Tele-seminar August 10, 2010, Gerald O’Donnell & Kirsten Nelson
- Embrace to Heal the World
- Final clash
- Love overcoming Fear and being Revealed as the Ultimate POWER
- In a recent teleseminar we addressed the key topic: Did you know that EVERYTHING you thought was real is but created illusion, and that the ONLY thing you thought was illusion is but the Only Reality there is?
- Understanding this link and integrating its reality into your daily life allows you to manipulate this illusion/life.
- So let us share some more of the secrets of this inverted game and world/matrix…
- The beginnings of the Understanding of the Cosmic Clash engaged to reverse the Inversion…
- More information will be given in the next weeks and months…
- PLEASE absorb the material slowly, each teleseminar and article at a time, so as not to jolt your mind, if too much is offered at once. after all, you are deprogramming from the old Matrix world, so do it slowly…
- If you want to learn how to get out of this low-level beginners’ matrix and upgrade to a better one, follow the instructions and enter the Rabbit hole…
- Time to wake up, and act…
Some of our Topics:
–What is the real meaning of the 2012 period and thence after?
–Why have you felt so low on energy lately and often tense, even after a night’s sleep?
–Why is it so important for humanity to wake up to our connectedness?
–How can connecting with Nature give you all the answers you need?
–Why are YOU such a vital piece in the puzzle facing humankind?
–What can you do to break free from your self-constructed prison?
–And Much More…
Kindly send this link to as many friends and relatives as you can. Help wake up humanity. Timing is the key and it is NOW.