The United State of Mind The Future of Unity in Diversity A movie by Ivonne Delaflor and Matthew J. Peters Premiered February 14, 2021 FEATURING Alan H. Cohen Barbara Marx Hubbard Joaquin Quintana Richard Rudd Bentinho Massaro...
Interview by Patrick Timpone of OneRadionetwork TX February 2, 2021 We encourage you to listen and listen again and try to integrate the inportant new concepts exposed about Truth and Oneness. This alone should help you accomplish in you a quantum jump in expanded...
IMPORTANT WARNING: as the many again engage in and invite the dangerous distraction of a potential very violent Cosmic fratricide wrestling match amongst their One SELF with their "inner dark angel" of "fear of the perceived different foreign other," and in truth wage...
Message from the ONE December 30, 2020 This is a message from the One. This moment in the unfolding of Creation is very crucial at all levels of the One Himself because it is when the Godliness had no other choice than to allow for Its unbalanced parts to have...
And there was evening, and then there was mo(u)rning: DAY ONE (Genesis 1:5) As the long night and darkness of the cycle of Life gets evermore intense and we are tired of waiting for the Great light to rekindle our life with passion and with the warmth of the Infinite...
Operating at 100% Brain Capacity (not the human brain sensory filtering interface) Our Cosmic Journey The physical brain is only 1/1000 of the real non-local Divine Brain (individuated conscious, sub-conscious and Super-Conscious levels and groupings thereof) or...
Do not let the Song of Existence Stop! I don't expect a ton of concerns or loving feedback in our society gone mad with most of its characters drowning in self-absorption and fake popularity. True Divine pure Love is now to be found mainly only in the remains...
I chose Love over fear. Join me~ May 30, 2020 I am not at all fearing in truth the Corona 19 virus, I probably had it in December/January. I almost died at home bleeding from my lungs, unable to get air in between intense spasmodic dry cough. I never went to a...
Message from Gerald O'Donnell Original Chaos May 21, 2020 Originally published on July 17, 2014, and republished exactly word-for-word on May 21, 2020, because of the dramatic dark events this Creation is experiencing evermore intensely as of late. Original...
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