
Earth-Adam eating Heavens or Heavens eating Earth-Adam? Success or failure? We must choose NOW!

Mankind eating (uniting as Oneness with FULL AWARENESS) with Heavens (Superconscious King of the Collective unconscious aka Lion), or Heavens (aka Lion) eating Mankind? Success or failure? We must choose NOW! No matter what, Heavens, the Lion, King of the Unconscious,...

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Rapidly reaching the Proximate End of our Time/Space format. Our final choice between embracing FEAR or LOVE.

We have free will and choice, but we must choose now. March 12, 2024 This IS beautiful TRUTH beyond all our human truths/perceptions. We, at ARVARI, have tried for 30 years to share TRUTH's fractal perceptions and secrets hiding within the ONE and ONLY BEING that IS...

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Direct Message from THE ONE. January 1, 2024

The Proximate Cosmic Contraction back to the Infinite Dot. The DAY of the ONE Creator Mind. The End of the Many Illusory Separations is where the One shall BE Creating a new Beginning where some of the Many shall re-enliven in and know complete Oneness. Message from...

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This interview encapsulates how to channel and become The One in Oneness.

Please Listen well, as this Knowledge is meant to become Knowing through Experiencing it. Many New Concepts about the True Nature of Reality and our Role in it are advanced here. Repeat it again and again, and learn not only to Listen with your Intellect but to Live...

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ARVARI: Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

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