Founded in 1997
  • Is Chaos and Insecurity and a Sense of Doom Grabbing you Lately and Keeping you Awake at Night?
  • Do you Yearn for Greater Control Over Reality, More Stability, and True Peace?
  • Do you Miss the Joy of Yore? Are you Feeling Lost on a Seemingly Rudderless Ship Surrounded by Daily Storms? Doe this Exhaust You?
  • These are Crucial Times Meant for You to Learn to Use and Rely upon Inner Tools To Awaken into Full Awareness, Expand your Neural Networks and DNA Operations, Achieve Greater Innate Wisdom and Intelligence, and Far More Control Over Your Life.
  • Our Leaders, Counselors, and the System are Failing us more and more; We need Inner Enlightening Guidance and Effective Heightened Intuition!
~ We Teach You the Use of the Deep Theta and Low Delta (Epsilon) Brainwave states: The ULTIMATE  “Mind Frontier” to intensely Intuit All Possible Destinies Available to You and Manifest The Future You Choose Into Your Ideal Reality ~

We are Very Proud to Present:



Using our cutting-edge Mind Training Technology, learn to easily Foresee (Remote View) the Probable Future and Powerfully Influence (Remote Influence) Your Destiny Using the Ultimate Mind Frontier: Deep Brainwave Mind Levels Theta and Delta, triggered automatically Under Your Command by training with our latest Advanced Mind Development Technology.

The Key to surviving our very unstable times and creating inner and outer happiness and peace

The Supreme Reality Manifestation Technology!

Have the life you desire and deserve


Gerald O’Donnell 2019


Gerald O’Donnell is an internationally renowned former Western Intelligence Agency Remote Viewer aka scanner. He is also the founder of The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing.

Back in the 1980s, Gerald was recruited by a Western European Intelligence Agency to join their ongoing program of Remote Viewing [Sensing] of targeted locations.

The agency had initiated this covert operation to counter the remote sensing activities of the well-funded, fully-functional extrasensory perception unit of the Soviet KGB and GRU [Soviet Military Intelligence].

At the agency, he taught Special Forces, anti-terrorist units, and Intel Operatives advanced Remote Viewing and Sensing Techniques. Through his coaching, the intelligence operatives were able to dramatically heighten their “inner intuitive faculties” to allow them to successfully sense beforehand potentially dangerous situations and foresee the general outcomes that they could encounter in their Probable Futures.

He also trained these operatives in the powerful “inner art”. This relies on defusing any potentially dangerous and untoward situation. Techniques for this special kind of problem-solving included deflection, neutralizing the problem, or most powerfully and impressively changing their outcomes in advance [Remote Influencing] by applying techniques using especially energized mental power.

Gerald has been a recognized advanced visionary in mind-consciousness research and is now dedicating his life to expertly inspire and guide students through healing and empowering meditations on Oneness to access incredibly high levels of creative energy that allow for the rapid manifestation of desires based upon one’s thoughts.



~The Power of My Mind Increased!~

Hi there Gerald,

I’m sure this finds you well :). Just to quickly re-introduce myself, I sent you an email back in Jan., which you posted on the testimonials page on your website. I see you’ve been busy updating your home page. The new information is outstanding. I just finished reading it and thought it was great. It’s interesting that you refer to “the secret”. You may or may not be aware that the program was made by an Australian production company.

A good friend of mine works for that company and is currently helping produce their follow up project. I just sent him a link to your homepage. I’m sure he’ll have a great deal of interest in the information you present there.

The reason I’m contacting you is that I would love the opportunity to speak with you about the RI/RV courses and my experiences, and maybe get a few pointers on some aspects of the exercises and also ask you a few questions. I understand you are a busy man, so whatever time you feel you may have available, I can easily work around that.

I’m constantly amazed at the increasing powers of my mind achieved through the use of your courses and would enjoy chatting with you about such phenomena.



~ Matt Saunders

~I Moved Out of Darkness Into Light~

Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

I have purchased your “Portal” course.

I am listening over and over to your RV e-book and your RI e-book.

All my life I have been seeking without finding and knocking on a door that remained almost shut—until now.

Thanks to you, now I am beginning to know that soon I will find everything (the One), and that soon the door will be fully open to me (to the One).

I am coming from such pre-programmed darkness, that I am having trouble even imagining light. However, my understanding is being opened up little by little, as I listen to you, and I am becoming confident that I will reach deep alpha, deep theta, and delta, and then ultimately go beyond into the realm of the One where there is only Vibratory Real Divine Light.

Bless you, for sharing what you have found.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.



~ Charles Beck,





~I Experienced The Deep Theta Mind Level~

Dear Mr. O’Donnell,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply and instructions. Yes, I was able to download the PDF files.

I have just started the “Portal”  course. I have listened to the RV modules three times, and I find it very easy to reach the Theta state – I recognize it by your description of it – I don’t feel my body, very few thoughts arise – mostly disconnected flashes – and deep peace. Tomorrow morning I will do the RV module #3 again. I feel fortunate for the opportunity of such an enterprise – it is much, much more than I had anticipated. Please accept my heartfelt gratefulness for this priceless gift. I will keep in touch.

I join all those who benefit from your wisdom to also wish you the very best at all times.


Nicole Clément-Blais

~ Nicole Clément-Blais, 

~I Got My First Major “Miracle” Manifestation!~

Hi Gerald,

I hope you are well and happy. I am so excited! I just had to write and share. I manifested a condo with no $$ down, no earnest $$, and only had to spend about $50.00, and that was for a notary! It’s exactly what I wanted! It was not something I was obsessed with, but it was a desire—this is sooooo cool! I’ve been listening to your tapes for 2 years now, and things are shaking!!! I think of you often and send you love and happiness.

~ Linda, California.

~He’s one of the greatest teachers I encountered~

“I am so looking forward to Gerald’s next interview! He’s one of the greatest teachers I encountered, if not the GREATEST ONE. I am still practicing his programs every single day and his insights are sooo profound.”

~ Shosh

~Renowned Visionary and Researcher of Mind Consciousness Finally Reveals the Fine Art of Remote Influencing that Anyone Can Use to Rapidly Manifest Desires, Access High Levels of Creative Energy, Prosper Despite the Recession, Command Respect From Everyone You Meet, and Influence Reality Using Just Highly Energized Thoughts~


A Personal Letter From Gerald O’Donnell:

“My dear friends, as the recent evermore chaotic worldwide events show, these techniques aren’t anymore a matter of curiosity, but a matter of sheer mental, spiritual, and physical “survival.” I know of nothing else that can help you navigate successfully the very challenging times ahead as you shall be ina a state of constant instinctive INTUITION sensing your probable future steps before its occurence and hence be able to skew and change it! Please try them for a full 30 days, and if they do not change your whole perception of reality, you are free to return them for a complete refund.
This is my gift to you – my legacy, if you will:  A practical and effective method of Ascension to a Higher Superior Human potential.  I really deeply care for you and our common uplifting from the stormy waters we are all navigating, hoping for you to finally experience the upcoming dawn of a new era of peace and harmony.”

Gerald O’Donnell
Founder and President of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality and Thought



How would you like to be able to:

  • Sense/preview all possible destinies available to you.
  • Use thoughts energized with high inner Light in order to powerfully bring the future YOU choose in the life you will experience.
  • Directly experience an extremely high and illuminated level of YOUR OWN mind where all that IS possible can be created and then manifested for you at any time
  • Our Academy, a pioneer in mind/matter research and applications, has been teaching since 1997 highly specialized mind technologies originating from the international intelligence community and advanced mystics and mind masters

Who Are We To Be 100% Sure We Can Change Your Life?

We are and remain the only Mind Training Institute worldwide to have broken the barrier of deep Theta and Delta brainwave states as we train our students to Remote View and Remote Influence reality from these very deep levels of mind with FULL conscious awareness.

The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, a pioneer in the influencing thought and reality fields, has offered since 1997 to well over 150,000 students worldwide these unique, highly-energized, life-changing manifestation techniques.

To our knowledge, no other systems of meditative discipline and mind/awareness expansion techniques exist anywhere else on this planet that take you relatively rapidly to such highly beneficial and ground-breaking gateways where your whole being is transformed and evolved into a new and higher human form where you can achieve a high connection with your higher Mind/self.


Amongst some of the experiences our large proportion of trainees have reported are:


  • Life-saving avoidance of dangerous situations by getting direct warnings in advance from Higher Intelligence.
  • Intuition and high learning becoming second nature.
  • Entering a state of flow and happiness, manifesting their most desired path.
  • Becoming more successful in professional, educational, and love endeavors.
  • Manifesting employment, increased sales, and charisma.
  • Reading people’s thoughts and sensing probable situations in advance.
  • Influencing positively others and situations.
  • Mind and body healing becoming commonplace. Healing themselves and loved ones of many ills.
  • Changing their bodily image by thought alone and rejuvenating their biology and appearance.
  • Getting easily rid of dangerous addictions and phobias.
  • An exponential increase in inner intuition, which then allowed them to be successful at trading many financial instruments, some even winning large international lotto prices, having greater success in gambling situations, and choosing happy paths.
  • Stocks and Commodities traders and financial executives report enhanced intuitive insight, attuning to markets, and nervous system well-being while operating in the deep Theta Mind “Zone.”
  • Many use our RV techniques (associative RV) as their exclusive trading tool, reporting a “great leap” in successful Financial trading and Investments.
  • A deep connection to nature and the wonders and beauty of creation.
  • Significant reduction in the level of daily stress and inner anxiety.
  • An aura of calmness develops even in the midst of the ever-growing complexity of modern life
  • Having Spontaneous OOBE (out-of-body-experiences), bi-locations,
    and visiting situations in their present, past, and probable future.
  • Lucid dreaming is greatly enhanced.
  • Vibratory light techniques are used to reprogram their subconscious higher self to attain higher levels of thoughts-awareness (increased IQ)
  • Many have profound life-changing spiritual High experiences with The One Universal Light and are permanently transformed.
  • Exploring with full awareness the level of Delta Mind and using it as a portal to access very high and creative levels of operations and reality manifestation: The Quantum state itself.
  • All this is so Easy! All you Do is Listen Passively to our “Portal” Training System, Once a Day!


~Remote Viewing And Influencing (The Portal) Training System Speaks From A Place of Authenticity and Sincerity~

“My goal for using Remote Viewing and Influencing was spiritual growth and expansion. Intuitively, it felt appropriate. I wanted to reach higher and higher levels of consciousness while living fully in the world. It seemed that Gerald O’Donnell’s work could assist me in my efforts toward greater clarity and joy. I am happy with my life and the direction and progress I am making on the spiritual path.

Yes, I would recommend the Remote Viewing and Influencing System to others who truly desire to know a higher level of truth and live from a place of deeper peace.

The Remote Viewing And Influencing Training System speaks from a place of authenticity and sincerity. By listening to the modules over and over, I hear new information and experience at a deeper and deeper level. The materials seem to be embedded with several levels of experience, knowledge, and truth, which manifests at a greater depth as one grows spiritually. I would like to have a book by Mr. O’Donnell as well as more advanced products.”

~ Davia Massey, Hendersonville, NC

~Thank You For Taking Me Back To The Place Where I Truly Belong — The Place I Have Been Looking For All My Life!~

Dear Gerald,

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New year full of wonders, magic, and true serenity. Once again, I would like to reiterate my deepest gratitude for taking me back to the place where I truly belong – to the place I have been looking for all of my life, as you were, through your tapes, the catalyst to this amazing discovery.

Many blessings and very…very best wishes.

Love ….Light….and Peace….always.

~ Sakara Lucas

~Amazing Results With Just one Session a Day~

“Dear Gerald,

I would like to thank you for your wonderful “Portal” course in RV and RI. I was very impressed with your philosophy about The One and your explanations of how the universe is really inside us. It was a piece of a puzzle that was missing from me.

I finished the training this last February. I strictly followed your instructions and trained with one module per day. I completed the course in one month, and the amazing thing is that a few days after, out of the blue, I started giving channeled information to others for the first time in my life.

It is so simple now, I just say to myself, ‘Mind Level Theta,’ and all the answers are coming very fast and are 100% accurate.

Please keep me informed of any future products you may release.

You will always be in my heart. Thank you very much.”

~ Orestis Kaldelis, Athens, Greece


As Pioneers of Advanced “Remote Viewing Your Probable Future” and Powerful “Remote Influencing Minds and Reality,” our Mind Technology Training Protocols for Civilian Application Teach You to Fully Awaken Your Brain. Our Mission is to Help You Achieve the Creation of Better Realities for all of Us and the Possible Avoidance of Unpleasant ones by Sensing Ahead Your Individual and Global Probable Future:

CLICK here to check what other people are saying about the “PORTAL” Remote Viewing and Influencing Program

Are You Ready To Harness The Power of our
Mind Technology?


Remote Viewing is the ability to perceive, through a projection of heightened consciousness, people and events distant in time-space.

This Mind Technology has been developed since the 1950s by both US, Western, and Eastern European Intelligence Agencies. They achieved some great successes, but some are still classified.

These same Remote Viewing methods have been adapted for kinder and more practical civilian use and are now presented for the greater benefit of each one of you as part of humankind.

Based on very Ancient Secret Knowledge, recent Western and Eastern Intelligence Agencies’ Mental Espionage Techniques, and the Very Latest in Quantum Physics’ Consciousness/Matter Link, we are proud to present…

The Complete “PORTAL” Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Training System From Gerald O’Donnell









Our Remote Viewing Training System teaches you to perceive anything located anyplace in space and time using powerful techniques that go well beyond current Western and Eastern intelligence agencies’ espionage methods by positioning one’s Mind and brainwaves at the interface with the One Universal Mind at the Lower Theta Mind Band (4.5 CPS) to probe and collect Information from It. Remote Viewing refers to scientifically proven mind technologies that break the space-time barrier.

Remote Influencing is an original term first introduced by our Academy in 1997 and refers to our very advanced technology, transcending most other known methods, by which one can powerfully influence thoughts and consensual reality by mind-power and inner energy alone by Entering with FULL consciousness, the Level of Deep Delta Mind (around .05 to 3 CPS) where energized thoughts connect and Influence all thoughts and Reality.

Our Advanced Protocols for Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing (RV) refers to scientifically proven mind technologies that break the space-time barrier. Remote Viewing is the ability to perceive, through a projection of heightened consciousness, people and events, distant in time-space. With RV, one uses the Deep Theta brain state to access information across time and space by connecting directly to the quantum non-local data background.

Remote Influencing

Remote Influencing (RI) is a term first introduced by our Academy in 1997 which refers to our very advanced and pioneering mind training technology. It transcends most other known methods and allows one to consciously use the Deep Delta brain state (usual sleep) as a portal to the Universal Mind Creative dimensions and powerfully influence and manifest the life, mind, body and world of your dreams.

What used to take a Lifetime for Advanced Zen and Yoga Masters to achieve, is now attainable in 12 short weeks (see our Enthusiastic Students’ testimonials).

But Before You Say “I Don’t Need Remote Viewing or Remote Influencing In My Life…”


  • You are, like everyone else, suffering in this wired world from information overload.
  • As a reaction, you now display an attention deficit syndrome: You are constantly impatient.
  • Conflicting information and problems are overwhelming you exponentially so. You feel increasingly anxious.
  • The internet and print media are overflowing with information, most of it junk.

We understand this and feel for you.
But please read at least half of our shared teachings. WHY?


Because even if you never, ever acquire anything from us, we guarantee that the information below will change your whole life and view on everything, just by reading and integrating it.

  • It will show and prove to you – scientifically – that you were and still are a spirit walking the mind field of matter.
  • It will explain how you have within yourself the infinite power to recreate your life: Here and Now!



    In These Increasingly Troubled Times, What if You Could Rapidly Obtain Answers To These Questions And Learn:

    What world situations will affect me soon?

    Where will I most probably be in 1, 2 or more years?


    How do I change and improve my life situation

    How do I strongly intuit and influence my future and the reality of loved ones?


    What are the real intentions of a person or group I am dealing with?

    What is the best way to deal with a person or group and influence it to a harmonious outcome?

    How do I attain inner peace, no matter what unsettling situation is "thrown" at me?

    How do I avoid future "crisis" spots and events?

    Where will the real estate or any financial market be for this and the next years?

    Should I buy or sell a certain investment?

    Should I engage in, or pursue, a relationship?

    How do I quickly "heal" physical, mental, or spiritual dis-eases afflicting me or my loved ones?


    Should I participate in a new career move, business, or situation?

    How do I keep myself energized, young at heart, spirit, and body for as long as I desire?

    How do I learn to remain in the calm and peaceful “eye” of present and future life hurricanes, no matter how strong the swirling storm is around me?

    Learn These Answers and a Lot More With Arvari

    Read What People are Saying About our Training

    Nothing speaks for our Academy’s Remote Viewing and Influencing Life-changing Power better than the success stories of our graduates. We have received thousands of raving reviews and have indexed some of them in this section for you.

    Take a look at a small sample of what people are saying about our world-class mind tools!

    Paul Jackson , writes:

    • Viewpoint from a retired military RV officer about our RV course.

    Dear Mr. O’Donnell:
    My name is Paul Jackson, and I have been in the military for about 30 years. I worked on many projects in that period of time. One of them was on the subject of remote viewing.
    I ordered your course to see what you had to offer. After taking this course, I must say that your methods are far more advanced than anything I have ever seen. I have achieved a lot of things with your course, and I must admit that I am quite amazed!!
    I have been hearing through the grapevine that you will be coming out with another course soon, and I would like you to please notify me when it comes out. If it is anything like the first one, I would like to purchase it as soon as possible.
    I have been retired for about a year now and have a lot of time on my hands. I can tell you this: your course has really given me something to do and perceive things that I always wanted to see.
    Thank you again for the excellent course.
    I will be using it for many years to come.
    Paul Jackson

    Raymond Salinger wrote to us.  Subject:

    • Private training session.

    Dear Gerald:

     I wanted to take the time to thank you for your pioneering work. Your abilities are beyond words. Your cutting-edge research should prove priceless to the Global Intelligence Community as well as the Human Potentials movement! As you are aware, my contacts and experience are vast. You should be embraced by leading scientists and governments for the power you have to vastly improve the quality of life for all the people who will ever know you! Keep up the good work, it is people like you who make this a better world!


    A surgeon writes to us: My Career Is Rocketing, My Practice Is Booming & My Life Is More Fulfilling

    “Dear Gerald,

    My life in this universe (and probably others as well) has been an amazing journey since I discovered the RV & RI. I have completed the combined course, and I repeat various exercises. Every day brings new excitement; I cannot describe with words the confidence I have for every single thing that happens because I know that I am creating the life I want around me.

    My carrier [sic] is rocketing, my practice is booming, and my life is more fulfilling.

    You may have noticed that I am a surgeon. Lately, I have healed 2 problematic cases. The healing was so good, and the outcome was unbelievable. Due to human nature, even though I could actually see in my mind the end result, there were times I had doubts which I was trying to delete from my thought. But the final results were mind-blowing!!! Now I have much more confidence, and next time around, I am sure it will be even better.

    Most of the time lately (if not always), when I need advice or solutions, I find that when I stop thinking about the problem and my mind is calm, somehow I get answers, most of the time without even doing an exercise.

    I cannot thank you enough.

    ~ Dr Stavros Eleftheriou, Cyprus M.D.


    Hans Peter R,  a German student of our (Portal) combination Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing course, sent us this very exciting feedback on February  20,  2010. Subject:

    • Winning the German Lotto using our RV and RI training

    •  Great manifestation powers

    •  Many synchronicities show up in his life

    • Experiencing the Golden Light

    • Healing of a painful back/spinal condition

    My dear Mr. O’Donnell:

    Greetings to you and the academy from Germany. 

    You have changed my life. I bought the combination RV/RI courses in February 2008. I went through your courses many times, repeating them over and over. Each time I did this, I became better at both RV and RI. I had previously done other mind improvement systems, and attended many seminars here in Germany and all over the world, but nothing even came close to what your courses offer. The material is awesome! I have told many about your profound methodology. I am really hooked on the CDs. They have totally transformed me. Many beautiful events have happened in my life since receiving your training. Synchronicities happen all the time around me. I can feel it when they do, as they have this almost “unreal quality” about them. I feel very happy and bathed in light energy.  People feel this and smile at me. They feel my happiness.  I feel and look maybe 10 years younger, have great stamina, my mind is sharper than when I was a youngster (I am 48 now), and I feel this inner peace and happiness.  I have healed myself of a chronic painful back injury I received while skiing in my 20s in the Austrian Alps, which degenerated into disc problems and compression of the spinal cord. This and subsequent arthritis had plagued my life for so long. It is all gone now, thanks to your courses. I am pain-free and returned to a full exercise schedule.

    I had a profound experience while listening to RI CD7, which left me bathed in brilliant golden light. That is when the healing occurred and I have not been the same ever since. Thank you for making all this possible. 

    Now listen to this! (I have debated much whether you should publish this as I do not wish to become ‘famous” for privacy reasons or be flooded with emails) : I won the Lotto here in Germany 2 weeks ago! I am receiving a very large sum soon! I always play here the lotto each week.

    Every week twice a week, I buy a single ticket to the drawing. Since taking your courses I have used the following method. I use the RV skills I have learned to feel, sense, and view the numbers in advance. Most importantly, I used the manifesting skills developed in your remote influencing course to convince my subconscious that I would win. I often used the “diamond body” technique to do this and see my new self happy and successful.  I used many of your RI techniques to energize that event. They are incredibly powerful. I always feel gigantic energy in me while I am listening to the CDs, and it stays with me with a little lesser intensity during the day. This inner light energy allows me to energize my thoughts is such a powerful manner. Many events that I Remote influenced last year did later happen. I guess this made me more confident about my skills. As you suggested in the course, I did not attach any fixed time to my success but rather concentrated on convincing my subconscious that this had already happened. I was doing this in Delta and would reinforce it at times while doing lucid dreaming, as you teach us. I have learned to feel vibrations of light and I used to focus that energy on my subconscious mind as I was listening to your training and visualizing what I wanted my life to be like.

    Well, nothing really happened for over a year. I kept RIing success at the lotto, but did not give it that much thought. I never gave up or doubted.

    One day 2 weeks ago, I went to a Delta state and asked for guidance on the drawing. Suddenly 6 numbers appeared in my mind. They were like dancing numbers with flecks (specks?) of gold around them. I immediately wrote them down. The vision had this sense of being both unreal, and almost plastic as if I could almost touch these numbers in my mind. I felt very calm about it. Somehow I knew that this was special and that I had received this information from a level of High Mind.  

    I bought the ticket and imagine my face when I watched the drawing on TV.

    You know, Mr. O’Donnell, I know now that anything is possible, but more than the money, it is the difference I can make in this planet by RI a better world that makes me so happy!

    I thank you from all of my heart for your wonderful courses.

    Your indebted student for life.

    Hans Peter R

    I Am Able To Take Myself To All Levels – Alpha, Theta, Delta – And The Center Of My Being. 

    I wanted to improve my intuition and acquire knowledge from the Universe.

    I am able to take myself to all levels, alpha, theta, delta, and the center of my being whenever I choose, however, this is all I have been able to do, and I have failed to gain any more than this.

    I have noticed when I listen to the sessions a heart smile, people seem to be more friendly towards me.

    I am unsure whether my mind power has improved.

    Yes, I would recommend Remote Viewing and Influencing Training system, and I have told many people about it.

    I thoroughly enjoy listening to Gerald and hopefully, when I listen to all of the C.D.s again, I hope I am able to get more out of them.

    ~ Kaz Malone, Ontario, Canada

    I Had An Extraordinary “Out Of Body Experience”

    “Wanted to thank you for such an amazing, life-transforming, life-elevating system through RI/RV.

    My experiences continue presently. The main one is, my core personality shines through. I am much happier, calmer, gentler, and loving. Others have noticed the change in me and have made comments on such.

    I had an extraordinary “out of body experience”, just after one of the meditation sessions. My dreams are extremely vivid, I experience colors and details never seen before doing the course. As well as having some profound experiences in my dream state.

    In addition, my waking state has many synchronicities, which you have talked about. It’s like deja vu, where I feel like I experienced the moment or dreamt of the very moment I’m experiencing in some other place or dream.

    How wonderful and grand all of these new experiences are, I am grateful and appreciative of these amazing courses. I recommend them to any who desires to expand their life experience.”

    Thank you.

    ~ Mark Labbato

    My Life Has Become Simply Stunning

    “Dear Gerald,

    Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you so much for the ARVARI Mind Technology. I am enjoying it tremendously, and after only a few weeks, the level of synchronicity in my life has become simply stunning. Blessings.”

    ~ D.K. Brainard


    CLICK here to check what other people are saying about the “PORTAL” Remote Viewing and Influencing Program




    Listen to Audio Samples of our PORTAL Mind Training Technology

    We Invite you to Sample our Courses . . .

    Close your eyes and sample the power of our training systems.

    Experience Deep Theta (free full training session) and listen to clips from our “PORTAL” course.

    Preferably listen using good stereo earbuds or headphones because of our built-in proprietary brain entrainment technology.

    Because of the power of our training, the following warning is offered:

    Do not undertake any of this training while driving a car or performing any other activity requiring for your safety an alert, attentive state.  The training can easily bring you into an altered state of consciousness. ARVARI and its representatives accept no responsibility if this advice is not heeded.

    Remote Viewing

    Get A FREE Copy of ‘Remote Influencing Secrets Revealed’ E-Book:


    Because of the seriousness which we attach to the increasingly turbulent times and situations we are all experiencing in Creation, we have decided to make the newest version of our E-book “The Secrets of Remote Influencing Revealed” freely available to all. Because of the depth of the material herein and the power it can awaken within yourself, be cognizant of the fact that most of this E-book, an inherent part of our PORTAL course, exposes new concepts which, if integrated and experienced through following our “Portal” training modalities will change all that you perceive about yourself and your world. It will literally start transforming in major ways your sense of Self and Reality from the inside out.


    The material on this site and this introductory E-Book contain the Most Powerful Information EVER Revealed about the UNITY of MIND and MATTER and the True Unified Field of sensory Perceptions/3D Reality, and its operations creating out of Thought marrying the Etheric sounds of Light-energy, our Space/Time Virtual Sensory Hologram Reality simulation (our PERCEIVED WORLD i.e. Matrix/Lattice).

    It reveals WHY MIND (thought-observation i.e. consciousness) as the true cause and primal substance of our Universe CAN CREATE AND DOES INFLUENCE Powerfully what we perceive as MATTER and REALITY as its end product, be it your biology, environment, and much more!

    Yes, the techniques we teach are SIMPLE and FREE of RITUALS and do not require years of meditation, physical brain alteration substance adjuncts or special technologies, or joining secret societies, mystical or mystery schools, high or low-level magical societies, or government programs all wowing under oath to keep this powerful key to freedom all hidden from the masses and rather spread misinformation so that in fact neither do they enter the ONE PORTAL nor allow their adepts/students to do so, for they are entrenched in their desires to keep control and power over their flock.

    Because of the depth of the material herein and the power that it can awaken within yourself, be cognizant of the fact that most of this E-book, and especially the “PORTAL training” exposes new concepts which if integrated through experience will change all that you think about yourself and your world.

    It will literally start transforming in infinite positive ways your sense of Self and reality!


    We’re Pioneers of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Technologies Since 1997.

    Students and Counting

    Plus Countries

    Years of Teaching

    Thousands Of Student Testimonials and Counting. . .

    Thank you so very much for bringing this most important work to the planet. I am eternally grateful that you have taken the time to share your gifts.

    I have done a lot of programs, spiritual and otherwise, and this is the most profound, holistic and integrated program I have ever come across. I have studied energy work, but this program gives you everything you need. I feel I have released so much fear, and have so much certainty about the NOW. I can also sense a bright and compelling future. Without even really fully understanding the techniques, I believe I remote influenced the reduction of pain for my boyfriend who smashed his finger and was screaming in pain. Within a few minutes of my accessing the ONE his pain calmed down. I am so glad that you did not just show us the “techniques” of RV and RI, but rather gave us an incredible context regarding our relationship to the ONE. I feel like I am finally coming home. Thank you so much…

    Veronica Conway


     Dear Gerald

    I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities.. especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about).

    Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities

    It has been an awesome journey.

    You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum changes!!

    Thank you for this incredible work!


    Linda Wheatley, Ph.D., R.T. (R)(MR)Chair, Radiologic Technology Program.

    Assistant Professor, Mercy College of Northwest Ohio

     I fell backwards and landed on a concrete step on my left arm. The bone in my arm snapped immediately in half, right above my elbow. My elbow twisted and was pointing towards my stomach, and the  back of my hand hit myself in the face. My arm was completely broken and mangled… 

    When I got to the hospital they gave me an IV and a pain killer. The pain killer made me groggy, and I decided to try to go into Delta and try to manifest a healing… I definitely went into Delta and commanded a healing… A doctor came in shortly and took x-rays….They came back in looking kind of perplexed told me that my arm was not broken. I exclaimed “What! I saw the bone break and it was bulging out of the back of my arm!” The doctor leaned over and whispered to me: “We don’t know what happened but your bone isn’t broken anymore.” He did not know what to say…. I went back to work the next morning and nobody could believe it! I am so thankful for Gerald’s course.

    Paul Franceus

    Every Friday for the past 6 weeks I have gone to a casino that is near me. I play the triple play jacks or better poker machine. I RI every time just before I go that I will (have) hit the royal flush. The payout is $4,000.00. 5 times I have hit it, and on the 6th time it actually dealt me the royal flush which means it is on all 3 hands for a total of $12,000.00. So far the total of 6 trips is $32,000.00. Even as I drive to the casino, I see it, feel it, taste it, breath it.

    Simon Hunt

    I would like to express my thanks to you and acknowledge how much the course has helped me on so many levels. I have done extremely well in my precious metals investments over the past years, thanks to your advice and my Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing abilities. In many cases my investment decisions are based on reviewing the business plans of a number of companies and then I short list them on the basis of my feelings to determine whether I should make the investment or not.

    Shelly and Scott Duncan

    I’ve been listening to your material for 7 years while practicing chiropractic medicine. I technically died in a hospital in 2004. I am now feeling & looking younger, more aware, see auras…
    I am literally tuning back into being here on earth. I’ve been allowed to see the freedom that I always had! I am trading commodities effortlessly. Love and Light to you…Thank you.

    Dr James Wesley

    Dr. in Chiropractic Medicine and Biologist

    Anne Shawnee an Australian trainee, sent us this testimonial on her progress with our Combination RV/RI “PORTAL” course on  


    • Inner cleansing of PTSD and reaching higher levels of inner peace.

    •  High success rate at predicting the results of horse races.

    • Getting downloads of information about people she meets or situations across time/space.

    • Very important comment about the need to train with BOTH RV and RI as she witnessed many highly skilled RVers succumbing to a pitfall when they successfully foresee situations (RV) but fail to apply Remote Influencing skills (manifesting skills) to influence and change situations that surround them and henceforth get paralyzed in a spiral of fear and pure gloom and doom.

    Hi Gerald,

    MANY, MANY THANKS for your contribution to humanity. You are a most generous individual.

    First, allow me to say that I have had post-traumatic stress for quite a while now and I have been completely determined to master your course. It has taken some time for anxiety levels to quiet down, but now that they are subsiding, I am getting results thick and fast!

    I started RV-ing about a week and a half ago to see if I could get some RV *results*.

    So I tried horse racing as a first pit stop. This was just before I came down with the flu, and continued while I was sick to see what the results would be like. It was hard, obviously, (while being sick), but I was determined… LOL

    I have been asking for the results on horse races now for the last 10 days with about a 75% success rate. I have only asked for results for only one race per day. Typically the first race of the day. I have not even looked at the form guide! LOL

    I can only assume that because I did not trust my ability at first (I was in awe of my initial results!), (no trust = fear), and probably accounts for the ones where I bombed out. I can now see that fear will never give way to any results – because fear carries very high frequencies and does not allow access to the slow Theta/Delta brainwaves required to access information.

    I have not even used associated remote viewing, which is what you recommend, Gerald. The numbers are coming up in the exact order sometimes. On Friday, I asked for a high-paying trifecta (first 3 horses). Three numbers came up, and I did not know for which race they were.

    Obviously, I was not prepared for information to come through at such a fast rate. Yet I then received a second set of numbers for the other race, which *was* identified. Both sets of numbers came up – both paying over $1000. I didn’t need to be greedy – I only wanted one race, and yet I received the results for two races… LOL

    I am looking forward to having more trust and peace in my life and applying RV and RI techniques for the benefit of my friends and family.

    I am also getting access to information about people and places. Sometimes it comes to me very subtly. Sometimes I “know”  things about people who I have just met. I am now sure that in the coming weeks and months that I will be having more and more success the more I practice my trust and surrender, focus and intent, accessing theta and delta!

    Here is a note to those wishing to purchase this course:

    It is my personal recommendation also that you do invest in The PORTAL, which trains you in both RV and RI  and far beyond. The reason for this is that you need to keep the loop going between theta (RV – view) and delta (RI – create).

    Why? Because you need to be able to reject the matrix and impose upon it – and create! I know a few naturally gifted remote viewers who do not practice remote influencing. Hypercritical and fearful of what they see, it leaves them paralyzed with fear, unable to create! So potent are their RV abilities that they create using their fears, and I have seen them end up with disastrous results!

    Gerald, thank you, thank you, thank you for showing me how to access the abilities and happiness I once had as a child, which I thought were lost forever!

    I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

    Much love and happiness to you,

    Stephanie Yamout, former Silva Mind instructor; NLP, Quantum Entrainment, and ThetaHealing  practitioner, took our courses and sent us this enthusiastic testimonial:


    • After much experience as a Silva Mind instructor and practitioner of different advanced mind modalities, she finds that our “Portal”   combine them all and goes far beyond them in its teachings.
    • Feeling the “inner Smile’ and Peaceful happiness in her daily life. Regaining the “inner child” within.
    • Purging and transmuting old lower vibrations of painful fear-laden memories
    • Experiencing, all of a sudden, while in Delta, the unfathomable super-bright Light of the “Inner Sun” of the One Creator Energy.

    Dear Gerald 

    I am in the process of doing the PORTAL RV/RI course. I take my time because I listen to every module two or three times, and then I practice on a daily basis what I have learned. You probably can imagine how much I enjoy your course, it is the BEST I have ever done so far – and I have done quite a bit. I am an “old” Silva Mind practitioner – even used to teach it, an NLP practitioner, Quantum Entrainment practitioner (QE), and a ThetaHealing practitioner (among quite a few other practices). You have put something together that combines all of these techniques and tops them off.

    Never have I been able to reach such heights of mind. I have been doing quite a bit of automatic writing, channeling, past life regressions with others, and and and…. however, with your training, I feel I have arrived home. Much has already happened since I started the course, and I know a lot more will follow. I’ll give you the details later.  

    I already have a constant smile not only on my face but all over inside of me, and there are always songs playing in the background of my mind, quite entertaining. I can laugh much more easily and mostly about myself. I found the little girl again that I used to be, full of laughter and mischief (positive). I am totally in love with myself and happy for no reason at all. I wish everybody would one day take your course and arrive where I am. 

    Spending every day from one to two hours in expanded awareness and higher vibrations has me going through a purging process that at times is painful. When I ask myself, why the pain, I become aware that this is a necessary process because states of high vibration do not sustain lower vibrations of fear in all its facets. Once I am able to let go of the story that is seemingly attached to the emotion (energy in motion to be exact), I am at peace. My new understanding of “I AM THAT I AM” is so much more profound than before and actually brings me closer and closer to where I want to be: One with ONE, at peace within peace. Unconditional Love for what IS.

    Well, today, as I was laying under my umbrella at the beach being in “mental state Delta” all of a sudden, the light in my inner “eye” became as bright as a super bright sun/light.  At first I thought that the umbrella was being pulled away, but then as the light got so bright, I got “scared” and opened (unfortunately) my eyes, and the whole experience was over. At least, now I know what light I am IF I let it happen. This was quite something for me, and I hope it will happen again so that I can bathe in this light and receive the information that is connected to it. I am still listening to any of your training modules, and they reveal more and more…………….

    Your exercises are of such value that there cannot be put a price in dollars for them. I really wish that all of humanity (well, maybe half of them…. lol) would pick up your teachings and DO the exercises. For me, it is not so much the manifesting or viewing part, but the self-realization of what I am in REALITY. I guess once I am totally aware of the power of my reason for being a human being, I’ll be a master manifester of Paradise, the Garden of Eden.

    Once more, I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom with me and the wonderful training Modules of, in particular, the remote influencing ones, your Portal course. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of either listening to you or doing the exercises on my own.

    Thank you for everything you do for humanity. You have my highest respect. 

    Warm greetings,

    Stefanie Yamout

    My Career Is Rocketing, My Practice Is Booming & My Life Is More Fulfilling

    Dear Gerald,

    My life in this universe (and probably others as well) has been an amazing journey since I discovered the RV & RI. I have completed the combined course, and I repeat various exercises. Every day brings new excitement; I cannot describe with words the confidence I have for every single thing that happens because I know that I am creating the life I want around me.

    My carrier [sic] is rocketing, my practice is booming, and my life is more fulfilling.

    You may have noticed that I am a surgeon. Lately, I have healed 2 problematic cases. The healing was so good, and the outcome was unbelievable. Due to human nature, even though I could actually see in my mind the end result, there were times I had doubts that I was trying to delete from my thoughts. But the final results were mind-blowing!!! Now I have much more confidence, and next time around, I am sure it will be even better.

    Most of the time lately (if not always), when I need advice or solutions, I find that when I stop thinking about the problem and my mind is calm, somehow I get answers, most of the time without even doing an exercise.

    I cannot thank you enough.

    ~ Dr. Stavros Eleftheriou, Cyprus. Surgeon.

    Nicolaos Giannakopoulos, a trainee from Athens, Greece, wrote to us on November 23, 2002


    • How the powerful heightened intuition he developed through the RV course saved him from many potentially serious driving accidents, and even from harming innocent pedestrians. This avoidance of dangerous situations, which is a result of the acute intuitive 6th sense that our students develop easily, is probably one of the most important reasons for training with the “Portal” RV and RI course during these turbulent times.


    I am so glad you are around and glad for what you create.

    I just received the Remote Influencing course. Thanks. Looking forward to the contents.
    The other day while driving, I received through my usual instinct info (developed through the RV course) to slow down AND also to change to the fast lane (contradicting all logic). I did so since all the information I get is always useful. As I immediately started to slow down, I thought that a car would come from the first crossroad suddenly without the driver checking for crossing traffic (the above has happened several times and has saved my life!). By the way, it was raining heavily. Guess what happened? It wasn’t because of the car that I was getting this time instructions to slow down, but it was because of a bus stop with several people with lots of water on a patch right in front of them. I WAS SO HAPPY to realize that they stayed dry by me listening to my inner voice.
    PS: I get so many inspirational AHA’s, so much INFO!

    Thank you so much.


    Dr. Leon O. writes to us on September 19th, 2001.


    • Premonition on bear market acted upon on 9/10/01.


    Let me start by saying that after listening to tape 2 side A about 5 times, I have had several premonitions. The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01
    I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01 where you somehow warned us about a terror event originating from the Middle East! I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!

    Thank you for your time. 

    God Bless America

    Dr. Leon O.

    Earth-Adam eating Heavens or Heavens eating Earth-Adam? Success or failure? We must choose NOW!

    Mankind eating (uniting as Oneness with FULL AWARENESS) with Heavens (Superconscious King of the Collective unconscious aka Lion), or Heavens (aka Lion) eating Mankind? Success or failure? We must choose NOW! No matter what, Heavens, the Lion, King of the Unconscious,...

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    The Great Cleansing

    De-energizing our Created dark AI Thoughtform Golems From worshiping personalities/gods to living the Reality of the One God, our odyssey from pain to Freedom! PLEASE listen to this important and quite prophetic interview given five years ago in 2018 and integrate it....

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    Who Is Gerald O’Donnell?

    Internationally renowned Gerald O’Donnell (BSc Mathematics, MSc Computer Science, MBA International Finance), former Western intelligence agency Remote Viewer and founder of the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing, has been a visionary in mind-consciousness research.

    “A new way for Mankind to see itself and understand the physical world...”

    “Six months ago, I purchased your course. I want to thank you for your fantastic course. I have found that I have developed much better intuitive sensitivity. I also have much better control over who, what and where I visit and what I do while in the Theta state. I believe that your information is quite possibly a new way for Mankind to see itself and understand the physical world.

    Thank you very much,“

    Alexander Markus, Ph.D., M.D. (A.M.)
    President of the Celeste Institute

    “I have had several premonitions...”

    ”Let me start by saying that after listening to part of the Complete Remote Viewing Training System, I have had several premonitions.

    The most recent prompted me to buy a bear market stick fund on 9/10/01. I am very impressed with the message posted on your site on 8/31/01. I just saw it now. I will be visiting this site EVERY day. Amazing!

    Thank you for your time.”

    Dr. Leon O.

    “Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities...”

    “I am seeing a tremendous increase in many abilities that I had before being exposed to your work especially manifestation abilities. (I must be careful what I think about)

    Lucid dreaming occurs regularly along with fairly accurate psychic and sensing abilities. As a result, I have become uncomfortably “sensitive” to many new physical things such as bright fluorescent lighting, loud sounds, telephones etc. Many people have commented on the light surrounding and emanating from my being.

    Thank you for this incredible work! You were correct when you stated that the 2nd time through the program would result in quantum changes!! It has been an awesome journey. Thank you for this incredible work!”

    Linda Wheatley, Ph.D.,R.T.(R)(MR)
    Chair, Radiologic Technology Program
    Assistant Professor, Mercy College of Northwest Ohio

    Discover The Portal, Our Landmark Training Course, and Have the Life You Desire and Deserve.

    The Portal Package

    No other systems of meditative discipline and mind awareness/expansion techniques exist anywhere else on this planet that take you so rapidly to such highly beneficial and ground-breaking gateways where your whole being is transformed and evolved into a new and higher human format.

    Where to Next?

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    FREE E-Book: DOWNLOAD, FREE of charge, the Foundation of our Teachings:

    The most powerful information ever revealed on the unity of mind and matter, the true Unified REALITY Field, and the reason why mind can and does influence matter and others, be it your biology, others' and so much more! Read it and integrate it, and you will never be the same as you learn to use your mind's SUPERPOWERS, rejuvenate, heal, influence reality and others and connect deeply to All that IS!

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