain nations or all nations to a certain degree is contradictory to the New Age thinking ‘We are all God’ or ‘We are Separated, or because it is God pretending to be good or bad!’ Try telling that to a poor animal being boiled alive by some horrendous human being in a ‘wet market!’
The point is that the God force does not really care, because from its point of view all is illusion as it manifests its dreams from these creations it has spawned. Now the real caring starts from those highly developed entities called source creators or angels, if one wants to be religiously minded, but that serves little to explain what the hell is really going on? Corona is indeed hell on Earth if one chooses to buy into its fear factor. How can we not when it is effecting everyone and people are sadly dying all around us! Is this planned? Is it man made? Is it a plot by those who wish to control the planet? Is it indeed the Archons or Reptilians or the Greys etc, if one wants to put a New Age spin on it, as some are apt to do with their funny theories designed to attract. Is it a timeline shift of joint consciousness? You bet, they will be some cherry picked explanation out there to fit such and such conspiracy.
The point is it’s a story and a very real one. I see it as parts of The Dark Matrix which engulfs us all, breaking down or rebooting so to speak which you touched upon earlier in your questioning. The evil acts of cruelty are in very dark parts of it, but also in those parts there are also very enlightened souls working for the better good. It is all a muddle I know. The divisions between race, nations are so apparent now, but at the same time the illusion of it all is so blatantly apparent when Covid19 discriminates against no one specifically- everyone is fair game-viruses don’t care, even those rich ones hiding in their castle lairs or skulking on some desert island haven had better watch out! Culture becomes a horrid joke when religion is just a means of control and people blindly believe their ‘appointed’ leaders when they say “It’s okay to put your head in the oven!” They are all headless chickens really!
Could that mean ‘We(all) caused it and now we have the cure(in a future story timeline)- a magnificent vaccine to protect all?’It is all part of a game some may legitimately protest. We are all in a massive chessboard game, that one thing is for sure! I personally do not think it is the One’s will or intention to allow of this directly. It is his higher creations or those closest to it calling the shots. So indirectly God(The One) has caused it, by sheer virtue of creating the beings which caused it all in the first place. The ramifications are endless and will drive you mad! It will solve itself and the World will not end. How can it when we know through science that energy can neither be destroyed nor created,- it just changes form, a shift so to speak! We are all part of this film called life. At the moment it is a wretched film with a truly terrible Faustian like script and actors, but there will be a conclusion. ‘Hope Springs Eternal!’
Humanity’s greatest defence: Belief in The Supreme Good, The Divine! I choose this, not some story with an awful plotline of despair and fear. Faith my friend. Look within to find the answer you so seek!
I gave an answer to Alkraam a week ago channelled from an aspect of The One via the higher self which we all have access to.
More of the truth: Yes the Matrix is destabilising. 2012 was the start. The ancient Mayans were in contact with The Architect which is the machine like facet of The One created by him to control this 3D dimension and some argue has gotten to big for its boots, meaning its sentience has an ego and a big one at that!
The strife we are seeing now is the breaking down of this illusory program which controls all souls in the birth/death cycle. You must decide if it is a good or bad thing. The ‘power’ behind it all to make us see and accept things as solid is incredibly sophisticated. The shift has begun. It is not an end game, but a massive shift in human consciousness. Anymore I am not privy to. We will prevail, do not worry!