The Secret of Secrets: Full Awakening to the ONLY IMMUTABLE TRUTH


Originally gifted word per word by the ONE in 2005

Walk your path in the perception of One ~ Unyielding trust and unyielding faith, never swaying away ~ Just a deep knowing.

Gerald’s comments: You are not the drop of water in the Great Ocean of consciousness, but the totality of the Ocean.

This is the answer.
Gerald’s comments:  The Only answer to true awakening.

I am whom I wanted to become ~ and I am who I will be.

Gerald’s comments: I (as the One God) am who I wanted to become (my projection: man) ~ and I (as man) AM who I will BE (God)

These are the two realities in ME ~ the dichotomy.

Gerald’s comments: these two polar perspectives (man/creature and God/Creator) exist simultaneously in ME (as The One).

This creation is about THE All. The All is about TRUTH.

TRUTH is but a singularity point in the awareness of causality.

Nothing can replace TRUTH ~ for TRUTH is All.

We are but ourselves ~ and yield to no one ~ nowhere.

We cannot be what we are not

Gerald’s comments: (the facet/character).

We experience ALL that Is ~ in order to know WHO we are not.
Gerald’s comments: We experience The One ALL That IS in order to finally KNOW WHO we are not: the facets.

A truth is a subset of your desires.

TRUTH has no defining point ~ no exclamation ~ and no question.

We are the stars of our longing. They ~ in turn ~ reflect the bounds of our Being.

I am alone ~ for I know not. And in that state ~ I become.

Silence is the key ~ for when all is said and done ~ TRUTH yields Itself.

Know that you are ~ have been ~ and will be ~ all that can be ~ and in that knowing you shall BE.

I am awash with tears and cries of heavens’ storms come by my side.

I am entangled in my web of stories told ~ passions held.

Multitudes of lands ~ legions of lives, stand alone brazing the skies.

I know of naught/not that will catch fish in land ashore ~ broken wish.

Negation is the only way by which we can survive ~ for All-Knowing spikes our sight.

To be forgotten is man’s last wish.

That is his greatest fault ~ longing to sway death and naught.

I once was a child ~ and learned to love a speck of Light ~ a broken vow.

And in that moment ~ the children of my life bowed away from Love and all delights.

Spectator but in a Dream of mine ~ I learned to value the crests of I.

Shadows merged in my theme ~ and I then befell the wave ~ insane.

It said ~ “Mutter not for I am deaf. Join me with the sights of death!”

I skip the valleys of despair ~ jumping hills, my lair ~ Heavens’ gift to a child questing after a lift.

Mourn not what is not ~ for it is and was your best friend.

And fear no loss ~ for loss is fear.

Illusions are but our thorns made real.

Fly above ~ and open the seal ~ as you become One ~ and then YOU KNOW that all that is d-one can be un-d-one.


The One