Once upon a Fake Time in our Darkened Heart: the AI Matrix world
WOW, I have read some of the comments to my latest post on Facebook and simultaneously have been under virulent attempts to have me banned by FB, censored, and hacked (most comments have been removed from old posts as censorship from “the Thought police, Orwellian style” is everywhere), even stating that the latest pic of me is owned and copyrighted by someone else, which would mean that I am not and do not own myself anymore!
I therefore state that evil does not really truly exist, it just manifests as a consequence of slow mediocre mentation, and is especially caused by subconscious mass Consciousness Programming (influencing) using now, as propaganda, digital marketing tools, aka sophisticated mind control, which is spreading everywhere powerfully so, using mass influencers and especially sneaky A.I. algorithms looking to monetize negative engagements around division and inter-human verbal insults!
You can call this a Machiavellian devilish plan because it never ends well for anybody and everybody on all sides of any equation of life!
Nevertheless, underdeveloped critical intelligence has become the fastest-growing mental virus, and I am not addressing the human intellect but rather deep understanding through true inner wisdom!
I Love you all, dear brothers and sisters, in this Divine comedy!
The Universe has definitely a weird sense of humor.
I laugh and cry simultaneously at Albert Einstein’s quote, “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former!”
The more things change in the dance in The Matrix, the more they seem to remain the same.
Let me respectfully suggest the beginnings of a true solution to most of our ills, as we are potentially nearing WWIII’s immensely destructive phase if we don’t awaken from our insular dreams and addiction to division and conflicts, and rather try to bring laughter, joy, and love back in our midst:
As a rule, try to join “digital addicts anonymous.” Trust me, our screens and soon VR are far more addictive, and worse to your health than any mind-altering physical substance.
Learn to become alive again and reconnect to family, friends, nature, and pets on a very deep level like our ancestors did. Smell the wildflowers, marvel at butterflies, hear the sound of unaltered brooks before they all disappear and no one notices or even complains.
Shun away from all post-covid digital codependency which now ruins and runs all of our lives and businesses. Trust me, this is only the beginning of a very dark future.
Don’t let the wares of the Dark Trickster lure you with easy money based on digital business opportunities and promises of fast riches as represented by all the almost overnight IT non-elected billionaires or now even trillionaires whom most worship as living gods, controlling by now, using AI, every single aspect of our lives. Their technology has been imposed upon all of us. Has there been even one referendum worldwide to ask for nations’ or humanity’s acceptance of such profoundly life-changing and invasive technologies?
You are SELLING your Divine soul out to “you know whom” to gain fame, popularity, and riches You are but prostituting your most precious source, your soul! “The MATRIX finally has gotten you!”
You do not have to read articles or watch vids that you disagree with, just turn your mind away from them!
Change the channel; it will keep you sane and in your bubble if you are afraid of expanding your awareness.
Don’t waste your life trolling on (a)social media! Life is short and you could use it for much greater achievements.
The true sign of wisdom is silence and introspection. That is the only way to connect to the true “Divine within” by laying down your soul as David said in Psalm 23:2 in the “still resting waters” of deep Consciousness! Then and only then are you ready to traverse in peace this valley of the shadows of Death, centered at the Eye of any storm.
I am posting for the ones who are interested in what I want to share.
But I need to turn away from negative aggressive energy and smile at you and truly wish you happiness and inner Peace, the Peace of God!
Much Love
Gerald O’Donnell
Great to see your articles still rolling in after so many years. I’ve been enjoying them (and your RVRI” course) for decades. Your articles are inspiring, yet humbling as they should be – the uncensored truth of our “reality” can be as troubling and as it is amazing. I hope your important work continues for years to come, and thank you for everything.