The Final Embrace

Death and Rebirth into the One Re-balancing the One Unified Field A call for action in Unity. Imagine we are all One… And the world would be One…   Important message from the Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing (April 8, 2005):   To all:... read more


The Song of Love is beginning to play… A Rapture of Love To the nameless and formless One vibrating us all into form and names: Happy New Year 2005 _________________________ This message is to be read and read again with great patience and reverence until it is fully... read more

The “Passion”

April 2004 is at our door. A great shift is in the making: A time for very deep purification and cleansing from the inner core within ourselves and within the Earth up to the outer manifest reality. How this will all play out is our choice. Many will understand the... read more