What is Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing?
“Dear friends, as the recent evermore chaotic worldwide events show, these techniques are not anymore a matter of curiosity, but a matter of sheer mental, spiritual, and physical survival. I know of nothing else that can help you navigate so successfully the very difficult times ahead. This is my gift to you – my legacy, if you will: A practical and effective method of Ascension to a Higher Superior Human potential. I really deeply care for you and our common uplifting, hoping for you to be here and experience the upcoming dawn of a new era of peace and harmony.”
Gerald O’Donnell
Founder and President of ARVARI, the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality and Thought
What is Remote Viewing?
The Simple and Powerful Secret to Freedom Is Already Within You…
Sounds really far-fetched?
How do we train you to achieve what, for now, may seem to you to be supernatural feats?
It’s quite simple in fact.
We are now about to openly disclose to you the “secret” behind “The Secret” of manifesting reality, of thought-to-thought “co-incidences”, transference and communication i.e. “telepathy,” and “synchronicities.”
You are about to fully understand the simple underlying secret behind all that we experience as Reality and you built-in power to alter and bend it by utilizing highly energized deep inner mind-levels thoughts.
You carry this secret within you from birth, but due to social conditioning you have never discovered the life-changing power enclosed in it. This power is your ability to apply the law of attraction, which is also the law of “magnetically charging and attracting reality.”
Welcome and enter the final unifying frontier of mind & matter.
How to Tap Into the Cosmic “One Universal Mind”
In July 1998 we wrote a revolutionary article, still posted on our site, which explained the location of the Mysterious Universal Mind (collective unconscious) defined by psychoanalysts, quantum physicists, mystics, and spiritual believers.
We explained the way to the “PORTAL” to communicate with One Universal Mind is by learning to control on command the vibratory activity of our Brain, and its modulation of consciousness. The quieter the brain, the lesser its vibrations. Since the brain is but a colander/filter for data information sent by Higher Matrix, the lower the filtering processes, the far wider and higher the connection to the “One Universal Mind.” Hence, by lessening the interference of your electromagnetic brain, you learn to establish a clear channel to the background human collective unconscious and even further to the One Universal Mind hiding behind it.
The Universal One is the cause of and manifests in ALL perceived phenomena, but ITS CORE is far beyond them and unfathomable unless directly experienced, and that experience, if gifted, is almost indescribable in human terms. The One Is no-Thing and Everything at once, and bridges all divides and realities. It is the One non-dimensional Unifying Point of all consciousnesses who contains all dimensions: The One and the many, the One Creating all the many but remaining ALL but One.
In this 1997 article, we stated that we, as humans, can all connect to this Gigantic Mind unifying all of us across time, space, and far beyond. In fact, we ALL do so every night as we quiet down our individual linear thinking minds and enter the area of unconscious sleep.
We contend that all minds are connected to a Gigantic Cosmic Mind, which is called the collective unconscious by psychoanalysts and psychologists. Our goal is to help you bring It to conscious awareness.
Throughout our writings on this site, we have explained how this Cosmic Mind goes well beyond the level of the collective unconscious of mankind. It also governs the natural and biological worlds and much, much more.
It is Infinite Intelligence Itself.
It is non-linear in nature but allows for linear processes to operate within Its Infinite Self.
When human beings sleep, their brain rests, and their linear-thinking mind lowers its electrical activity to below 4 cycles per second. The brain vibrates at a low hum and stops filtering away the awareness of the Higher Mind and stops overlaying it with our own conscious thoughts.
At that level of quiet and barely active linear mind, we enter the Universal Mind and lose our individual consciousness as we go into unconscious sleep.
From Wartime Intelligence to Infinite Intelligence…
From human outer C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency) to inner C.I.A (Celestial Intelligence Agency)!
In 1996, as the cold war died down, many teams of highly specialized former psychotronic military and intelligence agents came out in the open in the US and across Europe to disclose the operation of mind-to-events and mind-to-mind covert operations in which they had been involved.
In the dark era of paranoid psy warfare between the Western and the Eastern block, several sophisticated and brilliant scientific minds were gathered in the West in order to breach the ultimate frontier of mind/matter and affect mind projections to remote events viewing.
This is Remote Viewing and Sensing, which is the ability to view/sense remote events and remote locations in the screen of your own mind.
These great minds were also asked to try to increase our ability to Remotely Influence present or future events (life manifestation) and people (telepathy) through mind power alone. Much technological gadgetry was tried and sometimes even used.
The “secret” of manifestation was being applied in a twisted manner, as it happens with most of man’s illusory temporal dreams for conquest and power.
Nevertheless, great strides were being achieved at the same time, and success was noted and recorded (although much of it is still classified).
All Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing operatives’ successes were carefully monitored and recorded using highly sophisticated scientific devices.
Many classified training protocols and modalities were devised in secret government labs and implemented in order to induce these supermind states and feats.
One particular event noted as an interesting by-product of successful remote viewing was the fact that while successfully remote viewing distant targets, these government remote viewers would show a pattern of theta slow waves (4 to 7 cycles per second; usually indicative of a very relaxed and quiet mind state) on brain encephalographic electrical-brainwave recording machines.
Nothing much was made out of it in the US as most scientists were bent on finding and detecting “physical” external mind waves in the ether and not looking inside of each of us.
Major General Stubbelbine (ret.), former head of US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) was asked about the mental state of military intelligence remote viewers at an event sponsored by the International Association for New Science, Denver, Colorado, May 22-25, 1992. In this recorded speech, he revealed:
“Completely passive, totally passive, obviously, as a state of mind, the individual’s state of mind, heavily Theta. For those of you who understand brain waves, it’s a Theta brain wave state of mind that they are in. We’ve actually measured some of them, and they are very heavy in the Theta brain wave arena, but it is totally passive as far as I can tell, there is no active instrument other than the mind that is accessing the information.”
In the same speech, he said, “. . . The second thing is, do they go into a trance? Well, I think mentioned we measured some of them, and they are in a Theta brain wave state.”
In 1995 a small group of former viewers started to operate in the public arena as the CIA and DIA declassified most of its Remote Viewing information for the general public.
William Ross Adey, M.D. 1922-2004, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Los Angeles, wrote in the 50’s about the relationship between the deep Theta state 4.5 cps and the ability to Remote Influence others. In his pioneering work, Dr. Ross Adey determined that emotional states and behavior can be remotely influenced merely by placing a subject in an electromagnetic field.
By directing a carrier frequency to stimulate the brain, and then using amplitude modulation to shape the wave to mimic a desired EEG frequency, he was able to impose a 4.5 CPS theta rhythm on his subjects. Although he used physical protocols (microwave radiations) to induce such a state and achieved results, he never could really give an explanation as to WHY this deep meditative brain state and its associated physiological brainwave state were needed to achieve success.
Although the deep Theta phenomenon was scientifically recorded and duplicated, no one gave a logical and coherent explanation as to why this stage of mind, epiphenomenally associated with 4.5 CPS brainwaves, was inducing such extra-ordinary mental abilities.
Until now, few have really understood or integrated the fact that we are still, at a very deep level of mind, the collective unconscious. This collective unconscious, as a subpart of the Universal One, takes care of ALL of humanity at once.
Unleash the High Mind’s Power within You….
The Real Secret Behind the Mind’s Frontier….
In 1997 many former Western PSI operatives (Psi-Ops) and scientists began sharing some insight on the recently declassified and somehow rigid protocols favored by the US intelligence establishment. Many news organizations, radio shows, and TV documentaries extensively reported on what appeared to the general public to be a very exotic topic formerly reserved to the realm of science fiction and X-Files shows. Hollywood produced quite a few Motion pictures on the novel subject of interest in the general public.
Our Academy then came out also in the open together with about 7 institute more , and revealed in 1997 a totally different approach. We openly declared that the “secret” to Remote Viewing lies in the ability to successfully position one’s mind at the border of sleep in a very deep Theta 4.5 cycle per second brain state. At that level of reduced brainwave activity, the ‘conscious’ human mind can access information originating from the Cosmic Collective Unconscious Mind. Our PORTAL course trains anyone to do so.
What is Remote Influencing?
ARVARI (Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing) is a pioneer of Remote Influencing and was the world’s first Mind Science Institute to introduce Remote Influencing training protocols in 2002.
This training allows anyone to enter the sleep state (the Delta state is when the bulk of the Electrical activity of your brainwaves shows frequencies below 4 Hz) while retaining full awareness. In this state, our trainees can carry out advanced Remote Viewing and powerful Remote Influencing.
At that level of mind operation, you merge the sleeping world (Universal mind) and the waking world, as you stay awake and conscious even as your body rests and sleeps.
We and many very advanced mind labs have shown that the brain – man’s electrical thought expression machine, operates above and superimposes over a much deeper and far more intelligent and wiser Greater Reality: The Universal One Mind.
It is by learning to quiet down as much a possible our electrical brain electrical frequency while still remaining aware that we can connect to that interconnected Reality which links all things and beings, and learn to collect information and influence perceptually disconnected realities through the bridging processes provided by the One Collective Unconscious.
More than just writing and speculating about this, we taught our students how to easily reach AUTOMATICALLY on command these very states of mind using very powerful and effective training protocols.
The revelation of this inner portal to the Higher Mind which we all carry became our goal, and we knew that nothing we said could prove it, short of direct experience by our trainees.
Leading the Way in Remote Viewing and Influencing
When we first shared this knowledge, the response from the former military and intelligence community was to scoff at it, since this notion of the Unity of all men was very difficult for them to swallow. Why provoke peace when conflict is what you are all about?
In 1997 there were only seven sites worldwide speaking of Remote Viewing, including ours. We were the first Remote Viewing institute to introduce the term “Remote Influencing,” speak about it and explain it. Today millions exist and more spring out in the open as we write.
Many mind training organizations seeing experimentally that a theta brain state was synonymous with supposed “psychic” powers, began training people, often using special sound or light techniques to achieve the theta state of relaxed mind.
These sound techniques (holosync and binaural) are only effective in putting people in the theta state (delta cannot be reached by sound/light techniques alone as you would automatically fall asleep). But these institutes did not instruct their students as to what to do as you went there. Many individuals seeking Higher Mind powers were left in limbo.
None of these institutes really explained and revealed why theta or delta mind states allowed one to access these very powerful inner mind states, for such a simple but powerful realization was outside of their inner programming.
We were disappointed to see this trend. What is the use of putting you in a Higher State of mind, and not guiding you as to what it is, how to really operate at that level, how to explore it and make use of it? What use is it to guide you to a new operating system of the mind and not gift you its owner’s manual?
Later on, once we had shared our knowledge freely, many of these institutes reproduced the information we had posted in 1998. At last, this knowledge was being made freely available to all, and at long last, every human being now had the opportunity to operate at much higher levels of consciousness a.k.a. awareness.
Explore Our Seminal Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Interviews:
Awaken to “Sleep” and Stop Being “Asleep” while Awake
We, at ARVARI, make use of very sophisticated sound techniques in our sessions in order to help induce these very deep states of mind.
In addition, we guide you very closely using very effective field-proven techniques into realms that up to now had been reserved to operate below your conscious awareness (sub-conscious).
Around 2001-2002, Theta and later Delta became a fashionable buzz, and many teaching organizations joined the bandwagon.
Although many spoke about Theta and Delta states, very few really understood their real meaning and profound implications.
These mind states have, in reality, nothing to do with brain active states, but rather have to do with the potential to reduce the interference of our restricted brain restricted through processes upon the immense underlying reality of the Cosmic Mind in which we all bask. It is in the passivity of our brain that the Activity of our common Cosmic Higher Intelligence is revealed. A deeper state of Mind can only be induced by reducing the activity and frequency of our electrical brain and allowing, therefore, for a heightened awareness of a deeper and much more profound underlying Mind reality hiding WITHIN each and every one of us.
It is by quieting the Artificial Intelligence-like, very restricted intellectual mind chatter of our linear electrical brain that we allow for the Infinite Light Intelligence deeper within to reveal Itself.
The “message” was starting to spread, and even former Governmental US remote viewers started to reluctantly recognize that a Theta state was a nice pre-induction state to be in order to help induce a flow of information regarding a particular target.
Our approach has always been that no amount of learning or books will ever replace direct personal experience and this is what made our system of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing courses unique and very powerful.
We had written extensively about the Universal One Mind, but it was now time to allow anyone to experience it for themselves. It was time to train many to experience, at the very least, the borderline areas of this Gigantic Infinite Mind: a level of much Higher perception and operation.
It was time for the sleeping man walking the awake state of the human mind to really awaken to its sleeping dormant and glorious hidden nature.
Soon enough, in 2002, we presented a training protocol (Remote Influencing course) that allowed anyone to enter with full consciousness (individual awareness) a state of mind usually reserved for the unconscious “sleep” area of Mind (Delta: electrical brainwaves of 1 to 4 cycles per second).
Up to then, this state of mental awakening to the Universal Mind of mankind had only been achieved by advanced meditators, yogi masters, and mystics who had undergone decades of very intensive mind training.
The average individual had no idea about any of these states and could never dream of directly experiencing them. This was relegated to the realm of the mystics, the illuminated few, spiritual giants, or naturally paranormally gifted individuals.
However, a great many of our students have started experiencing DIRECTLY these illuminated states of Being and have been able to connect to The ONE UNIVERSAL MIND.
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The Only Game in Town: Life, Level One
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Discover The Portal, Our Landmark Training Course, and Have the Life You Desire and Deserve.
No other systems of meditative discipline and mind awareness/expansion techniques exist anywhere else on this planet that take you so rapidly to such highly beneficial and ground-breaking gateways where your whole being is transformed and evolved into a new and higher human form.
Where to Next?
I love the Remote Influence & Remote Viewing courses. I have trained with the courses for many years. The results are better and better with each year. […] I experienced “The grand illusion” without having to take a mind-altering drug. I […] realize how powerfully you are able to influence your world through thoughts.