Will our final passion focus on death, or on life and renewal?

Mankind at the real cross (roads)


Part I


This message is to be read and read again with great patience until it is fully integrated and lived as One. Please share it and spread it rapidly as widely as you can.

It is due time to wake up!


Dear friends:

For a number of years, information packets have been streaming in at the Academy of Remote Viewing and Influencing Reality about Probable Future events. Many referred to unpleasant proximate situations, and a great many were visions of a glorious new world. Some have remained in the domain of quantum possibilities not energized by thought/consciousness, and many others did indeed crystallize as real events. Much is still to be revealed as we have felt that man’s free-will and choices within the creative matrix of life possibilities had to operate with as little interference as possible.

Nevertheless, man has become so blind to his destructive tendencies and disconnection from real Source, that some warnings and teachings are urgently needed now, and so we will engage in sharing them.


Let us first disclose the following information received in recent Remote Viewing sessions:

What can only be described as mass madness is starting to once again engulf our world. The darkness of much of our present and past thought-forms in this life-matrix is about to exalt our fascination with death and passion for intolerance of “others,” over the desire of many amongst us to lift ourselves permanently onto a light state of being and a passion for all life and peace.

The geopolitical international situation is becoming extremely polarized and is destabilizing very rapidly all facets of life.

We received months ago RV information stating that the state of Israel, feeling its very existence at risk by a mentally imbalanced Iranian spiritual and political leadership, was considering launching a preemptive attack upon Iran’s nuclear and other infrastructures around the summer or fall of 2007, hoping to destroy or cripple most of them. Iran, which has been clamoring to revisit its old glorious Persian empire past, had been the first Islamic state to champion and promote a new type of violent and intolerant form of what had once been a bright peaceful, and spiritually evolved Muslim faith, tragically reshaped in a passion for blood and martyrdom: Islamic fundamentalism.

This dark resurrected philosophy is promoted by black-garbed groupings of fanatic individuals who operate at a very separative stage of human consciousness which manifests a passion for martyrdom of the flesh in the distorted hope of glorifying the spirit. This is not a new phenomenon, nor one exclusive to their belief system, but is a spiritual pathology which has plagued man for our last 2000 years as mankind became evermore disconnected from its original Source, and devolved instead of evolving.

As man lost the experience, then later the knowing, and much later on even the knowledge that flesh and spirit were One, that matter/Mother and energy/Father were One, that male and female were One, and that God and His creatures were One, there came a point when man started to martyr his embodiment – his Holy temple, first targeting the immediate one(s) made of flesh and later on the global one – the natural world, and at the same time exalted the return of what he thought would be the Kingdom of Spirit through a bizarre decadent process which he called martyrdom through suffering and death.

Man had and still has lost his way back to One.

Man can only express the Spirit of God, by his being in, and honoring, the temple/housing that God has given him, and not by rejecting or destroying his temple or the temple of another live being – no matter who that being is. Man walking the earth is but the One God walking the body of his own female part: Mother Earth, in the many-body forms of His chosen expression. All life-forms are still the One God, and operate within It, and not from without the Godliness. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can exist and operate outside the One who, by definition, defines the Unity and Oneness of all consciousness.

Nevertheless, man, having fallen from the perception of his Inner Light, and being in the dark, blind and disconnected from his awareness of being Source Itself, is not perceiving anymore, because of his level of disconnection from Source, that both realms of flesh/matter and spirit/father are really part of the same One Consciousness. We will address this notion later on for it is very important for man to face who he has become, and where he is most probably headed toward, at this critical juncture.

In recent months, many Iranian leaders, egocentrically drunk on the temporal illusory power of mass frenzy which they aroused from their supporters, openly hinted at a nuclear holocaust brought about to Israel’s population through the tip of an Iranian Islamic republic nuclear warhead symbolizing in their minds the wrath of their concept of the Godliness: Allah, non-so-merciful lately, and certainly not showing signs of being a champion of Oneness and unity amongst all of his children.

Iran seems to have been aware of the potential upcoming pre-emptive Israeli attack against them, and feeling pressure mounting on the diplomatic front coming overtly from the U.S., most European allies, covertly from Russia, and less from its friend China, decided on a very risky and violent pre-emption of both the diplomatic potential sanctions and the very real military strike about to be launched.

The Iranian leadership, in a relatively surprise move, has now used its intelligence assets and proxy-guerilla forces in the region in order to divert the Israeli army into a local war on many fronts.

Iran, the birthplace of Muslim fundamentalism, has been trying to tout itself as the champion of the new Muslim violent revolution against the world of “infidels.”

As we write this, both Hamas – a Sunni Muslim fundamentalist violent hard-line terror group closely associated with Syria, and Hezbollah, associated with Syria’s ally Iran and its Shi’a fundamentalist Mullahs, have started coordinated attacks upon the state of Israel from both the North and the South. Kidnappings and missiles are starting to hit Israel.

According to what we are getting as RV data, the situation is potentially about to get much worse and linger for quite a while.

In the first 72 hours, the Israeli military riposte has been quite strong and missiles are starting to rain upon the northern and southern area of the state of Israel. Only its central plains are somehow safe.

This tiny state, birthplace of much of Western’s great spiritual belief systems, is shaped like a plunging knife cutting through the nationalistic pan-Arabic Muslim fundamentalism sweeping the Middle East. It is about to be greatly tested as to its resolve and faith in the power of the real force expressed in the unity with One, over the illusory power projected by the legions of the many.

This is a lesson to all of us, and one needs to understand, as we stated in the 2006 new year’s message from the One printed on this site, that the One is behind each and every event happening now, as a lesson to all parts of the One. Only the parts aspiring to Oneness will remain. ALL others who remain stubbornly static in their desire to separate One from another will need to eventually cease to be operative within the One Mind.

There is a likelihood that Iran will use its Shi’a Hezbollah very organized terror organization occupying southern Lebanon to not only send explosive tipped missiles into Israel, but to attempt at some point to send chemical or biological warheads into Israeli population centers.

One needs to realize that, although none of the W.M.D. manufactured in Iraq were ever found, most of what was left of Saddam’s arsenal made its way to Damascus, Syria. Both the Syrian and the Iranian government already had far greater stocks of W.M.D. and sophisticated labs concocting all kinds of deadly and horrific chemical and biological substances to be potentially used in warfare against the state of Israel or the American forces in Iraq. Syria and Iran have at their disposal large quantities of the most potent forms of biological and chemical warfare known to man.

Israeli intelligence seems to have been aware of this and is frantically trying to pinpoint the delivery systems and place where such events might occur. Most Syrian production facilities are potential targets.

This doomsday-like scenario has suddenly and powerfully gripped the mindset of the leaders of Israel and of many others in the free-world.

I received from the level of One that, although some small such attack might occur, no large one will EVER succeed under His Eternal watch, and that He will intervene in manners which mankind cannot even perceive and certainly not understand.

I also received that nothing can impede the desire of One to cut off from His Gigantic Mind the parts who keep preaching separation and death.

There is a probable future shown of Israel going eventually to war against Syria who harbors the operational leadership of Hamas, and gives Intelligence and tactical support to the Hezbollah militias in Lebanon, which Syria still dreams of incorporating into its dream of a greater Syria.

Most of the clashes will involve armor, air, and commando operations.

In the end, most of the very basic infrastructures of these messengers of death and of religious violent intolerance will be taken out.

While all these events unfold in the middle East, Iraq will most likely fall into total chaos and civil war will rage between the Sunni minority and the Shi’a majority closely allied with Iran for support.

These events have been carefully prepared and planned by the Iranian secret services which had manipulated for years both Iraqi Sunni terror cells and militias such as the Sunni faction associated with now killed (July 2006) Jordanian Abu Mussab Al-Zarqawi and the armed militias of the Shi’a majority who have many of their agents infiltrated within the newly formed police forces and Iraqi army units. Iran wants to make the U.S. military presence in Iraq a politically untenable and resounding failure, and have the U.S. withdraw under humiliating circumstances; hoping that it will, henceforth, not be willing, ever again, to reengage the Middle Eastern and Arab Peninsula theater of operation.

Such an unlikely exit, given the importance placed on oil supplies in today’s world and the perceived projected super-power status of the U.S., if it were to happen soon, would make the geopolitical conflict between Muslim fundamentalism and the rest of the world much more dangerous than it was after 9/11 but before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, as it would embolden them to widen their theater of conquest.

We are told that there exists a probable future scenario which shows Iran bearing the brunt of a very brutal and effective Israeli military offensive happening towards the summer or fall of 2007. It may happen later if the international community shows signs of wavering opposition to the Iranian fundamentalist state’s aggression and tactical nuclear ambitions.

The U.S. will offer logistical and other hidden support to this very complex Israeli operation against the rogue state of Iran.

Although Iran may try to stop the free-flow of Middle Eastern oil by attempting to block the straits of Hormuz, U.S. and European navies and aircraft will secure a free-passage zone.

The Israeli offensive would have achieved many, but not all, of its objectives. The region will remain in a medium intensity state of war.

Iran will most probably halt its oil exports, but eventually reinstate parts of them through indirect channels.

Nevertheless, oil prices would have probably reached by then, astronomical levels, partially for real fundamental reasons, but principally because of the greed of individuals and companies taking advantage of the frenzied trading in oil futures contracts in the commodity futures oil world markets such as the C.M.E. in Chicago.

This will start to choke off most Western and Asian economies.

Many oil trading companies, oil companies’ trading arms, and individual speculative traders, sensing a great profit-making opportunity in the making, will make an already bad situation much worse.

They will, without consideration to the potentially disastrous consequences they could have upon the lives of billions, enter the foray-and-folly of short-term vision and easy speculative profit-making, and hence price gouging. There will be almost no firm regulatory and/or governmental leadership that will have the courage and fortitude to impose controls over speculative profits arrived at through trading derivatives in excessively leveraged oil contracts. Oil companies will show record earnings again.

What was once called the cornering of a commodity market and immediately stopped by regulatory authorities – such as in the first Iranian crisis of 1979 when the silver market was cornered by a speculative frenzy and the C.F.T.C. closed down the whole trading pit, will now be called a regular supply-and-demand market balancing story, and not interfered with. Therefore oil prices may advance rapidly to well over $120 a barrel.

Greed would once again have found refuge inside the hardened heart of man.

The given excuse will be, as in the last twenty years, the free-for-all economical principles of financial free-market laisser-faire which, in the western world, have become almost tantamount to a new gospel of an unquestioned fundamentalist religion of greed.

Ego-centrism and egoistical minds and theories will want to drown out Uniting sharing heart based minds and orientations.

Man will be walking on a high wire of unknowns and more and more destabilizing factors will, increasingly so, enter his reality. As time and events accelerate, man will not longer know where to look for solutions.

Starting in 2007, the Korean peninsula may become a flash point. This is still only a medium level probable future and not very crystallized yet. A major U.S. attack may start against North Korea’s nuclear installations.

The world may then be in shock, but basically support the operation. Russia should remain neutral. China would be openly siding with North Korea. China may re-supply its North Korean allies. The U.S. strike should be quite successful.

Following this event, the gigantic North Korean Army may start to march through the DMZ and attempt an invasion of South Korea. The South Koreans and sizeable allied U.S. forces would strongly engage them. The fighting would be furious and very costly for all protagonists. The invading army would almost reach the outskirts of Seoul and then be repulsed back around the DMZ region separating North and South Korea, where it would come to a standstill in an on-going theater of operation. There would be great casualties on both sides and much suffering would ensue. The conflict would then continue. . .

There is a high potential, at that junction in time, for world economies, which were already tipping dangerously and were propped up artificially for so long, to just give in and gradually start to collapse under the tremendous weight of their debts and sinking foundations.

This movement will accelerate and the economical implosion might start in 2008, from which it will find no short nor medium-term reversal.

Many countries, especially the ones with high domestic and foreign debt where borrowing had become a way of life (such as the U.S.), may sink under their creditors, both foreign and domestic. Banks will show their true face and reason to exist. They will arrogantly and proudly express that their sole function was and is to make money at all cost, and not to show concerns nor feelings for human beings or business organizations, no matter what circumstances these experience outside of their control.

Plastic cards will become your Master and your Visa to a then perceived hellish life, as the consequences of having accepted the lure of their enslavement will now show their brutal and heartless impact.

As governing bodies instinctively protect at first their hidden paymasters and favor far more banking financial groups than the unfortunate individuals and businesses who had been duped and coerced into borrowing heavily, many will lose their way of life and belongings. Real estate prices will tumble worldwide, never to climb again back to this tower of Babel level.

Man will be forced to become humble again, and hopefully learn not to operate out of ego anymore, but out of of love.

The go-go debt era was only a manifestation of mankind’s addiction to short-sighted advantages and momentary material assets, as many accepted blindly to sacrifice their future and the future of their children, for the artificial material go(o)ds of the present. Dislocation will become generalized, and the anger of the common people will increase against their governing bodies. Much truth will be released about the depth of corruption that has been so heavily infiltrating all levels of government, military, business, law, health care, and formerly respected professions.

No one will trust old forms of governing bodies and corporate structures built only for the self- serving purpose of the few over the many.

There will be a great call for new ideas, visions, new real government and bold leadership motivated by a courageous heart and general caring replacing the old style ever-growing appetite for personal power.

Man will be watching his whole perceived reality breaking up and wondering how all this could all have happened so fast.

As mankind focuses on these multiple man-made problems, an approaching and much more powerful rumbling will make itself heard and highly manifested in man’s awareness.

Mother nature, within which we all operate, will show signs of coming apart at its seams.

Implacable droughts and floods will plague humanity. Tremendous quakes and volcanic eruptions will be heard and felt. The temperature of our planet will take quantum jumps in degrees of elevation. Many areas will rapidly turn into deserts. Eventually, large land masses will be swallowed by the levels of oceans rising much higher and faster than originally predicted. Ice caps and land-based glaciers will start melting at an exponential rate. Warming currents such as the Gulf stream will slow down to dangerous points, threatening to plunge Europe into an ice age. “Water, water,” will be the cry heard everywhere, as this basic element, the most important and vital to our biology, and symbolizing life and consiousness, will either not be there, or be so polluted as to not be fit for any human consumption. The realization that, for over 30 years, multinationals had grabbed, with the full knowledge of what may happen, many of the world’s reserves of water in order to greatly increase their profit base and therefore have life or death say over who can get water and who cannot, will infuriate many, including a great number of legislators.

What used to be only odd climactic tragic events, usually happening only in third world continents such as Africa, will now engulf most of the world.

Winters will become colder and summers much hotter. Science will be dumbfounded. Most climate scientists will blame politicians and the corporate-controlled media for having denied for so long their precise and courageous unanimous dire warnings about this purely man-made phenomenon of planetary warming caused by our voracious addiction to combusting carbon-based fossil fuels.

In reality, most of us will need to recognize that we all put our heads in the sand, thinking, in a total denial mode, that somehow, somewhere, all the increasing outside temperature which anyone could brutally feel as long as one left the artificially controlled temperature of an A/C or heating environment, was just a temporary phenomenon which would go away. Some even thought, which is even more incomprehensible and shows the ridicule in the thinking of man, that global warming would be part of a so-called natural cycle which could not be altered, and so: “If I cannot do anything about it, I might as well ignore it!” We were replaying a modern version of the Nazis’ manifested mythology of “Gotterdammerung” or “after me the deluge !”

Global warming which is 99% man-made will cause massive planetary events and shifts which will dumbfound even the most naive and ignorant amongst humanity. There will be no more question as to whether it is here to stay, but as to how we can predict, somehow mitigate, or even reverse its destructive effects.

Many will form smaller communities where sharing and caring will become predominant and these will flourish and survive the transition times. In these, the ones still having so-called riches and properties will gladly share them and their lives with more unfortunate ones, as equals. In these advanced groupings will be man’s survival hope: the creation of a new type of man-kind, founded on care, responsible and inspired co-creation, great inner and outer communication, a new type of education based on inner connection to One, and unconditional love and sharing of resources and gifts.

These communities based on Oneness within the experience of being parts of One will spread everywhere. This will happen slowly at first. But, as they are recognized as the only ones blooming and entering a new wonder-filled paradigm of happiness, many will want to join this concept in new hubs of interconnected centers of co-operation, overlaying by this act, a new matrix of operation over the old one.

Within these communities, techniques allowing for a reconnection with One will be taught.

The integration, within one’s being, of these techniques and their application to all facets of life, will be the most important key opening the door for entering and transitioning into the new Creation.

Within this innate ability to connect to Source, all the communities of the One Heart, will get from within – from the level of One, which they will directly experience, all the knowledge they require for survival, and most importantly for evolution into the next phase of Creation.

Much studies in the realms of new futuristic sciences, based on the principle of the One consciousness will be undertaken and great strides will be made within the common Consciousness of mankind.

Formerly suppressed, and totally-free forms of non-polluting energy, based on vortex implosion technology using the free-energy of One instead of explosive combustive processes, will be developed and gifted to mankind.

We will soon share some of the basic principles of these new sciences directly on this site, or through associated groups we link to.

All these technologies will originate from the understanding of the principle of One. They will replace old polarity-based science and introduce the fundamental understanding of the origin of all polarities: The Ineffable Infinite Universal One, from which all free-energy and potential manifestation can and will occur.

What would be considered now by most as science-fiction and magic, will become commonplace.

The key to all this is not an advance in technological savvy and knowledge, since most of the basic steps to these technologies are already here, albeit suppressed or ignored for over a half century.

The heart of man needs to change before his mind does.

The key to mankind’s survival and real quantum evolution, will be a radical change from within the heart/consciousness of man towards a full integration of him and ALL – that – Exists as being One, and his manifestation of this principle.

It is only when man manifests, in the depth of his heart, at all times, this perception, that these very technologies and wonders will fill his world.

It is only when man, deeply longs and asks from within, with great intensity of true desire, to reconnect to his One Source and manifest the One Heart, that man will bring about and live inside the new earth and the new heavens, right here, soon, on this planet of operation.

It is only then that man will be able to visit and interact with other intelligent life-forms in this or other universes.

This quantum jump of awareness and the concepts and technologies introduced henceforth, will cause a merger of the concepts of Matter/form and Spirit and bring fraternity and peace to all mankind. Nature will also pour a new life energy in him, and show a new beauty of new life forms and expressions never seen before.

This is in contrast with today, when the energy of life is slowly leaving the womb of Mother Nature and when we, as mankind, suffer more and more from chronic fatigue, lack of life and reproductive energy, bad memory, and depressive states. All is interconnected, and the wounding of our Mother: Nature, is but the real reason behind the flurry of fatigue symptoms which medicine has totally misunderstood, as it gave them a plethora of names, misdiagnoses, and wrong causes.

As nature is wounded and dies, so does man, within which he is embodied.

Although individual man sees himself as being born as he leaves the womb of his earthly biological mother, he never ever really leaves the womb of his Higher one: Nature. And his constant aggression against Her is what weakens Her and him, makes Her and him sick, and might, if he does not realize who he is, cause his and Her demise.

We are not only running out of fossil fuel, with its associated energy release of uncountable memories of past life forms that died, and were reabsorbed within the earth – often after much suffering, we are, in reality, as we disconnect more and more from The Holy One, running out of life energy: period.

It is only by reconnecting to the Eternal Infinite and Free Energy of One and Oneness and carrying and expressing that energy from within one’s heart in thoughts and actions, that we will find eternal fuel and energy for our probable future for both ourselves, as the active parts of creation, and for our Mother, as the passive part of creation.

In this best case scenario envisioned, easily achieved vortex based cold transmutation of any elements into any other will be understood and undertaken, and man will clean his environment from all the polluted gases, radioactive and chemical waste, and poisonous thought form manifestations that he has helped to create and release.

Although hidden from public view by commercial interests operating in consort with scientists, man-made alteration and mutations of the human, animal, and vegetal genome – due to it being constantly exposed to innumerable aggressions from chemical, pharmaceutical, radioactive, and electro-magnetic poisons, have run rampant on this planet. New light/sound and magnetic vortex technologies will become commonplace together with newly revealed stem-cell technologies which will correct these serious genetic mutations affecting the future of all mankind, and hence restore the original perfect DNA matrix of man.

Pharmaceutical-based medicine will be totally replaced with these powerful new technologies allowing for the re-creation of any organ or to correct biological malfunctions based on the original blueprints stored inside the higher form biological information matrix.

Sadly enough, all forms of energy/consciousness, whether human or otherwise, who remain locked into their old ways and their hardened hearts will not be able to continue within the thought processes of One, and One will eventually stop thinking about them and, therefore, their life energy will gradually leave them, when One so decides.

For the ones ready to take the quantum jump in awareness, the One will be guiding, as He does now, from within us and from without, this healing and transitioning process from one type of very harsh and cruel Creation based on fear and lack, towards a new type of magnificent Creation, already prepared for us, based on love and infinite abundance.

We have all the free-will to ask for it, dream of it, and bring it about, if we accept The One Heart in our hearts.

All this is ready, and will come to be.

End of part I


I and you, we and them, he and she, here and there. My deity and your deity. The One and the many.

Go into the eye of the storm! Go into the heart!

You need to connect to the One’s Heart: The heart of hearts, the real Holy of Holies.

And you will finally find PEACE, although surrounded by the swirling gigantic Dark Energy covering the whole earth.

Please, ONLY speak, think, and focus on One!

Let go of the many. It is about to become His-story.


Are you going to have the door opened for you, when you get to the door of the Beloved?


One went to the door of the Beloved and
knocked. A voice asked, ‘Who is there?’
He answered, ‘It is I.’

The voice said, ‘There is no room for Me and Thee.’
The door was shut.

After a year of solitude and deprivation he returned and knocked.
A voice from within asked, ‘Who is there?’
The man said, ‘It is Thee.’
The door was opened for him.”

— Jelaluddin Rumi: Sufi Mystic and Poet (1207 – 1273)

Read part II


Gerald O’Donnell
President and founder
Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Thought and Reali