Final Harnessing of the Superpowers of the Mind The mystery (solved) of the location of the Universal Mind (Collective Intelligence) First Public Disclosure Ever (July 1998) Republished because of the Major Chaos and Interferences of our Minds originating by...
A Silent Cry from the Great Ocean of Consciousness: The "Holy Divine Earth Mother, Our Common Womb" "The Rebellion of the Children Against the One and Oneness" The Potential Proximate End of All Our Time Lines The material presented herein...
To our Co-Creators, the Cetaceans, who sung and still sing our existence into Being: A Silent Cry from the Ocean of Consciousness! The Earth is Us We are Blocking the Patching of the Wounded Grid of the Great Dying Mother Earth Genesis 1:20-1:23...
On February 10, 2019 Gerald O'Donnell was interviewed for a second time by in Ireland 2019 is a year no one will forget and where everything and every One will be tested in the Creative fire of Creation. You must integrate and live within and thence...
Today Friday, December 28, 2018, I was asked to lay down and await a direct communication from the One. The experience started at 10 p.m. and was over at exactly midnight. I first vibrated higher and higher, and then the familiar Presence of the One enveloped...
Dear friends, I was interviewed by Dr. J Ilias on his Radio show on November 27, 2018. The show was great and I was asked to come back for an "encore!" Listen to the interview below. You may want to do it carefully...
On November 25th, 2018, Gerald O'Donnell was interviewed by in Ireland. Many important subjects were covered and Gerald lovingly encourages you to listen to the full interview. ENJOY! In Oneness, ARVARI If you want to listen and download the interview...
Dear brothers and sisters: It is customary in many countries around the world and part of ancient traditions to join in thanksgiving festivities addressed to the Creator for the bounties and the harvest that have been bestowed upon each of us in the prior year. This...
The Last Battle has begun and we are moving from Chaos to True Creation. The existing paradigms humanity has embraced for so long are no longer relevant. The time has come for the distractions of division, fear, control, and power to fall into the arms of Unity. This...
Direct Transmission from The One and Only to Its Human Children. 4-24-2018 To listen to the Message click below: This is a message addressed to the totality of mankind by The One. I have come and My Presence has not been welcomed and recognized. I...
FREE E-Book: DOWNLOAD, FREE of charge, the Foundation of our Teachings:
The most powerful information ever revealed on the unity of mind and matter, the true Unified REALITY Field, and the reason why mind can and does influence matter and others, be it your biology, others' and so much more! Read it and integrate it, and you will never be the same as you learn to use your mind's SUPERPOWERS, rejuvenate, heal, influence reality and others and connect deeply to All that IS!