Posted originally on February 1, 2020. Re-posted now as Nature is showing Her power and teaching tough Love, as She desperately needs caring and tending on our part if we want to avoid total chaos.


We think we can keep on wounding and destroying large portions of the natural world Dreamed and kept alive by Mother nature and that our relatively tiny intelligence but mighty ego will reign supreme over the Divine womb!

The Elohim, Nature itself, are about to bring down the Adamic Being to size from its lofty heights.

We can still stop the plagues, fires, droughts, superstorms, earthquakes, planetary warming, volcanoes, wars and and floods, if and only if we start truly being our brothers’ keepers, humans and animals alike.

No Jesus or other Jewish Messiah or Mahdi on the horizon will save us, but only our opened hearts and vibrant souls!

Gerald O’Donnell
February 1st, 2020

Please read this message from the planetary (earth) Global consciousness reposted on March 2019