LOVE versus FEAR: Our Only Divinely Gifted Free-Will
February 23, 2024
Rise up, awake, and engage in the ultimate and hardest final battle, our battle within, the war for the final Peace of the ONE, God and Men united in PURE LOVE, all singing in harmony!
So let us pray and invite the ORIGINAL Divine Feminine aspect and force of the One (the Holy PRESENCE Shekinah, a.k.a. Sakina, a.k.a. Mishkan, a.k.a. Mother Nature, a.k.a, Mother Miryam, a.k.a Shakti, etc..) by reaching deep within The One’s Core to bring stillness, and healing to all our present and future selves, our common present and future children, Hers and ours.
Let us all only embrace common dreams inviting communion and rejecting hatred!
Let us bow to our summoning courage by standing tall in rejecting separative mind-washing falsehoods and finally embrace our fated future when, and as united, in Love.
Yes, not only should you love your neighbor, but embrace and love your perceived “enemy,” for you and that “other” IS but ONE, but the One, but YOU.
I am that I am: l, you, he, she, we, all of you, and all of them, all children, all perspectives of the same One Source of Life, and so, I shall become and finally BE.
This is the only Mantra of TRUTH!
Please hold hands in your soul with all around our planet and beyond as you go within, and feel love for all, even and especially your enemies, for we and you, all, are the One I Eye, the one true Highest perspective.
And thence cry for joy, and love all the magnificent expressions of All.
The only enemy and enmity possible is WITHIN us and is always projected out if we espouse fear and participate in hate.
This “enemy,” the infamous “adversary,” is within, expressing without, and has the holy mission to bite our heels forcing us to ascend in awareness the ladder of Jacob (the Cosmic DNA) and was Created to teach all humanity about true Love and the necessity to embrace it by experiencing its painful antipode: hatred, rage, and violence.
It is our harshest and toughest teacher. The “adversary” as the infinitely ancient pre-biblical story of Job tells us, is tasked with the most difficult operation of testing, probing, and forcing us out of our comfort static zones. We misunderstood it as we are yet to absorb the Light of the greater picture of reality.
It is but a fact that tough love from the Creator is often necessary to cause all to fall in love again with one another, and reach the final embrace, the Peace of the One Creator God.
Regain your original Divinity!
Pray for Peace and UNITY!
There is only one truly Divine gift offered freely to humankind, the gift of free will!
It is the freedom to choose when any situation appears on the screen of our minds between positive Love and negative Fear. There are no other choices.
Sadly it is much harder for humans to choose unconditional Love the way nature does than to fall for fear stories!
Hence most of us manifest in the 3D holographic mass-hallucinations turned into enslaving fear-based hell-ucinations and are fully absorbed by the horrors we embrace as truths.
You might judiciously ask: how do you defend against evil intentions and acts, violence, and abuse?
First, by being in your center of stillness like martial arts’ legendary masters have shown, you Create and influence inwardly the situation you shall experience outwardly.
You never falter and fall into the traps of fear, or prey to the red fiery forces of anger and become consumed by a desire for revenge.
You Create an energy field to protect yourself from angry negative energies, manifest maybe a physical shield if needed, deflect aggressive moves if possible, and only engage in physical and spiritual self-defense when required, totally centered and calm, fully knowing that you are teaching the aggressor, the terrorist, the abuser what you are truly teaching yourself: the power of Love, the power of the Infinite One.
So pray for the abuser and the abused, the terrorist and the terrorized, the aggressor and the victim, the exploiter and the exploited, as only inner Love connects across all Time and Space instantly, because it is God manifested and unbound by space/time!
One only teaches best what one needs to learn the most!
Please let us not falter now and be distracted when we are called by the One Creator Force to UNITE!
The weeping and pain need to stop and the infernal cycle of revenge be erased. Only we can achieve this, by our inner choices as every One invites One as Oneness.
Peace, Shalom, and Salaam in inviting wholesomeness as we all embrace, all children of the Divine Father Abraham, and far far BEYOND, all of our selves, extensions of The ONE!
I love Cillian Murphy. Cillian Murphy at the end of this wonderful sharing by Bono, triggered my memory after watching his clip on his latest blockbuster movie Oppenheimer, to recall and feel once again, to remember Mark Twain and a great work which would not be published until he died. A small and mighty book which had incredibly vivid pen and ink drawings … his shocking little big book called The War Prayer. I read this as a teenager and it changed me forever. Making me ever more aware of what we pray for, what we wish for, what one prayer of support for one SIDE of who or what we support might look like on the other SIDE…the invisible part of the prayer…made visible. It was hard to read, still is; but brought about a great feeling of empathy and compassion for all of what surrounds ‘The enemy’. Family, friends, lands, people … who love…and had nothing to do with the war itself, but were are and always will be affected by it. And even those who fight with hatred in their hearts are all doing the best they can with the blatant lies they lived by and were fed, filling their bellies with only the putrid stench of death and rising it up as though it were something to strive for and using that to nurture their starving hearts. Their minds cry please, give me something good to eat, I am starving… and that is what they are fed. And eventually, the twisted hatred in the name of love, becomes the evening meal and the morning breakfast, until it seems normal to them…. We can become brainwashed by anything we keep our energy focused within, even innocently as children because we are like sponges soaking up the terrors of what we call good and righteous. Gravely affected by it. God hears our/your/THE prayers. We must be present with what we ask for. We are that. We are the One, rising …. Instill in your projection of free will, your human part of illusion, the greater energy which prays for ALL. Which prays for a better outcome. And prayer is but asking for a divine connection with our-self, Our SELF, shared electromagnetic life frequency I like to call it. And more than self. So give life to all, give support to all. Be thee worthy of having your words heard and acted upon. Use free will to heal, to whole. Love thy children. They/we are all your children. This next part is what I found online tonight about the war prayer and I bow my head….’The irony also occurs when the church preaches about mercy and love, but fully supports the horrors of war.’ We do not have the freedom and innocent ignorance of children any more. Pretending not to know what we are doing as we go bang bang and shoot down our soldiers made of plastic. They are not plastic. What we think, what we intend, what we are even ignorant of, but push out from our mind thinking we are doing good by ‘demonstration’ in the name of….with every negative and hurtful thought, we only hurt our self our Self; the ONE entity humanity, particalized as experience to have the pleasure of living in an amusement park, and living in the Valhalla of our dreams, if we make it that. What are you dreaming? Love the right, love the left, they are the same wearing different wigs. Come with me on the magic carpet ride of my tongue. It is clean. I love you so much. Please read the war prayer, it is humbling.